OrezO's Perpetual Closet


Well-Known Member
Stupid C99 hermied on me, the first hermi for me.

I Pulled all the plants out this morning to look over them and what do ya know, I find balls on C99! Shit that pisses me off because that plant looked phenominal.
I'm not giving up the fight yet, I tweezerd off all the sacs, and completely soaked her in Dutch Masters Reverse. Now I'll keep an close eye on her to see how she reacts. If she starts throwing more sacs I'm dumping her. Her clone justed rooted yesterday, just flushed it down the toilet. Damn that sucks. I will prevail, I cloned an SLH today, It's late in the game (7 weeks flower) but I think it'll make it. The pheno looked amazing & I'm kicking myself for not taking a cutting earlier.

I put one LSD into flower & I'll put the other in a week. I also sampled alil of the SLH today, it was damn good for being dried in 15 minutes. A nice strong energetic uplifting high. I can't wait to try the full cured product. Time to smoke a fatty Starburst joint I just rolled.


Well-Known Member
I think your grow makes me the saddest of all.
It's SO beautiful, that it makes me sad for what i've lost...

But just that much more determined to get started again soon. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Another sad day in the grow
I've been picking balls & bananna's off since yesterday & I've come to conclusion that I don't want to fuck around with this anymore. She also has 4 more weeks left to mature & in that time It would have been easy for me to miss a bananna & ruin my crop.
What hurts the most is that I grew this plant for a total of 13 weeks. What a shame.
~C99~ 4 weeks into Flower
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These next pictures may be disturbing to sensitive viewers....proceed with caution.

I'm sure many of you know how it feels to pull a hermi but this shit hurts deep, lol. You gotta get rid of shitty genetics though.
Nice root mass, the smart pot's kick ass.
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When I pulled her up I probably ripped half her roots off.
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I still have guaranteed bomb weed with the 2.5~3 month old Starburst I have veggin (on the far left). I want her as big as possible before she goes into flower because she barely stretches. I'm trying to get at least 3 oz's from this plant.
The other two plants are clones from SLH & OG Kush, I'll transplant them real soon.
We also have a SLH clone taken yesterday in the dome.
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Both LSD's are in flower now, they should be nice since I've vegged them for 9 weeks (2 1/4 months).
Plus I really like how both plants are growing. I'll clone em both & keep the best out of the 2 after the first harvest.
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Thanks for the kind words dajosh, you'll be up & growing again once you get past all the bs. You'll get past it though, stay positive & plot your next op.



Well-Known Member
I got the smart pots ready for the SLH & OG Kush clones
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Doused each pot with a gallon mixture of gonat juice to kill the critters
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Rerouted my exhuast vent.
It's now directly connected to the air scrubber so it's only pulling neutralized air.
I thought I smelled a hint of weed outside so I decided to reroute, I'm happy with it.
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I also dropped my fans.
There now lying horizontally on the floor blowing upwards. The plants should like this better.
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The totally different Super Lemon Haze Pheno's
There are two plants here that are both SLH's but look totally unalike.
This is SLH #1 which is ready to chop in 3 days, she has really dense nugs that love to foxtail. I've aready sampled her & shes grade A.
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Now the other pheno.....

She's totally fragrant & extremely frosty. I just cloned her seeing if it survives because I know it'll be worth it.
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I'm going to sample both strains & pick the one I like, or I might just keep them both.


Well-Known Member
I got the smart pots ready for the SLH & OG Kush clones
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Doused each pot with a gallon mixture of gonat juice to kill the critters
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Rerouted my exhuast vent.
It's now directly connected to the air scrubber so it's only pulling neutralized air.
I thought I smelled a hint of weed outside so I decided to reroute, I'm happy with it.
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I also dropped my fans.
There now lying horizontally on the floor blowing upwards. The plants should like this better.
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The totally different Super Lemon Haze Pheno's
There are two plants here that are both SLH's but look totally unalike.
This is SLH #1 which is ready to chop in 3 days, she has really dense nugs that love to foxtail. I've aready sampled her & shes grade A.
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Now the other pheno.....

