ordering a growlight? (hps)


Well-Known Member
is this safe? im kind of paranoid to order one over the net because the people who ship them might know whats up? and tip off authorities


Well-Known Member
Your just paranoid lots of non-marijuana growers order lights.......You think your the only person on this planet that orders grow lights online.You'll be alright.


Well-Known Member
jcdws602 is right. There are over THREE HUNDRED MILLION people in the usa. No one is paying any attention to what you order by mail. I mailed an oz of bud cross country no problems!! And I ordered a grow light too. Happens everyday.


Active Member
Ya i wouldn't worry about it at all. People order them every day for things that have nothing to do with MJ. If you have a good second hand store near you you should check there :p Probably be able to get one for almost nothing w/ bulbs :p