Organic Aeroponic Reserva Privada OG Kush

dirk d

Active Member
hey dirk, just started curing some og kush! the smell is getting wicked, haha.
nice george, too bad my og had a little accident but i have 1 i just put into flower and 4 more coming in the next rack. my og is not doing to good unfortunately. i really cant smell much. she is in her 6th week though. give us a smoke report on that og if you wouldnt mind.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #1 DAY 45

FLWR12.jpg FLWR13.jpg i'm really dissappointed with this rack. im trying to figure out how early i can harvest whats left on this rack w/o being too early. most likely i will cut within 14 days. just want to get this rack out and my new 4 og in. my environment is doing really nice. i should have this flower room completely dialed in within the next month. will be adding 3 more 600's to bring the room up to 3600 watts.


dirk d

Active Member

FLWR22.jpg FLWR2.jpg Finally got the screen up yesterday. went ahead and trained what i could. these girls are the healthiest i have put into flower. they are all very healthy and the stalks are very nice. i think i vegg'd all these girls at least 4 weeks. now that i have most of my environment setup i can finally focus on how long to veg and flower. temps have been very stable at 74.5 F and 42% RH.


Well-Known Member
OG Kush 2.jpgOG Kush 1.jpg
here are my 2 OG Kush #18 colas, she was my smallest plant and yielded .75 oz. A real pain in the ass to manicure, tons of leaves in the buds

dirk d

Active Member
how long did you let them go george? i also have the og #18 but its only in its 1st week from seed. i got the RP OG Kush going first as i wanted the original. i have the RP sour kush going with the og #18 as well as a bubble cheese (uk exodus x serious bubblegum) should be a killer strain. i love my big budha cheese.


Well-Known Member
i flowered for 60 days. I am not in a groove with my microscope yet, so i go by swelling, hair color, and breeder's estimated time.I do scrog and i really wanted to get this gal in the flower room, so i put her when she was too short to explode thru the screen. I got #18 b/c the original was sold out. I have 2 more that i put into flower 2 weeks ago and they should be much bigger.
dirk, do you use CO2? i love using it because my temps can be 85 and my a/c only needs to bring it down about 6 (without an a/c my room would be in the low 90s). So it helps the plants grow and saves me cooling costs. And if it breaks down, it is not a big deal.

dirk d

Active Member
hey george, i don't run CO2 yet. it is in the plans but right now i need a dehumifier, tri-meters, air cooling for hoods, 3 more 600's so the CO2 is awhile away.

dirk d

Active Member
OrigWU.jpg so my mystery girl is supposed to look like this you guys tell me if it looks close or if its way off

WU1.jpg here are my 2 girls tell me what you think


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, there is a slieght difference in the plants colour shade of green in the pic's but that may just be cause of the camera used in the different pic's. I think you have a good chance of it being what you think it is still too, but we'll soon see for sure when you put them into flower mate.


Well-Known Member

View attachment 1649746 View attachment 1649748 Finally got the screen up yesterday. went ahead and trained what i could. these girls are the healthiest i have put into flower. they are all very healthy and the stalks are very nice. i think i vegg'd all these girls at least 4 weeks. now that i have most of my environment setup i can finally focus on how long to veg and flower. temps have been very stable at 74.5 F and 42% RH.
Looks great. What happened with the other rack?

dirk d

Active Member
hey jin, forget your used to daily updates lol. Rack #1 is doing pretty bad. i went in today and trimmed and cut a bunch of flower sites and branchs. breaks my heart. the OG Kush looks terrible. somehow its still alive. i dont expect anything from it. doesnt smell. its terrible. the super lemon haze is doing crappy. can tell its gone through a lot of stress. its doing the best out of all of them. the Blueberries were put in a spot in the rails that really doesnt get much light so they are just weak. im pretty upset about this whole situation. i'll put some pics up tomorrow for you.

Rack #3 is doing pretty good though. its recovered nicely and their are flower sites everywhere. i really need dual 600's on these racks, 600 is just not enough. 1200 however would be perfect. in order for me to add 3 more 600's that means i have to air cool my hoods and its going to be tough to run all the ducting. spent about an hour today at my hydro shop. my guy was showing me all different setups for the air cooling.

then when i get the air cooling done i can add the CO2. thats the plan anyways.


Well-Known Member
dirk n jen whats your oppinion of light rails? thinking of my future room n want to run a couple 600s on a rail. looking to cover a 4x12 area with 2 600s on a single rail spaced 6 ft apart with 6ft of travel. planning on 4 plants per 4x4 so a total of 12 big plants. your thouhgts?

dirk sorry for the oops n problems you been having, chin up your gaining knolidge with every mishap. im sending good karma your way brother.

dirk d

Active Member
thanks 4tatude. lol. i need some good karma right now. lol. everything i hear about light rails sounds great. thing is actually getting that thing installed and then worrying if its going to fall. but i would love it if someone else would install it. bad thing is i dont let anyone in my grow room. lol.

everything ive been reading about is get more lighting! with a 4x12 area you could easily put 3 600's in and it would be better imo. i can tell when parts of my plants dont get enough light. get another light instead of the light rails. my $4.20.


Well-Known Member
yea i wouldent let anyone in my grow either. no one even knows im growing but you guys. anamosity is a beneficial face to have.
im very handy n can do all aspects of a home build myself so im not worried about it falling tho that would be a wreck lol. ive about convinced myself to try the rail, hell i can set one up fpr a couple hundred bucks all said n done. i can always add a 3rd light if it doesnt do what i think it will. it looks good on paper but reality is a different animal as we all know

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #1 DAY 47

FLWR1.jpgFLWR13.jpg Alright so here you go jin. as you can see Rack #1 is just not doing good. going to chop as soon as i can and get in my 4 OG kush i have vegging


dirk d

Active Member
Flwr #2 day 4

FLWR23.jpg So rack #2 is doing excellent. after a couple harvests i wanted to try 4 girls to a rack but i failed miserably. now i see i have to
FLWR22.jpgFLWR2.jpgFLWR24.jpg veg these girls out a lot longer if i only want 4 girls. maybe 4-6 weeks of veg time. this is easily my best looking rack.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #3 DAY 23
FLWR3.jpg here is rack #3 doing very well. had to trim some leaves back as they were blocking a bunch of flower sites.

JUNGLE1.jpgFLWR32.jpg Welcome to the jungle We got fun 'n' games We got everything you want Honey we know the names We are the people that can find Whatever you may need If you got the money honey We got your organic weed wellcommmee to the juuunglee weelllcoommme to the juuunngggglleee