ordered august promo order from attitude and am still waiting nearly been a month...
seems to be hit and miss.
read about bonza lack of service..pretty bad considering the seeds are worth what? about 8 cents each? i mean the breeders don't just make a 100 of each.. there would be tens of thousands at a time! and anyone with the space and a bit of time/research can do it.. plant cloning or just self-pollinating existing strains like i plan to experiment with..stuff it up and take another clone..
i'm still hopeful. like i said, i order lots of stuff from china, uk, usa, games from korea(cheap!) all the time. and none of it gets to me in under 2 weeks. just had a cd from the states delivered took 3 weeks!!!! a real, actual cd..(periphery- periphery 2 if anyone likes metal..). so unless they posted it 2 weeks after i paid (ebay), which i know they did not, that cd was sitting somewhere for a while...
sometimes, even domestic parcels take over a week....
yes they must be pretty well off if they keep taking punters moneys with no beans to show..its hard to get decent strains where I am so I have to go seed banks to get something quality going..yeah I've been researching colloidal silver and was going to try that till my mate burnt his top cola with light and it threw out what I'm assuming are feminized seeds..so that seems easier..lol ..I'll just keep waiting and praying that I get my beans... P.s don't get me started on metal bro! Haha.. lovin Sylosis, Unearth , As I Lay Dying
I got 1st order from bonza, but on second no go..now these guys guarantee resend with airsure if lost/customs , well my second order didn't make it, instead of resend they've just been giving me the run around..ignoring my emails
Bonza still won't help with resend, yet attitude resent straight away...no ifs or buts..Very refreshing to wake up and not get pissed off by emails saying they can't and won't help.. So now I've ordered more lol.. Waiting on herbies, attitude and bonza... Surely I can get 1 through..what did the package look like that you got? white envelope? customs declaration sticker on it? could you track it all the way in??
yeah pth are awesome. decapitated and periphery also at top of list at the mo..
ps sux about your male plant....
Sweeet! Got my attitude resend no probs, in breeders packs an all! Happy days.. Bring on the pineapple express!yeah mines still a no show.. oh well back to the drawing board. mite try attitude..