Oregon Elite Seeds

Couldn't agree more. He was certainly salt truck driving last night after the adm. Chimed in.

Both sides of the argument/disagreement(whatever you want to call it) had valid points, I just think the issue really could've been solved through private messages or even phone calls as Toby's phone number is well known among his customers.
Airing issues out in the thread that can be handled elsewhere is what brought the unwanted attention IMO
I'm banned from using this companys threads name
Man you really don't understand what I've been telling you
You aren't banned from saying the name

You've been asked to stop acting as a representative of the company or allowing the owner of oes to write through your account to answer business questions users have

That's free advertising and is unfair to our paid advertisers

Oes is not an advertiser so he can use his own website to handle business inquiries
Not via your account

I've explained this to you three times now
Please let me know what you need clarified for you if you don't understand
Man you really don't understand what I've been telling you
You aren't banned from saying the name

You've been asked to stop acting as a representative of the company or allowing the owner of oes to write through your account to answer business questions users have

That's free advertising and is unfair to our paid advertisers

Oes is not an advertiser so he can use his own website to handle business inquiries
Not via your account

I've explained this to you three times now
Please let me know what you need clarified for you if you don't understand
isn't that what I said I'm banned from using the name and he also requested what it would cost. this seems to be the busiest thread he would love to pay to speak
Well I will be the one to say the way Toby acts to his paying customers as well as to guys trying to spend 6 bills plus. That he got exactly what he deserves! Lol

Suck it up Toby! Your so tuff towards your customers why dont you suck it up on here? Dont like it? Start your own forum should be no problem with ALL the orders you have every day. Serves ya right, and I hope you get popped with the way you act to paying customers! Lol

You remind me of that meth addict Logic.

Now its time for all the little dick suckers to stick up for Toby! Hurry! Where jrock he needs some seeds! And just put on chapstick. Hahahaha
Serves ya right, and I hope you get popped with the way you act to paying customers! Lol

I stay off these boards mostly now cause of the drama but I hope you're not implying that he get busted? If so, that's pretty low...

Deep Roots/Toby appears like a good dude, you can get at him on here or the phone. I mean if it takes a week or 2 to get some freaking seeds bid deal. There are bigger and worse things in life that can and will happen. Look at all the banks that fold, steal or simply don't carry the inventory of breeders....

OES is pretty fucking good and is in the USA and not overseas.
Well I will be the one to say the way Toby acts to his paying customers as well as to guys trying to spend 6 bills plus. That he got exactly what he deserves! Lol

Suck it up Toby! Your so tuff towards your customers why dont you suck it up on here? Dont like it? Start your own forum should be no problem with ALL the orders you have every day. Serves ya right, and I hope you get popped with the way you act to paying customers! Lol
Well I will be the one to say the way Toby acts to his paying customers as well as to guys trying to spend 6 bills plus. That he got exactly what he deserves! Lol

Suck it up Toby! Your so tuff towards your customers why dont you suck it up on here? Dont like it? Start your own forum should be no problem with ALL the orders you have every day. Serves ya right, and I hope you get popped with the way you act to paying customers! Lol

You remind me of that meth addict Logic.

Now its time for all the little dick suckers to stick up for Toby! Hurry! Where jrock he needs some seeds! And just put on chapstick. Hahahaha

You remind me of that meth addict Logic.

Now its time for all the little dick suckers to stick up for Toby! Hurry! Where jrock he needs some seeds! And just put on chapstick. Hahahaha

You can call any time 5416065544 if you feel like I've done you wrong or something give me a call this is my personal cell phone number