Oregon Elite Seeds

Still no response from these guys... I get being busy but come on. They sent me the wrong gear and i'm waiting to get them swapped out for what I actually ordered which now is showing as out of stock, I dont know how that will get resolved by just waiting around and crossing my fingers for a package to arrive. Ontop of that I have another order that was placed before the order mentioned above thats missing, no tracking provided but marked complete. Hate to air out my problems but I've done my due dilligence trying to get ahold of OES including via a phone number I had found on this forum.

Love this site but some better communication when their's problems would be greatly appreciated. I get not answering annoying emails about strain questions but there should be a seperate email just for orders in progress/recieved that gets higher priority.
Still no response from these guys... I get being busy but come on. They sent me the wrong gear and i'm waiting to get them swapped out for what I actually ordered which now is showing as out of stock, I dont know how that will get resolved by just waiting around and crossing my fingers for a package to arrive. Ontop of that I have another order that was placed before the order mentioned above thats missing, no tracking provided but marked complete. Hate to air out my problems but I've done my due dilligence trying to get ahold of OES including via a phone number I had found on this forum.

Love this site but some better communication when their's problems would be greatly appreciated. I get not answering annoying emails about strain questions but there should be a seperate email just for orders in progress/recieved that gets higher priority.
Keep posting here, about your issue, and you'll end up getting his attention! :wink:
I've never had a problem with orders through OES. Just ordered some new gear and got it in 5 days, everything was accurate. It used to be easier to get in touch with him to ask questions about gear but I'm just assuming he's really busy lately with business and/or personal matters. Everyone has ups and downs, all we can do is be understanding, patient and work together. Toby is a good guy. Just try to communicate with him and give him time. I'm assuming he's upgrading the business by the looks of the website upgrade so just give him time to sort everything out. He's a good dude and my go-to guy for the gear I'm always looking for. Just hang in there.
1st post here, good to hear i'm not the only one theyre not responding to. Doesnt look like the site upload is going too well either because my account shows someone elses name and address and none of my previous orders. Used these guys in the past and never had problems, always very prompt (with shipping, not so much communication) so I suspect this is temporary.

Anyhow, I got problems with two orders now and i'd appreciate a response. We'll see what happens, i'll report back.

They are def the real deal as far as their genetics go, no debating that.
did u get taken care of my man
Just an update on my situation, I got a call from OES. Great guy, he's taking care of me for the swap out. The order I had that was missing was indeed shipped on his end and the tracking shows delivered in my mailbox but we never got it, gotten plenty of other deliveries no problem. Mailman had to either deliver it to the wrong box and the neighbor swiped it or someone else just checking mailboxes swipped it. Calling that a loss at this point, it was delivered 3-5 supposidly. Not something you want someone else stealing with your name on it, so lets just say im not pleased about that.

Whens the next south fork drop coming? Really wanted those.
@OregonEliteSeeds I did the spin the wheel game on your website but when I tried to use the code just moments later it told me that it had expired. I had never spun the wheel before and I was well within the 6 hr expiration period. Suggestions?
OES Stupid question. Just got my cannarado legendary sunset order in. Weird thing is that it had a HEMP SEEDS sticker on the outside of the package. Other orders in the past never had this sticker. surely this is put on for shipping discreetness and I didn't just buy seeds without THC but have to ask for peace of mind
Platinum Koffee by Pacific Northwest Roots, 10 seeds that come in a wooden box with a wax seal on it. I hope someone with some common sense buys some Dynasty, Norstar or Rare Dankness to teach someone that you don't need to spend $300 dollars for this seed company that has in no way earned the right to charge that kind of $$$$ I guess people in Colorado or not as greedy as your NW types?