Oregon MMJ Card


Active Member
Hi, sorry about my last post.Im new to the site and just wanted to get some info on Oregon MMJ card to see if i qualify or not.

Ive had back problems for a long time and i have tighting in the lower back and spasims aswell, ive been to the doctors before for my back, i had an MRI but they said nothing was wrong with me but i was still in pain.

Some new problems that im having are bad depression, axiety and insomnia not sure if i wana talk to a doc about those problems yet.

I live close to Portland and im trying to find a doctor to go to if anyone can help me with that i would appreciate it thanks. [email protected]

Are you just naming a few things off the list? ;)

Best to go talk to a doctor that specializes in cannabis. Google it up! :)
dude these guys dont know what they are talking about. go to www.mamas.org it is the place you want to go. it is located in portland they are located at 5217 se 28th ave. you need to get your medical records from the hospitals you were seen at, then you fax them to the mamas clinic, the doctor there will review your records and call you back within 2 days after recieving your records, they will call you and tell you if you qualify and they will setup an appointment. you will go to your appointment, the appointment is about 90 minutes, you see the doctor, and then your done.
Another good place to go there in Portland is THCF Clinic, The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation. You need to fax your two most recent MD visits with those issues. You can check it out full at www.thcf.org
I live in eastern Ore and just went to doc and got my card, it cost 200.00$ to see the doc and another 100.00$ for the state to give you your card. It was quick and easy. You have to have records less than two years old that states you have back problems. I have had 4 back surgerys and on disibility so was easy for me. If you need the paper work to fill out go to www.HEMP.org
Hi, sorry about my last post.Im new to the site and just wanted to get some info on Oregon MMJ card to see if i qualify or not.

Ive had back problems for a long time and i have tighting in the lower back and spasims aswell, ive been to the doctors before for my back, i had an MRI but they said nothing was wrong with me but i was still in pain.

Some new problems that im having are bad depression, axiety and insomnia not sure if i wana talk to a doc about those problems yet.

I live close to Portland and im trying to find a doctor to go to if anyone can help me with that i would appreciate it thanks. [email protected]

did you try VOTER POWER. in portland 503-224-3051 or www.voterpower.org