ordering to your own house.

my setup is almost completely done, and i'm ready to order my seeds (going with attitude seedbank), but i've decided not to ask a friend if i can have them shipped to his house, as i don't really want to burden anyone with it.
however, i'm also pretty sketchy about having them delivered to mine. i've been scouring the internet, trying to find any information/feedback from other growers who live in england and have had seeds shipped to the house they're growing in, but i can't find any - sorry if this is an unnecessary thread, by all means delete it.
i figure the po-po probably have bigger fish to fry, especially as i'm only ordering five seeds, but still, if anyone has shipped to thier own house, was it a success or ? i'd be really grateful for any response :bigjoint:

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
Never had a problem. They always have very discreet ways of shipping. It's actually kind of cool. I've always gotten them in a cd case. I remember the first time, I was like "what the fuck is this!?" Luckily, I decided before throwing them away to open the backing portion of the cd case and BAM! 15 SEEDS!!!


Active Member
Just got my Snow White shipped to my front door. Actually, it was guaranteed and I wasn't home at delivery so I had to go to the post office and sign for my T-Shirt. And don't forget the freeby they gave me. I'm almost 3 weeks in and I'm 3 for 3 with the seeds I planted. Rep for the Attitude.
The truth is that most times, the postal service simply doesn't catch these types of packages. They are way too small. However, the chances are not zero. The truth is that they know where these shipments originate from so that tends to limit the amount of searching needed. Even still, there are still so many packages that it becomes difficult for them to search it all, nearly impossible. So you have two things working for you and one thing working against you - size and quantity vs "from:".

Personally, I haven't had the opportunity to order from these places. I've gotten in touch with actual growers who may breed their own seed stock which is what I advocate. I've received seeds from these growers who are already in the US. The person who sent them to me - 13 strains, 10 seeds each - sent them in a DVD case that was repackaged. To the US postal office, this is considered media mail and is most likely not going to be searched because it's already known what it is, supposedly. I bring this up because I believe some seed dealers do package their products into CD cases and so on. This adds another layer of protection for you. Perhaps more people can chime in on their experiences. Since I received that package, a year ago, I've been lucky enough to get in contact with other growers locally to get more seeds that way.