Organic 1000w hps medical (1st timer)

hey everyone im new to growing , though i have been researching little by little for a few years. i finally got my medical card n have been going since march, heres where im at.

NUTES: im using earth juice bloom(0-3-1) for my flowering plants at about 1ml per liter for my big ones i should be at 2ml by next feed, which is half the serving already. so 1/2tsp a gal i guess.
i have pure liquid bat guano(0-4-0) but donno if i should mix the 2? do them on separate days? etc. also recently just looking at my numbers thinking i need more potassium? this is 100% organic, and i think i may have had nute burn with older soil on the bigger ones, lower growth started dying., now they seem ok, but its still happening just not as bad. i usailly water skip water skip nutes skip water, skip

my soil is PROMIX i believe its a jiffy/peat moss base,

Strains: BC Big Bud (A Friend) [30?]
Hashmaster (canadian seed exchange) [20?/30]
The Church (GreenHouse Seed Co.) [3/5]
K-9 (my own kush,pure indica, bagseed) [3]
Bubba Kush (bagseed) [1]
Lemon Kush (bagseed) [1]
Sour diesel? (bagseed sour something lol) [1]

(estimated numbers will edit when i post pics today)

i need to get my nutes on a more, regulated schedule though,

some labels did peel off n blow mistake so ill have some unknown's

still searching for the perfect veg time though, my big ones i veg'd for 3 months so hopefully ill yield like 4 each i'd be pretty happy.

i have another SET flowering but they were put in at around 2 months, yet there around 2-2.5ft depending.
i only have one 1000w hps but im buying another with cooltube, and settin up a 320w mh if its worth it i only want the mh for vegging,m all i have atm is 2 x 26w + a 42w cfl on the babies/clones.
i got 2 clones freshly rooted, but the rest are a pain in the ass cause the hps made me broke i'm getting my clone dome tomorrow lol.
i dont have the temp of in my room but its around 20-30C during the day,and roughly the same at night as i run the lights 12/12 over night (off-peak electric ;) ),

anyone know if fancy molasses is bad for plants? tryed to get backstrap but never saw it. and when should i feed it?/start at amount.

anything i missed?,tips, information, holla at me , pics up in a hour. THANKS!

$* Professor Blunts *$


Well-Known Member
Molasses---get Brer Rabat molasses start by adding 1 tbl spoon during veg and 2 tbl during late flower.. I add molasses 1 sometimes twice a week..
hey guys sorry i toke a while had to hustle a lil, n get some shit done, but heres those pics !! what ya think, :weed:

n i didnt think i coulduse it that high for molasses im only using likea tsp per gal for flowering atm ill bump it to a tbsp. tomorrow tho thanks guys n ya ilike to mix it with a cup of boiling or just hot water and mix it prior then add.



Well-Known Member
i have always used a lot of molasses they love the stuff.. nice looking grow you have I just starting Earth Juice for my outdoor how long have u used EJ?
i will add bud pic tonight, i hope i get like 3-4 os each of those 3month vegg's they taking for ever....could it be that my dark room is not dark enougH? got a little leak but never thought it was a big deal . gonna be fixing that tonight tho


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Really good for a first timer. Well done.

It looks like your veg nutrition was really good because your fans are a beautiful deep green but your bloom fert has absolutely no N in it which is a bad thing in my opinion. Add some worm casting or something to supply some N.
thx for the tips n comments guys, i havent added pics yet cuz my camera broke...but my girls comming back from vacation next week so ill use hers, and iwas thinking worm castings too, my leafs seem to yellow, or brown and die out still..there not too bad if i cut the burnt ones off or whatever, but ive been giving them more pure molasses jjust threw them on a proper scedual, my new one is: molasses for the big ones at 3/4-1tsp per gal, 2 month vegger's are: 1/2 tsp, and none for the small small ones. although i do have that veg nute (3-4-2 or whatever) oi think its quite strong but now that im catching on to certain things, i thought i had mites, which tuned out to be normal spiders, in which i sprayed only once with neem oil (einstein oil). still find the odd little strains of web when i see the light on, going to spray again soon for once a week for 3 weeks and c from there. i have 2 other plants i dont think i showed bud pics of yet but there the only close ones to harvest, ones a mini and has 4 main coalas, and one of them is split into 2 tops ( thx to pruning techniques i learned) :) im sorry ive been delayed on my pics but i will; make up for it in a week with my big collab


Well-Known Member
Use what you have :) . Give them a bit of that veg fert when you start to see the lowers go bad like that. They don't read too good so they won't care the bottle says "grow" :shock:

Marijuana is a nitrophile and it is fucking criminal how little Nitrogen you find in a lot of stuff that is supposed to be designed for our favorite plant.

Mites are the devil man. Do you have any air intake from the outside? The one saving grace is they are not in the garden if you don't bring them in or let them in.
airflow: atm its shitty just got 2 fans on them constintly, n when the light goes on i open the door n use one to blow the old air out usailly once a day,

not sure if i have mites..i think its just spiders, but....i could be wrong. so u saggust i mix the grow with the bloom ? i think i need to use more fert n less molasses i thought i was smart by giving just molasses as its food and nutes rarely, but now i seem to notice that they are taking way to ****ing long!! have 3 month vegs from march and only one to 2 are about a month i dont understand why they are taking so long to flower!!! i threw some smaller ones from 1.5-2month vegs in the room too. but im shocked that im at 7 months and still havent cut any plants except the males :( i mean i know its worth the wait...but their already 6-7feet and 2 dont even look like there budding... idont know why...i have a light leak crack about 1 inchs wide at the top of the roof, could it be because its not PITCH black during there night???? i think reguardless im going to just buy a tarp put mylar on the one side n hang it just to cover em leaks. but i would think it couldnt be that bad the moon does give off a little bit of light. sides that....idk what to do. was thinking ofgiving the 2 non buddingmore nutes then the others? slightly,

thanks for the reply sorry i havent been on much, havent seen alot of activity on the thread.


Well-Known Member
Any luck on a camera? Really need pix to say if they are budding proper at this point.

You have to feed them real food. The plant does not use molasses at all. The sugars like molasses are for the micro organisms in the soil that help the plant break down organic components into usable forms of nutrition. Molasses alone does nada.