Ordered Bubble Bags online, few questions about making hash.


Active Member
I have a lot of popcorn buds with little bit of stems etc, about 1/4 of a garbage bag. soon as i trimmed them off the plants i froze them. now should i bust up all the small buds? and how much material should i run at a time?

thanks :D
Why size bag did you get?

I use 1-gal bags and use one (packed full) quart sized ziplock baggy of trim or popcorn for each batch.

As for whether to bust up the nuggets, that just depends... A general rule is the more you bust up your material (either before processing or while stirring/processing), the higher your yields and lower your quality (more bits of leaf material). You'll get the highest quality if you process the material gently (dont bust it up before hand, and stir gently for only 5 mins or so). But, yields will be lower.

It's really just a learning process. Try one method and see if the results match what YOU are looking for. Some like a melty hash that gets you after one or two tokes, some like a "rougher" grade of hash that they can toke on all day.
Check out the online video on the bubblebag website and do a search for youtube video tutorial. That is much easier than trying to write instructions. My only tip is to do a second run of the material to reclaim what you didn't get the first time. For 5 gallon batches, fill a washing machine with ice and run a cold rinse cycle, it will save you from a bad back in the long run.
Do dry ice hash, soooo much less hassle.......you'll still need your 5 gal bucket, and you'll still need your bubble bags, only thing you're missing is some dry ice.....you won't regret doing dry ice over a wet. It's actually kind of amazing. I watched a girl process about 2 pounds of leaves/popcorn buds in less than 90 minutes. I was floored, she ended up with over 3 oz of good quality stuff, blonde stuff, not green.....pretty f*ckin' cool.
Do dry ice hash, soooo much less hassle.......you'll still need your 5 gal bucket, and you'll still need your bubble bags, only thing you're missing is some dry ice.....you won't regret doing dry ice over a wet. It's actually kind of amazing. I watched a girl process about 2 pounds of leaves/popcorn buds in less than 90 minutes. I was floored, she ended up with over 3 oz of good quality stuff, blonde stuff, not green.....pretty f*ckin' cool.

Dry ice with the 220 micron work bag i assume. i've seen it done however i don't have a surface area large enough to do this. i would however prefer it as most will be for sale, however it seems cleaner and more complete to run the water extraction process. i only have about 2/3rds of a lb of popcorn/trim to run.
Check out the online video on the bubblebag website and do a search for youtube video tutorial. That is much easier than trying to write instructions. My only tip is to do a second run of the material to reclaim what you didn't get the first time. For 5 gallon batches, fill a washing machine with ice and run a cold rinse cycle, it will save you from a bad back in the long run.

i was going to use an electric egg beater for 15 or so minutes, a washing machine seems like something you would do if you had a couple full garbage bags full of trim. You can purchase small ones like Frenchicanoli runs. however i grew for personal, times as a college student are very tough and my bud is not super good. however hashish is rare in these parts.
Check out Frenchy Canolli and Matt Rize videos on you tube.

don't use egg beater mixer. It beats up the trim too much and lowers quality. Put a wooden spoon in a drill and use that. 2min on, 30 seconds break. 5 or 6 times.

If you want a bubble machine. They are actually RV mini washing machines rebranded. You can get them on eBay for $70.
@69Bandit, where can I find instructions for doing the Dry Ice method with Bubble Bags? I have a 1 gallon set. I have seen "shaker cans" to process with dry ice but have not seen it with Bubble Bags. Do you still use all the mesh sizes?
@69Bandit, where can I find instructions for doing the Dry Ice method with Bubble Bags? I have a 1 gallon set. I have seen "shaker cans" to process with dry ice but have not seen it with Bubble Bags. Do you still use all the mesh sizes?

My knowledge is its just the work bag put on a bucket with trim/dry ice. then just left to sit for a minute or two for the trim to be totally frozen. then just shaken atop a table. longer you shake the lower the quality, so people usually go in one direction while shaking so they can gather it into grades.
Also just thought i would put it out there, i got 1 oz (give or take abit, no scale) of 160 micron hash, burn test. it burns, no bubbles what so ever. i got 1/4 oz of 120 micron (smoke with a few bubbles), 1 oz of 73 micron (full bubble, this stuff took a lot of effort to roll into a ball, and if left in the heat of your hand will melt/stick to it) and about 1/4 oz of 25 micron. also bubbles very nice however does not have the absolute glue type quality of the 73 micron.

I will admit that i have not been able to smoke pot due to drug tests from my current employer (in canada) because i am a welder and i have to be pee tested on a lot of sites. this means i have no idea how my last harvest came out quality/flavor wise and i have yet to smoke any of this hash i made. i would smoke again if i could find a canadian site that sells synthetic piss, however i would lose everything i have worked for the past 3 years if i failed before mentioned test. its been 5 months since i got hired, been dry the entire time. getting older blows.
I went through the same thing for my job... Then I was let go for before the testing. They have more than enough employees to cover my position. I think they wanted to bring people for less pay.