Organic Aeroponic Reserva Privada OG Kush

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR15.jpgFLWR16.jpg Im hoping with the addition of the dehumidifier that should help in my pm issues. if i can control that then i can grow some dank!


Well-Known Member
you may want to trim some leaves to increase airflow around the buds. What hoods are you upgrading to? New ballasts too?

dirk d

Active Member
hey george my Rack #2 has almost no leaves on it at all. the pm issue seems to lessen everyday that the dehumidifier is keeping RH under 50%. seems the thing wants to run nonstop even after the desired RH has been hit. still have to learn how to work this dehumidifier. I put it on 2 hours off 2 hours on we'll see how that works. so far the room hit 31% RH and ive set it for 45% RH.

i had some mondo hoods 31" x 24" i think but they didnt have the german reflective metal on the inside. upgraded all the hoods to the silverstar. that hood has a better light print than the larger mondo hoods. plus its perfect for my setup in that i can fit 2 of these hood and it will just hit my girls perfectly. 2 points of light and massive lumens. cant wait. still trying to deal with the heat issue in my room though.

i started with buying all used galaxy ballasts and one by one i sold them and bought brand new galaxy ballasts. I just feel better when everything is brand new. too many problems with used equipment and i dont have the leeway for major issues anymore. trying to dial in this flower room once and for all!! plus i have some killer strains coming in and i want that flower room ready for them.

I will start on air cooling all my hoods in the next couple weeks as well.


Well-Known Member
you could have sucess fighting powedery with woodsmeh's info on the third page of mellokittys thread 16000 watts .... good luck og if famous for it i had to breed my own to get it gone once and for all

dirk d

Active Member
hey joe thanks for your input. i'll check it out. seems that the og is susceptible to pm but honestly my entire flower room was not dialed in, so in an environment favoring pm everything really gets affected. hoping this is the last i deal with pm. I've also learned that the OG is a very finnicky girl. very sensitive to everything.

Just hit the entire room with green cure. will see how it looks in the morning.


Well-Known Member
dirk good job of dropping your rh was wondering what the rh is outside your room? also what dh you bought, seems its doing its job. i may need to get one too as my rh is always kinda high.


Well-Known Member
dirk, saw that you planted some pineapple express. I harvested mine yesterday and it is a keeper. Here is a pic of her ten days ago
Pineapple Express.jpg

dirk d

Active Member
hey george that pineapple xpress looks sweet! cant wait till i get mine going. its only 8 days old right now.

I got the LG 65 pint Dehumidifier from Home Depot. $258 or something. Thing works great only thing is that it can kick up the temps in the room a couple degrees. here's what im doing now and it seems to be working great. I'm only running the Dehumidifier at night. In the day the temps go up RH goes down AC kicks in Dehumidifies room. it's going pretty sweet right now.

I started giving myself daily grades as of last week. I figured if i can keep track of the days in the flowering cycle that will tell me how much of the plants potential im achieving. So far every day has been a D and today, as long as night RH is below 45%, then its going to be my first day with a grade of B. Im very happy with the progress in the flower room.

There is still PM but i can tell every day there isnt that explosion of mold. Now i have to look much harder to find it. Im Hoping this will be the last rack i had issues with. My Rack #1 is looking just amazing right now. So healthy. Only thing is that when i sprayed them last night with the greencure i lightly burned some pistils again. have to refigure the formula for this Greencure.

dirk d

Active Member
TOG2.jpgTOG1.jpgTOG3.jpg So i still had that clone of Tahoe OG #1. forgot about it and when i went to the clone room today i noticed a couple of the ball sacks had opened up to flowers. sat there for a minute and said huh??? what the hell am i going to go about this. decided it was time to kill it.