She's totally fragrant & extremely frosty. I just cloned her seeing if it survives because I know it'll be worth it.
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I'm going to sample both strains & pick the one I like, or I might just keep them both.
Sucks about the hermie man...I know the pain. Sucks after all that work...Although, if you can toss it in another room or near a window, you'll get a good bunch of decent seeds. ;-)
Sorry in propagation/genetic search mode. :-P

SLH's look great, foxtailing trips me out though, I like the second pheno A LOT. Tell me tho man, is the SLH a hybrid, or just sativa? And how long has it taken you? Sativa's never usually feel worth the wait for me...


Well-Known Member
Shitty about the hermit bro, I know how it is, lol.....fuck I bet that slh Is going to be amazing ....good job sir!!!


Well-Known Member
= Tell me tho man, is the SLH a hybrid, or just sativa? And how long has it taken you? Sativa's never usually feel worth the wait for me...
The SLH is a hybrid, a cross between lemon skunk & super silver haze. A 70% sativa 30% indica mix.
I planted the seeds 2/7/11 so its been an even 4 months today. I veg a long time so it could have been sooner. Sativas are the shit as long as you have the patience, once you get a good stash going you wont mind alil extra wait, its worth it.

= Shitty about the hermit bro, I know how it is, lol.....fuck I bet that slh Is going to be amazing ....good job sir!!!...
I just about forgot about ol hebitch :-? on the plus side I put the SLH & OG into darkness last night so the'll be ready to cut wednesday. I'll be sure to take alot of pics for ya.


Well-Known Member
Well I dunno if i'll ever truly wanna take the time, but...who knows what the future is...for all I know, I could end up growing only sativa's at some point for some unknown reason. ;-)


Well-Known Member
What a drag, no chop tonight, guess the ladies get another night to frost up a bit more. Works busy as hell right now and it's not even busy for whats to come, in the process of hiring. So I'm working late tonight, the girls are gone tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I've talked to a friend, and he will actually have some of the SAME Master Kush clones coming up soon, i couldn't believe it. It's a Cali strain that's been being clones for 30 or so years. It's PROVEN GENETICS AND PROVEN PHENO! I'm very pleased by this news, I can't wait til I get to grow it again, I loved that strain and didn't even get to harvest any.
Heh Heh, good luck on the harvest tomorrow, can't wait to see some pics of the buds! ;-)


Well-Known Member
My two best buds; Reserva Privada's OG Kush, & Green House seed's Super Lemon Haze.
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The Harvest
We'll start with the stretchy OG Kush. I didn't keep up with her LST & this is the outcome. Horrible node spacing but she grew lots of tops so it made up for it. It's really hard to describe her smell, very unique piney smell. The smoke looks amazing, the 4 days darkness did wonders.
~OG Kush~
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~The Super Lemon Haze~
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She's got alot of purple in her, some of the buds have a purple hue.
What a beautiful plant & all the buds are big and dense.
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One of my biggest buds yet :mrgreen:
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The Aftermath
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It took a good hour in a half to chop both plants. Here's both plants together, I'm not even going to guess the weight, just know I'm happy with it.
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The trim
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Time for some Iso Hash
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It doesn't look like alot but there's probably more than 25 tops in there. I had a hard time positioning each bud so they wouldn't touch. It's a fucking beautiful sight!
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lil sneaky bastard almost snagged my bud

Enjoy :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, sorry to rub it in your face. You'll get your redemption.
My dogs the biggest pussy ever, all bark no bite, but fuckin adorable.

Been sampling the Slh, its not bad, can't wait till itsfully cured. On another note, I chop the other SLH & OG in about 12 days. The Og looks done to me, so she'll probably come down earlier. The SLH on ther other hand is still kickin, and looks totally different from her currently harvested sister. I never cloned her due to space issues but I took a cutting when she was 7 weeks into flower & it still seems to be surviving. Hopefully it survives because the pheno looks amazing. I just got done transplanting the older clones of SLH & OG Kush so they'll soon take off......off to work, bleh, I'm busy as fuck.


Well-Known Member
I'll say.
And I so wish I could taste that SLH, since we don't get many sativa's down here (despite in the southern part of the states not overly far from mexico.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro i know its hella late but i notice you still get on RIU, Those buds you harvested look amazing im glad they turned out so well.

Do you have anything growing now, how has life been brother??
