Oregon marijuana prices plunge – and sales soar

I'm reading this from my chair and fckng weaping crying and banging my head to the table.. you guys are sooo lucky..Only shit that I can score here is moldy diarea smeling black tar albanianian weed.. It's almost black, smells like old moist basement, and when you light it up you get so much mold buqete.. (sorry for crappy writting spell checker doesn't work) And we are paying that shit 150€ for 2oz while sale..(IF YOU BUY HALF A KG) Asnd one more thing those jihady financing fuckers ha e some trick to.make it hewvy as hell..1gr of albanian weed is almost 2x smaller than home grown..I dont know how they do it but they do..
Were as low as 50 a quarter for good stuff if you know someone, 80-100 a quarter for primo.
So anywhere from 2-400 an oz

I don't grow to sell, I grow meds for myself as i have ptsd, anxiety and a spinal injury. I have a select few buddies that may get an quarter or a zip from me...
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That must be nice fing $690 for an oz of top shelf in the dispensary here bottom shelf is 390...bastards
Wtf, where is that at? Lol

Most i pay here is 400 for top shelf, 200 for average

Im more stoked about concentrates and the disposable vape cartridge availability.
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Wtf, where is that at? Lol

Most i pay here is 400 for top shelf, 200 for average

Im more stoked about concentrates and the disposable vape cartridge availability.
Lol Oklahoma. Yeah I’m excited for some vape for sure. They don’t have any yet anywhere that I’ve checked. Not a lot of product right now I guess.
The smart money will keep on making good flowers. Yes, there will be a cyclical lowering in the number of people using good 'ole weed, they will inevitably be back sooner or later.
They can produce THC and CBD far easier using fungi than growing weed.
hahaha exactly what I came here to say. like any gold rush, the people making the real money are the ones building and selling tools and equipment.

Ya its call the 'led scam', almost every member paid in big time....

Fucking idiots :-)
The smart money will keep on making good flowers. Yes, there will be a cyclical lowering in the number of people using good 'ole weed, they will inevitably be back sooner or later.
They can produce THC and CBD far easier using fungi than growing weed.

Better cannabinols with the same action of thc have been found, one very recently that was proposed as a better med industry use and thus ending any kind of high or even need for marijuana.

Speculation at the moment but many med industries sought alternatives to cannabis cannabinols to avoid it being recreqtional and more pharmacutical.

Weed will soon be redundant in med use im guessing and especially in the Uk as they seek to avoid legalization.

What I meant was you could get the medicinal properties of cannabis with or without weed today...
The pleasure of smoking or vaping a good flower... That is still hard to imitate.

I have a hard time remembering to take my meds. No one has ever needed to remind me to smoke weed.

Med weed has pushed us to eliminate it, science beats legalization here and all the hype funded it.

If we produce the meds we have the answer to legalization and thats a big fat NO...

We do things different here though and dont want more drugs on our streets :-)
It's funny how Oregon has excess and Canada is running out. East coast is almost certainly going to have supply issues once things come online here. All of these hurdles in supply chain are going to be fun anecdotal tales of movement down the road.

Under $200 for premium bud is amazing, but unheard in many parts of the country.

Lol if 4 is too much for your friend. Try 12 here in MA. But the max storage limit is 10 ounces per person. So it's a little unbalanced.
How long until the price comes down on recreational here? (Ma) I heard it’s $300/ounce plus tax at the dispensary that opened today