Active Member

Strain: Tardis (OregonDieselxTimeWreck)
5 seeds sprouted and are Regular.
According to the local farm, regular seeds are more hardy in their genetic line compared to feminised, which may stand to reason. Let’s wait and see.
Light: Timber Grow Lights Vero v7 redwood, went with no lenses on the Cob’s for ^Intensity, plenty of coverage to work with in a 5x5. You all know what seedlings look like, no need to zoom in
Currently light is 24” above pots and dimmed to lowest setting.
Fan: 240 Cfm 6” duct fan with carbon filter.
Pots and Soil:
STARTpot: 4 x (0.3L) air pots. 1xplastic cup
Bottom quarter—FF ocean forest
Mid quarter—OF:LightWarrior 2:1 mix
Top half: Light Warrior:OF 2:1 mix, LW layer on top. Germinated seeds in top LW layer.
ENDpot: 4 x (6L) Hercules pot. Similar to air pot but sturdier, it is the lonely upside-down base pot in my picture.
Bottom THIRD—Nature’s Living Organics SuperSoil (subcool’s tweaked version) also on Amazon. Mixed at a rate of 1/lb for 1.5-2 gallons of Ocean Forrest, which is kinda hot. If you know what I mean. And then a 4:1 ocean Forrest light warrior mix on top. For this pot, plants will be mature.
Will be implementing Co2 when they reach ~5 nodes, and documenting strategies for gas containment with room sealing tactics.
Regulator: Titan Controls 120v
Monitor: Autopilot APC820 w/Co2 Probe
Will be using the SCROG technique down the road, at a heightened canopy level. I use a stretchy Cargo Net, like the ones in trunks of cars. Get one to fit your tent so it just barely stretches.
I have a 4x6 that works great for a 5x5 tent, with some slight manipulation to stretch. Comes with easy plastic hooks that have a hole straight down their center. I place my tent poles through the clip hole when setting up my tent, that way it’s ready and secure. You could also use zip ties, Which come in handy with SCROG anyway
Enjoy, see you in a month or so. Lots of pics to come.