dirk d

Active Member
JAR2.jpgJAR1.jpgFLWR.jpgAC.jpg Well what i decided to do is just harvest the nut sacks. lol. that just sounds funny. put all the sacks of tahoe nuts into a little glass jar. Also decided it was time to upgrade the AC unit. that 10,500 btu and deionizer and fresh smelling bull crap was just not cutting it. it is a great AC if you want to croshay on the couch but not for growing. found a nice 14,000 btu delonghi without all the bs and we shall see how it works. hoping to keep temps around 75-77 F.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #1 DAY 29

FLWR12.jpgFLWR1.jpgFLWR112.jpgFLWR111.jpg this rack looks absolutely delicious. heavy trich production. the best i have seen the OG Kush and Kandy Kush grow. Smells are wonderful and most of the leaves sparkle as you look at them. I can not wait till this rack is ready. However this rack has only had about 4 days in an environment with a grade of B or higher.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR16.jpgFLWR17.jpgFLWR18.jpgFLWR19.jpg everywhere i look i see trich's. this rack is so healthy and amazing. No sign of pm at all. Im hoping i can keep this rack going for another 5 weeks with no issues.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #2 DAY 51

GAUGE.jpgFLWR2.jpg So ive pretty much cut all leaves off this rack. The Mold issues have been nowhere near the levels they were at before i got the dehumidifier. I'm dumping about 20 pints every morning from the night cycle. I am only running the Dehumid at nights. Will harvest this rack early so i can get a new batch of girls and then really look to grow some dank. My flower room is finally coming together.

dirk d

Active Member
OG2.jpgOG3.jpgOG4.jpgOG1.jpg Well i hate to say it but this OG Kush is the best iv been able to grow so far. lol. She really is a beauty though. I can see the potential in her. Just too bad im such a noob grower but i should have a real nice run with her in Rack #1.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #3 DAY 14

FLWR33.jpg So Rack #3 is doing really wonderful. starting to fill in the blanks. I expect this rack to really start bulking up in next 10-14 days. Cant wait to see how good i can grow the Super Lemon Haze this time. I also been checking the ph every week or so. right around 5.9-6.1.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1719227View attachment 1719226View attachment 1719225View attachment 1719224 Well i hate to say it but this OG Kush is the best iv been able to grow so far. lol. She really is a beauty though. I can see the potential in her. Just too bad im such a noob grower but i should have a real nice run with her in Rack #1.
dirk there is nothing wrong with those beauties, you will get where you want to be im sure. patience and experience usually cure most problems... +respect bro


Well-Known Member
FLWR #3 DAY 14

View attachment 1719234View attachment 1719232View attachment 1719231
View attachment 1719233 So Rack #3 is doing really wonderful. starting to fill in the blanks. I expect this rack to really start bulking up in next 10-14 days. Cant wait to see how good i can grow the Super Lemon Haze this time. I also been checking the ph every week or so. right around 5.9-6.1.
depending on uptake n changes in ppm n ph i usually set ph at res change @ 5.5 n by weeks end its @6 or so. then i do it again... this swing keeps everything in the sweet spot for a broad spectrum of nute uptake. some nutes uptake are better at lower or higher ph. 5.8 covers the broadest spectrum. jmo

dirk d

Active Member
ya i know what your saying 4tatude. I was in my hydro store telling them im getting the tri meters next and they told me to forget those and get CO2 instead. save the $300 on the trimeters and apply that towards the CO2 but honestly i want to completely master 1 aspect and then move to the next area. I really want to start to understand how the plant uptakes nutrients and follow the ph + ppm swings. Plus i honestly don't even know if the temp in my reservoirs is good or bad. I'm going to start getting the tri meters 1 at a time and then when i have everything dialed in im going to add the CO2.

I also finished the top feed upgrade for Rack #2. New Rails with 4 sites only. Will probably harvest rack #2 sunday or something. i want to get the pre-flower room upgrade girls out and the new beauties in.


Well-Known Member
yea the guys at the shops aer usually good people but they are trying to make a buck too:) i agree baby steps bro... get knowed up then add sonething new. every action has a reaction, if your not knowed up it may not be what you wanted... keep the forward momentum bro...