Organic Bud Candy? Homemade Recipes?

found a great price on ebay for it.. found this on a bidders info site too..

Foliar application:
Mix 1 Tablespoon Greensense Blackstrap molasses with 1 gallon of water.
Recommended products to add to your molasses (depending on application) include; Kelp, Fish Soulubles, Apple cider Vinegar, Compost or manure tea.
Spray on the top and bottom of leaf surfaces, and the soil around the plants. For best results, repeat every one to two weeks during the plants growing season. Apply spray in early morning for best results, do not apply in extreme heat on stressed plants.
Microbial treatment:
For application to the soil, mix 1 tablespoon with 1 gallon water, spray over area to encourage benificial bactirial growth. Repeat several times over the growing season for best results.

Now that's a good post. The only thing you might add is a touch of Epsom for a soil drench (not me, my soil has plenty). The only thing I might add is an airstone for about 24 hrs prior.
Shit I'm getting antsy and I still have a few weeks to wait for plant time.....


This is similar to some of the old true organic tricks my father passes down to me which I use all the time. This however has a few interesting additions. THANKS!

found a great price on ebay for it.. found this on a bidders info site too..

Foliar application:
Mix 1 Tablespoon Greensense Blackstrap molasses with 1 gallon of water.
Recommended products to add to your molasses (depending on application) include; Kelp, Fish Soulubles, Apple cider Vinegar, Compost or manure tea.
Spray on the top and bottom of leaf surfaces, and the soil around the plants. For best results, repeat every one to two weeks during the plants growing season. Apply spray in early morning for best results, do not apply in extreme heat on stressed plants.
Microbial treatment:
For application to the soil, mix 1 tablespoon with 1 gallon water, spray over area to encourage benificial bactirial growth. Repeat several times over the growing season for best results.
I have been doing a test... I have one lady feed with BS MOL... and the other Budcandy will see what wins
That shit is a rip off
4.95$ for a bottle of blackstrap molasses(AMAZING)
23$ Bud Candy(claims its good)

which would you choose?

I have been using molasses for a while now and i havn't had one plant problem
It has all the carbs and a bunch of nutrients cannabis needs for healthy growth
That shit is a rip off
4.95$ for a bottle of blackstrap molasses(AMAZING)
23$ Bud Candy(claims its good)

which would you choose?

I have been using molasses for a while now and i havn't had one plant problem
It has all the carbs and a bunch of nutrients cannabis needs for healthy growth

OK... I know most of you are not newbies like myself.. so this is for the newbies..

this is from a book called Backyard Problem solvers by Jerry Baker (I had a collection of books from my wifes gma that I have just been reading and here are some of his tips...

amonia = readily avail nitrogen 1 tbs per 2 gal (parts per the book more or less per your plants)
Antiseptic mouthwash -used to kill bad bacteria unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
Baby shampoo or liquid soap =softens soil removes dust etc (used as a pest control as well) ** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
beer= releases nutrients which are locked in the soil** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
soda= (NOT NON SUGARY CRAP) feeds good bacteria which condition your soil ** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
epsom salts=deepens color ** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
sugar or molasses and corn syrup= stimulate chlorophyll formation ** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
Tea =contains tanic acid helps plants digest food ** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
urine= smells scars varmits/deers etc** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
whiskey provides nutrients -mild antiseptic** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )

I will update this as far as the ppg or ppm after reading more...
OK... I know most of you are not newbies like myself.. so this is for the newbies..

this is from a book called Backyard Problem solvers by Jerry Baker (I had a collection of books from my wifes gma that I have just been reading and here are some of his tips...

amonia = readily avail nitrogen 1 tbs per 2 gal (parts per the book more or less per your plants)
Antiseptic mouthwash -used to kill bad bacteria unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
Baby shampoo or liquid soap =softens soil removes dust etc (used as a pest control as well) ** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
beer= releases nutrients which are locked in the soil** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
soda= (NOT NON SUGARY CRAP) feeds good bacteria which condition your soil ** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
epsom salts=deepens color ** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
sugar or molasses and corn syrup= stimulate chlorophyll formation ** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
Tea =contains tanic acid helps plants digest food ** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
urine= smells scars varmits/deers etc** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )
whiskey provides nutrients -mild antiseptic** unknown parts per gal (varies per recipe per problem )

I will update this as far as the ppg or ppm after reading more...

Guys, don't do any of this... my god.
I will post pic's of the same strains one with bud candy flowering stage 1-6
and another same size (as the original was when I flowered it) using only molasses flowering stage 1-6
The epsom salt mixed in as a soil dressings is a great Cal & Mag source. I use it instead of domalite lime
Dont give advice unless you know what each is benefitial for...

That's not really what the thread pertains to though, is it? I know what everything is "beneficial for" regarding this here thing we do. My point is that not one of the recommendations even closely replicates Bud Candy, and I don't even like the shit. I know my shit though, thanks.