Oregon joins with other states to end minority presidents

So New York, Ca, Oregon, may be one or two other states says who's Pres. Had a set up like that in Michigan. Detroit and suburbs voted and if you carried them you were gov. Founding fathers knew what they were doing.
The post is President of the United States. Not the president of mostly small states. The Senate is where each state has the same voice regardless of population. One person one vote is also a foundation of this country's government.

In any case, none of the nonsense from teabaggers who think they channel the founding fathers have a voice in this. Once 270 electoral college votes are committed to the candidate who earns the majority vote in the general election, that old artifact of slavery we call the EC will be rendered moot. States have the power to decide how EC votes are allocated. End of story.
Definitely not hating on America lol that’s my hillbilly republican side coming out!!

What’s that gotta do with me growing in Cali?? It was better when it was medical only..WAY BETTER
Well the term "Merica" is a diss about Americans, so if you live here it doesn't make much sense to me to be using it. I don't say anything bad about any other country. I don't think it belongs here.
The South Park creators aren’t American?? Lol it may offend sensitive people but the word “merica” doesn’t offend me AT ALL
Cool me either if your using as a South Park metaphor. I live about an hour from FairPlay, which is the actual town it's based on. I'm not sensitive, I just don't like when people talk crap about other countries. I didn't get the reference. Peace.
Cool me either if your using as a South Park metaphor. I live about an hour from FairPlay, which is the actual town it's based on. I'm not sensitive, I just don't like when people talk crap about other countries. I didn't get the reference. Peace.
Picture you saying that with a bit of straw sticking out out your mouth and a hillbilly twang for an accent. A couple of teeth missing too.
I hear ya, I didn't even realize this was a politics page when I first read it. I just saw the latest posting and checked it out. I will stay off it, but I hear political bullshit in other posts too and I just think this is the wrong place.
If this sub forum didn’t exist i’d be spamming the fuck out all the other forums telling the dipshit redhat wearing repubs how I feel about them. So it’s probably best to just keep it here in one spot IMO.

It would actually be nice to know upfront if I’m helping out or responding to a fucking retard or not in other forums on here. It should say Democrat or Republican under your avatar if you ask me. :lol:
If this sub forum didn’t exist i’d be spamming the fuck out all the other forums telling the dipshit redhat wearing repubs how I feel about them. So it’s probably best to just keep it here in one spot IMO.

It would actually be nice to know upfront if I’m helping out or responding to a fucking retard or not in other forums on here. It should say Democrat or Republican under your avatar if you ask me. :lol:
common sense and compassion shouldn't have a political affiliation in a somewhat imperfect world, that said , the consensus for basic human rights happens to lean heavily on the left...
those on the right have a reactionary maniacal impulse and profoundly lack a moral conscience to throw those who cannot fend for themselves under the proverbial bus to succumb to their inevitable fates.
the right approves of an economic culling of the downtrodden.
that nazi mentality must be kept in check or else the democracy will be doomed to failure in our american experiment.