OrezO's Perpetual Closet


Well-Known Member
Nice what do u have, mine took me less than 2 yrs but had to wait for 1 to come in stock so I know I wanted for sure lol.


Well-Known Member
I got a Supermoto: drz400sm. So much fun, I went with a really light mobile bike because of my city. Its already like everyones out to kill you, but there are so many fucking idiot drivers in my city its scary. I just buzz past em........bitches. No more traffic.


Well-Known Member
Haha ya I wanted a supermotard from ducati but ended up going with the monster and I'm glad I did.

But different strokes for different folks haha mine is pretty light something like 350 lbs dry or something like that can't remember


Well-Known Member
Thats funny cause mines 295 dry, heavy bitch but the suspension is crazy. I look for shit to jump all the time, but its so light up front you can pop wheelies all day. I get the front up alil but chicken out. I work with my hands and all I need to do is fall a fuck my shit up.....bye bye career. I have my fun though, never a dull moment :)


Well-Known Member
Ya that's for sure haha, mine is heavy in the front and really need to give it a go to get it up but it sticks to the ground and moves fir sure. 696cc of vtwin in a naked street bike I like to chill most of the time, the last thing I want to do is end up in a wheelchair.


Well-Known Member
I'll start with the flower room first.
Everything is going smoothly & looking absolutely beautiful.
I messed around with some of my camera settings this photo shoot
~The Canopy~
(6 plants)
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2 month old from seed SLH & OG Kush
Both strains are 10 days into flower & showing pistils all over.
~Super Lemon Haze~
(1 plant)
I just finished up LST'ing her which will probably be the last time because there almost 2 weeks into flower.
She is branching off beautifully, I never topped these girls & I'm glad. I might never top again because of these results. I also like the fact that I didn't stress these plants or have to stunt any growth.
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~OG Kush~
(1 plant)
She's has got some huge fan leaves. My GF likes her the most.
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The leaf dwarfs my hand.
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Same plant after some LST.
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Almost 5 weeks into flower
(2 plants)
She's a very stalky plant that stretches very little throughout flower.
These are going to turn out very nice.
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The other girl
I just about drool everytime I look at these girls.
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9 weeks into flower
(2 plants)
I need these to hurry up & finish because I'm bored of smoking Ol Scraggly, shits weak compared to these ladies.
This is some AMAZING smoke.
2 more weeks and then I murder them both.
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I did the best I could with these macro shots.
Look at the trich's, I've never seen them this dense before.
This strain keeps getting better & better every grow.
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I love the little pistil explosions everywhere. She'll fatten up real nice in the last two weeks; The best weeks :)
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The Veg Area
I'll explain from left to right.
SLH ~ 2 months
C99 Hybrid ~ 1 month
2 LSD seedlings (jiffy pots w/C99) ~ 6 days old
OG Kush ~ 2 months
Starburst ~ 3 weeks
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I have a couple of cuttings in the propagation dome. These are both from OG Kush (left) & SLH in the flower room.
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I'll transfer the other OG Kush & SLH from veg to flower once I chop the 2 Starburst's in two weeks.
I'll compare both pheno's from both strains (OG & SLH) & pick the best so I can run it perpetually. It's a pain in the ass but once I find that stable mother, I'll keep her as long as I can or until I get bored of her.

Both seeds sprouted but I goofed & kept them to far from the lights & they stretched. Amature move but i'll Lst them in about a week to compensate for the stretch. There about an inch away from the lights now.
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After I chop the 2 Starburst's, I can flower the other Og & SLH in veg. This frees up space under the veg area so thats when I'll transplant the LSD's into their final pots.
The 5 gallon airpots are filled and ready for the 2 LSD's.
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Thanks for rolling by,
It's time to smoke one :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Dude that starburst looks amazing!! it does keep getting better you really dialing it in.
Next round is going to be interesting. But the other strains will be badass also, I'm looking forward to the next couple months.


Well-Known Member
ya cant wait to see that og kush since i have one going also as does a buddy who is down the street like a week ahead of me.


Well-Known Member
Wow dude, can't wait to see the new grow (LSD)
And, nice collection of nutes.
Def subbed!!

I'll prob be back-reading the last 13 pages, since i'm planning to set up a perpetual grow pretty soon.


Well-Known Member
ya cant wait to see that og kush since i have one going also as does a buddy who is down the street like a week ahead of me.
We'll have to compare the different pheno's we each have.
It's going to be real interesting to see how our plants differ.

Wow dude, can't wait to see the new grow (LSD)
And, nice collection of nutes.
Def subbed!!

I'll prob be back-reading the last 13 pages, since i'm planning to set up a perpetual grow pretty soon.
Thanks for stopping by dajosh. That LSD does look amazing, I did some reading & had to add her to my collection. I'm going to spend my time with them & make sure they reach their full potential.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I learned just about everything on here.
Happy growing my friend.


Well-Known Member
I took some more pics today. These show the whole plant.

~Reserva Privada's OG Kush~
I haven't LST'd her too much so today when I saw her, she just looked way too perky, so I tied the bitch down.
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She's impressive under all the leaves. Nice tight nodes and the base of the branch is really bulking up. This is a good indicator she'll be able to handle some heavy buds.
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Her main cola is starting to flower.
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I also added a penny in these shots for reference.
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~Green House Seed's Super Lemon Haze~
This is a very nice lookin girl.
I LST'd her yesterday & she wasn't even phased.
This is a fast grower, and is also show signs of beefing up for heavy buds.
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The base of each node is really reinforced, she's a buff ass girl.
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She is filling up nicely. These pics do no justice, because there are nothing but buds all over her.
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Well-Known Member
Very nice!
That starburst has some wild sugar leaves, like a little tiny forest of mushrooms on the surface of a leaf. It's a beautiful thing.
You clip your leaves before, or after drying? I always do before personally, easier and all. But I CERTAINLY hope ur planning to make some hash and/or cannabutter.


Well-Known Member
mmm that OG kush is looking great bro, as is the super lemon haze they do both look like bug bud yeilders with knuckles like that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I got some sight nodes like you do there on this lil purp plant i'm vegging, new node every 1/4 inch or so. But, thats just an eyeball fucked measurement.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm watching your grow too. Good luck on the next round :mrgreen:
LOL thanks bro, yeah can't wait for this HHxJHxSLxHJ to get big enough to clone so I can find out if its female or not :) so I can stop calling it an it and get to producing some bud porn :bigjoint: