Organic Cal Mag


Well-Known Member
Looking for organic supplements for organic calcium and magnesium. Need something that is readily available for the plant to use. Or takes a couple waterings to break down. Please recommend!
Does is take long to break down for the plants to use?
google KNF. There's a calcium supplement you can make at home with egg shells, brown sugar, and apple cider vinegar. irs ready in about a week i think. you roast egg shells, put in jar, add equal weight in brown sugar, and then fill with vinegar til its like 2/3 full, cover with breathable lid and let it ferment. seems simple enough(and cheap too)
google KNF. There's a calcium supplement you can make at home with egg shells, brown sugar, and apple cider vinegar. irs ready in about a week i think. you roast egg shells, put in jar, add equal weight in brown sugar, and then fill with vinegar til its like 2/3 full, cover with breathable lid and let it ferment. seems simple enough(and cheap too)
Some awesome stuff right here! Will definitely try this out soon! Thanks!
I’m also well into flower around week 2.5 so I do t want to use any foliage sprays. Preferably looking for something to top dress or water with that wont harm my soil microbes.
I used the Fox Farm stuff on my tomatoes all summer. It work within a week. All the new fruit was free of blossom rot.

google KNF. There's a calcium supplement you can make at home with egg shells, brown sugar, and apple cider vinegar. irs ready in about a week i think. you roast egg shells, put in jar, add equal weight in brown sugar, and then fill with vinegar til its like 2/3 full, cover with breathable lid and let it ferment. seems simple enough(and cheap too)

I save all my eggshells. I usually poder them up in a blender and mix some in when planting tomatoes and I haven't had any blossom end rot since I've been using them. I have recently gotten into KNF and am going to make my own water soluble calcium. I have a 5 gallon bucket of eggshells I'll be using.

I'm also making IMO and have my eye on some other things and I'm also looking at JADAM as well. I'm going all self sustaining organic next summer.
It was the Gringo Rasta line. I think it's the same stuff with a different label. My soil stayed very healthy while I used it.
I save all my eggshells. I usually poder them up in a blender and mix some in when planting tomatoes and I haven't had any blossom end rot since I've been using them. I have recently gotten into KNF and am going to make my own water soluble calcium. I have a 5 gallon bucket of eggshells I'll be using.

I'm also making IMO and have my eye on some other things and I'm also looking at JADAM as well. I'm going all self sustaining organic next summer.
yeah...i got some seedlings going and i have some FFOF I'm going to transplant them to. up-potting should keep my plants fed, but once they get to their final containers, I'll be giving them FFJ during flowering, along with calcium and also want to make OHM soon, to boost their immune systems
Wont these need a while to cook? Or does it become readily available after a couple waterings?

Likely won't be an immediate boost but it should provide decent amounts of calcium in a shorter time than gypsum. It's still a good organic source of calcium.
Roots elemental is supposed to be a organic Cal-mag supplement. I am planning to actually grab a bag of it tomorrow to start using, as I think I need to start adding it in