Organic Aeroponic Reserva Privada OG Kush

dirk d

Active Member
those are nice george. try covering the hps with some cardboard and then take the pic. Also george how many days is that in flower. i was told to let them go to 70 days for max effect.


Well-Known Member
those are nice george. try covering the hps with some cardboard and then take the pic. Also george how many days is that in flower. i was told to let them go to 70 days for max effect.
i will retake them tonight during lights-off. I let them go 56 days. This will be my 5th white widow harvest and i have let 2 go 70 days. It is not worth the extra 2 weeks. There was no substantial increase in crystals or strength. This is an unusual strain because mine will put out a skunky tire smell when they are almost done.


New Member
View attachment 1666733View attachment 1666732View attachment 1666731 so im having some problems with the seedlings. i think im not watering them enough and letting the roots go dry which is causing all kinds of problems. 2 of my vortex have fallen over on themselves. dont know what to do. im waiting till the top of the soil is dry but i might be waiting too long. also my rp sour kush and og #18 were looking terrible and i pulled them. any ideas??
Hey Dirk, I do not know for sure if we were having the same problem, but I had a stint of my seedlings falling over on themselves and dying. I thought I was over or underwatering, or heat stress, or something. But for my problem, I think I was planting the seed too shallow when I was having these problems. I now plant my seeds much deeper so they can develop a little more underground before they pop up. I do not know if this is scientifically sound, but since I did this, my seedlings seem to be doing great! I do not know if this will work for you, but it will certainly not hurt....haha. Good to see another seed junkie around the Oregon threads!


New Member
Just took another look, and I think we had the same problem on the seedlings. I have found you do not really need to water seedlings (I do water the soil before I plant the seed) for a while, and I go by the weight of the pot WET, and weight of the pot DRY. Sometimes with seedlings, the light will dry out the top layer, but underneath there is still plenty of moisture for the seedling to develop. I think you should water less, plant deeper, and move your lights a little closer(maybe). Hope that is not too redundant. But that pic of the one doubled over is exactly what mine were doing.

dirk d

Active Member
thanks haz. im going to try that. normally i plant much deeper when i used rapid rooters but i switched to this new mandala way of germinating. my germination rates have skyrocketed but my survival rate is not that good.

dirk d

Active Member
george that looks great man! maybe because mine was a dp white widow freebie. maybe they kept the crap seeds for the freebie giveaway. lol. aholes. ya im going to kill off this white widow and i'll get the black widow to replace it.

also i think my white widow just isnt getting enough light either. i've decided to swap out my remaining 2 racks with new rails with only 2 sites each. will go to 4 plants per rack from now on. Im getting to the point where i think i could almost go 1 plant site per rail and still cover most of the canopy. I think that would be ideal.

oh ya almost forgot. so i went in and was thinning out Rack #3 when i found a freakin green caterpillar on one of the leaves. wtf?? have no idea how it could of gotten in??? went and sprayed the entire room with some azamax will have to figure out something for caterpillars i guess.

dirk d

Active Member
VEG.jpg alright guys been awhile since iv updated. lots of drama has occured. been entertaining house guests for last 2 weeks. surprised any of my girls made it. anyways here are the pics. this is a shot of my veg tent.
TOG13.jpgTOG2.jpg first pic is of my tahoe og #1. topped her about 10 days ago and it has 4 really nice tops. some leaftip curling. not sure what thats from. next is my tahoe #2. #3 is behind #1 and i couldnt get a good shot of it. hopefully at least 1 of these will be females. germ'd these on 5/27 so another couple weeks and i'll start sexing them.

dirk d

Active Member

FLWR1.jpg So while i was entertaining my #1 sprung a leak and dripped nutes all over my ballast and then ran out of water. rack and ballast were both dead when i checked on them a day later. had to restock this rack. good thing i had extra girls ready to go into flower. so this rack is doing better now. and my guests have left. YES!!!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1687699 alright guys been awhile since iv updated. lots of drama has occured. been entertaining house guests for last 2 weeks. surprised any of my girls made it. anyways here are the pics. this is a shot of my veg tent.
View attachment 1687701View attachment 1687700 first pic is of my tahoe og #1. topped her about 10 days ago and it has 4 really nice tops. some leaftip curling. not sure what thats from. next is my tahoe #2. #3 is behind #1 and i couldnt get a good shot of it. hopefully at least 1 of these will be females. germ'd these on 5/27 so another couple weeks and i'll start sexing them.
Looking great, Dirk!

