Oregon Elite Seeds

Yo @OregonEliteSeeds any reason why all the Surebred seeds are gone? The Gelato 33's I have are looking pretty good, looks like a cookie strain. Just curious as to why you pulled them, I know they have that money back guarantee on their website lol!

I'm still waiting on that Cannarado drop
wanted them to correct there labeling and put BX and IBL and put there male in there before I can do further business
Yo @OregonEliteSeeds any reason why all the Surebred seeds are gone? The Gelato 33's I have are looking pretty good, looks like a cookie strain. Just curious as to why you pulled them, I know they have that money back guarantee on their website lol!

I'm still waiting on that Cannarado drop
Mine are looking pretty good too. 7/10 sprouted. Still on 1-2 nodes. If you wanna create a journal and do a side by side, I'll contribute to it. Lmk.
ya dude probably the fastest ive seen a drop go..especially with that many packs. pie hoe was one of the first sold out in like less than a couple minutes, along with sundae driver and sherberry pie.wanted more than 1 pack but went with the grape legend..was going to order 2 actually but in my 30 second hesitation all the sundae driver were sold out