Oregon OMMP and Growers.

whatsup glass blower, im from GP to, man i like how they got these state threads. and yes i love oregon to one of the few great states. thts a sixk piece in your avatar, did u make it your self. i would assume based off your name
hell yeah!!!dude small world..yeah I made that stemless bubb about six months ago.
I sell it to a couple different distributors, but sometimes they're all about trying to lower a already low price ya know...b.t.w your nugz look solid bro!!!:bigjoint:
ya and then they turn around and sell it for double. you dont buy chance happin to be at the swapt meet donw thier between 7th and 6th on sundays do ya, i always see a mini cart theri full of glass, i wanna go check them out as i dont really like the pipe shops here, and yes the nugs are solid and very fruity tasting and smelling
dam thats what every grower wants to do, i think that room could be better though with some black and white polyfilm to reflect, but i geuss with all that light mabye not. ive seen this pic before and the journal it was on, and dam how much to u use to be out using 2 kw of light, unless u got a few other patients your helping. i also need weed all the time for my back. i was in a car accident awhile ago and broke ny lower back in 2 places

I go through an ounce a week or so easily and 2k should be enough, but I want to get away from smoking plant material and just harvest trichomes, my lungs are shot.

Every grower might want to do that, but I have the space and time and card and kinda need to do that.
no, but the guy who runs that glass booth, has some of my older pieces. I think.

do you do any type of trading with your glass. or do you got some more pics of some other pieces you made.

I go through an ounce a week or so easily and 2k should be enough, but I want to get away from smoking plant material and just harvest trichomes, my lungs are shot.

Every grower might want to do that, but I have the space and time and card and kinda need to do that.

dam an oz a week smoking. that is alot but hey if it helps than dotn stop. i go through about an oz in 2 weeks. give or take a few days. do u smoke it all or make edibles to. im not a fan of the foods, but will eat them if somone else makes them. and a plant full of trichs would be the shit, my smoke hasnt been making me cough at all for awhile and i am a heavy cougher all the time when i smoke but i think now that i am curring longer it is much smoother and eaier on my lungs and throat from not coughing
That doesn't count making edibles actually, that's just smoke. I'm working on finding the right edibles and the right dose.

I also smoke cigarettes, so I don't even know how I'm still breathing at all sometimes.
dam thats alot of smoke then, and ya them ciggretets are bad i cant even take a drag with out throwin up, im just a Mary jane smoker. im around enough people who smoke any way so i smoke about 3 cigs a day just off second hand smoke, and sayin that it reminded me i was reading about 3rd hand smoke and it is actaullty worse then 2nd hand smoke wil put the details on it if i can find again
That doesn't count making edibles actually, that's just smoke. I'm working on finding the right edibles and the right dose.

I also smoke cigarettes, so I don't even know how I'm still breathing at all sometimes.
thats why your lungs are shot, i smok a 1/4 oz a day most of it threw the bong some in the pipe. i don't drink, or smoke. did my fair share of smoking the glass dick backin the day. 10 years ago plus. i would stop the cigs. i know easier said then done. nevr had to never smoked.
I quit pain pills cold turkey a couple years ago, so I know I can do it, I just have to want to quit more than I want that next smoke.

Just typing that makes me want a smoke though, and I just had one a minute ago or so.
That doesn't count making edibles actually, that's just smoke. I'm working on finding the right edibles and the right dose.

I also smoke cigarettes, so I don't even know how I'm still breathing at all sometimes.

Definitely might want to start looking at vaping.
I use a vapor brothers setup. Cost less than $200
does take a little practice to get the best hits, but my patient can sit and smoke for over an hour and
her lungs take no damage.
ah i want a vaporizer but dont like the prices for them, i will get one some day, they also make me feel like im not smoking to though wich i dont like to much
i don't like the it. it tastes like im smoking dope. bad bad days to bring back to memory.. make me start itching for the glass dick and its been to many years now clean.
i just got my card in oregon i made a killer 8 ft fence and am planting in plastic swimming pools!!!!!!fox farm dirt and age old organics but how should i prepare my site spray for bugs?treat my fence?helpppp
i just got my card in oregon i made a killer 8 ft fence and am planting in plastic swimming pools!!!!!!fox farm dirt and age old organics but how should i prepare my site spray for bugs?treat my fence?helpppp

glad to hear your legal now, ive never grown really outdoors myself but have been around alot of them and learned alot. i use neem oil though its organic and works great and can also use a lil bit in the soil to prevent an bugs in there to, also like said before some lady bugs would be good to always have, they sell them at some garden stores here i get 1800 for 9 dollars. also u can buy preyamantises from some stores to u can buy quite a bit of them and they eat alot of everything but the plants.

i don't like the it. it tastes like im smoking dope. bad bad days to bring back to memory.. make me start itching for the glass dick and its been to many years now clean.

are u talkin about vaps, and ya i wouldnt like them either if it did that to me stay strong and stay clean off the dope smoke as much green as possible

once the mites are gone the lady bugs leave also..

lady bugs eat a few other insects as well but ya if theri is no bugs to eat they will leave