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #2 DAY 30

FLWR2.jpgFLWR22.jpg So rack #2 has had its ups and downs. 1 day it ran out of water as well. i caught it early and refilled still it wasnt happy. had to strip a bunch of leaves that were just dead. also one of my guests tripped a circuit which i didnt realize till several hours later. lights were off pumps were off. big f***ing mess. i now realize the shortcomings of aeroponic growing. you only have about an 8 hour window till everything dies on you. im looking forward to my UC system. still have a ways to go and if i don't get any freakin harvest cant really upgrade.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #3 DAY 48

FLWR3.jpg FLWR32.jpg So rack #3 also had its ups and downs. no droughts but again when the circuit tripped the other day it shut off the AC and my VEG and Clone Rooms for several hours before i caught it. temps were up to 86 F. finally got the circuit back and everything working. checked couple hours later and the water tank in the AC was full. somehow my hose had fell off and filled the tank. anyways lots of freaking drama. Iv also noticed that the pm issues iv been having have been held to the interior of the plant only. anything on the exterior of the plant had no pm. went in and trimmed the hell out of her today to open up the center. got 2 more weeks and then will harvest this rack.

dirk d

Active Member
KK3.jpgKK1.jpgKK2.jpg So here's 3 closeups of my Kandy Kush. they have really been growing great dispite my attempts at killing them.
WR1.jpg The white Russian is starting to smell real nice. almost a sour smell maybe like sour candy.

dirk d

Active Member
SHELVES.jpgSIGNS.jpg So this is my Flower Room 2.0. went and installed shelves to get the ballasts off the ground and stuck 5 signs all over the room to remind me of things i need to check on before i leave. after rack #1 died i was so upset that when i restocked it i forgot to plug the pumps back into the timer. again f'ing drought. wow. i have been smoking way too much. but with these new signs i can smoke more AND be reminded to check all critical aspects of my room. i also kicked one of my water level gauges while walking around and sprung a leak. luckily i had to go back into the room and i noticed the leak within 5 min. went and got some clamps and put them on the hoses to avoid this issue again.

btw anyone who sais growing doesnt cost $$$ these shelves alone ran me almost $100. dam. i also got some shelves for my cloning room. figured what the hell i really needed to organize that room and get everything off the ground.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1687724View attachment 1687723 So this is my Flower Room 2.0. went and installed shelves to get the ballasts off the ground and stuck 5 signs all over the room to remind me of things i need to check on before i leave. after rack #1 died i was so upset that when i restocked it i forgot to plug the pumps back into the timer. again f'ing drought. wow. i have been smoking way too much. but with these new signs i can smoke more AND be reminded to check all critical aspects of my room. i also kicked one of my water level gauges while walking around and sprung a leak. luckily i had to go back into the room and i noticed the leak within 5 min. went and got some clamps and put them on the hoses to avoid this issue again.

btw anyone who sais growing doesnt cost $$$ these shelves alone ran me almost $100. dam. i also got some shelves for my cloning room. figured what the hell i really needed to organize that room and get everything off the ground.
I'm sorry dude, I'm not sure if you're trying to be funny, but that just made me laugh my ass off (the sign I mean).

the sign is a great, great idea. I wish I would have thought if it. My sign needs to read: "Did you remember to plug the auto-top back in after the water change?" I forgot to do this twice in my grow and the ppm just kept rising as the water level just kept falling...and I was all, "What the Fook?" Lol.

dirk d

Active Member
all good jin, lol. last 2 weeks have been like an episode of the 3 stooges except its just me x3!! lol. so much shiz happened im laughing about it!! really cant believe my girls survived. several times i thought i killed the entire lot of them.


Well-Known Member
Nice idea with the signs lol, sorry to hear about all the room/set up pains your havin mate. Why not try a different style of hydro growing maybe, ebb n flow or even auto top feed drip pots. Or do like I do and just keep things even more simple and hand feed to individual plants/pots/trays, if your in your room daily like me then this is a great way of growing and the best way I've found too tbh mate. Saves extra spending on electric too by having no extra pumps or timers and best of all no leaks at all :mrgreen:.


Well-Known Member
all good jin, lol. last 2 weeks have been like an episode of the 3 stooges except its just me x3!! lol. so much shiz happened im laughing about it!! really cant believe my girls survived. several times i thought i killed the entire lot of them.

Good thing those plants are tough mothers and can stand up to your punishment!

I can totally realate as during my grow, I've had many 'ten thumb moments' myself. But my plants just laugh at my idiocy and keep growing (thank goodness).