Orange Hairs Already


Active Member
Right im on day 28 of flowering and ive noticed on some of my bud sites that some of the hairs are turning orange already and as a newbie I was wondering if thus us normal the strain I'm growing is White rhino any help would be great thanks


Well-Known Member
yep gettn close to good smokin dude! ima bout a week ahead of you and im startin to see em pop up here and there. im doin a kush strain for my first


Well-Known Member
you might want to get in there and really look for balls. You might have a hermie that is pollenating it's self and those hairs that are turning orange and dying could be pregnant buds. Or it could be the strain, but I would check just to be safe.
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+rep to bamfrivet, he makes an excellent point. Hairs turn orange/red/brown when pollinated too...


Active Member
Thanks guys have checked for balls to be honest I'm in my room quite a lot so (which pisses the mrs off lol) so I would have noticed balls but their all girls so I take it they will start putting loads of weight on very soon then


Well-Known Member
White Rhino is a 50-60 day strain. Around day 40-45 they should be getting nice and fat. The last couple weeks they appear to be doing nothing but really they are swelling up from the inside out and getting that nice dense feel that we all search for. Those red hairs are likely just strain related. A mixture of red and white hairs is perfectly normal even on a "white" strain.