Ordering seeds from Amsterdam


Well-Known Member
Which place in Amsterdam did you use? Was it the amsterdam seed shop that has ads on this forum? I never had any luck with them, but they sure did get their money. I will never use them again.
WOW That's crazy! But yes the ad is where i had ordered from.


Whatever you do, DON'T order from Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds! I bought about $600 in seeds from these screwups on Feb. 2. They sent me the TINIEST, PALEST seeds I've seen in over thirty years of this -- totally immature! ALL my seeds ALWAYS sprout, but this time, I only got a handful of sprouts out of ALL the seeds, and they were the tiniest sprouts I've ever seen. The root that emerged was more microscopic than mushroom mycelium. One Nigerian male is still less than 4 inches tall --- FOUR MONTHS LATER! And it's in FOXFARMS Ocean Mix! That stuff is so rich you could grow door knobs in it, and it's also had Superthrive, Medina, Medina Plus, Fish Emulsion Fertilizer, and TerraTonic Soil Activator. I've complained multiple times, and finally a couple of weeks ago, someone named "Kim" responded (months later) via email asking, "How did you germinate them?" That was a couple of weeks ago, and I went thorough all the crap to respond (as you may have realized, you can't simply "Reply" to their email -- that would be too easy for someone whose been screwed by these assholes to send in a complaint). DON"T TRUST THESE PEOPLE -- THEY ARE EITHER INHCREDIBLE SCREWUPS OR CROOKS!

Killer Bud

Well-Known Member
I always use either Attitude, or Sannie's Seed shop. Sannie's have GREAT prices, and have super fast cheap shipping but his selection isn't nearly as big as attitude. I got my attitude order in 7 days, and i got my Sannie's order in 6 day including the holiday (So 5 day). Both are great companies that give great freebees away, and the only 2 companies that get my money.
I was thinking of tryin Nirvana but i keep hearing mixed reviews about them so i do not want to take the risk, and lose my $ when i could have used it on a better source. Anybody have any thoughts on Nirvana?