Organic Cal Mag

Langbeinite is a great source of magnesium and sulfur if you also happen to need potassium as well. Down to earth makes a "solution grade" langbeinite which I find to be highly available from the start. Just depends on what your soil needs.
Kelp is definitely a quick(reasonably especially compared to gypsum) Ca jolt to the soil. It has 10x the Ca as milk to give a feel for it. 1/2 cup of organic kelp(I put it in filter bags) in 5 gallons of water for a couple days stirring if I think about it. No need for aeration. Take out the bag, good for the worm bin, and drench soil. You should notice a difference in a few days

Langbeinite is a great source of magnesium and sulfur if you also happen to need potassium as well. Down to earth makes a "solution grade" langbeinite which I find to be highly available from the start. Just depends on what your soil needs.
And oyster shell flour for Ca. Or fish bone meal if you want P too.
so when yo say organic what do you mean? organic means carbon containing that's it. so th4 most available source is ..water. calcium and magnesium carbonate is what is referred to as water hardness. 70% of all mineral salts in water or EC is calcium and magnesium carbonate.
4he is calmag . Because of the carbonate being carbon that is organic. all call mag is organic and 70 % all water ec.
so after all that...there is absolutely NO reason to add calmag .
1) your basic nutrient formula should have it
2) calcium is rarely ever deficient.
3) magnesium is rarely deficient. ( again it in any basic formula) and it is in every liter of water that is not RO treated
feed a complete 12 minimum needed mineral solution.
the VAST majority if nutrient deficiencies are from HIGH EC causeing nutrient lockups.
4hr max your medium ec should be is 1600 .normally 1200
if your feed is 800 the waste should be 1200 if it is higher the plant medium need flushing with a complete completed balanced feed solution. 6ou need to flush out old solution am replace it with new.
if you think you need cal mag 4hen what 5ou really need is a balanced solution and control over your medium EC.