Organic cfl grow. Flowering week 3


Well-Known Member
I'm flowering using CFls 200w. 20in fan and window cracked...well ventilated. Feeding molasses, worm casting tea once per week and regular bottle water during rest of the week. Epsom salt once per month... 3 plants in one 10 gallon pot. Northern lights aka a pinch more thc than Cali regular
I need help making my buds bigger and more dense. I know better lights and nutes will do the trick but going thru hard times right now and don't have the money. Is there any house hold products I can use???

I heard that drying out banana pills and potato skins...then freezing them and making a tea out of that was what the locals use in humbolt county California. Has anyone had experience using these??

I have some miracle gro bloom booster 15 30 15 was thinking about super diluting it and using it but I really want to stay organic. Should I use or stay organic

I will be uploading pics 2moro....
Please no noobs only experienced growers. I research at least 5hrs per day on techniques and grow journals so I know more than a lil bit


Well-Known Member
Hi i have a auto 3 weeks mine look the same check out my last pic on my page think they buff up in weeks 5 to six but thats what i read


Well-Known Member
Please no noobs only experienced growers. I research at least 5hrs per day on techniques and grow journals so I know more than a lil bit

Better light, more light those lights look awfully blue, are they 2700k? hard to tell in pictures. Read about tea's I have no idea how you prepared your soil, so it's kind of hard to judge what can help.

Plants look healthy and green there's trichomes don't worry be happy, if you're on a budget just let them finish keep doing what you're doing, NL should fatten up nicely I've grown some 12/12 from seed and got quite a generous yield.

There's no magic in growing friend. You have to be patient, and with organics preparation is key. Read up on soil mixes and tea recipes. Get an LED set up or a good HID when you can afford it. CFl's are a pain in the ass IMO.

EDIT : Look into trimming your lower growth, you're going to have a bunch of airy buds unless you give the lowers lots of light as well as the tops.


Well-Known Member
as MrHead mentioned, if you're using blue sprectrum cfl's, the 2700k reddish spectrum will boost things
on the nutrients, phosphorous is what you're looking for
there is a vile smelling concoction called bonemeal tea, molasses is the base
2 weeks of brewing does produce a pretty good organic nutrient
but bonemeal does cost a little, though if you're hard core crushing some old bones could be done


Well-Known Member
If you're going to start a grow organically then why would you kill your microlife you worked so hard to produce with chems?
No matter how diluted the chem nutes are, they are still deadly to microbeasties
Your plant looks very healthy green.
Buds dont really start to swell and fatten until towards the last 2-3 weeks of flower.
I think you're definitely needing more light and as the others said, you need the RED spectrum. You dont have to switch the bulbs but you should add a whole bunch of red spectrum bulbs, they help the flowering process.
Blue spectrum is spring/early summer
Red spectrum is late summer/autumn (pro's correct me if im wrong)
And marijuana flowers in late summer/fall months. So red = flowers
There are many stickied threads in the organics section here and i think you should read the one posted earlier and google search "what types of free things can i use to fertilize my organic garden with?" Or something like that!
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
You could buy a bag of Espoma (Plant Tone) or other Espoma products for 6 or 7 bucks and it would last a while. If you can't afford that little bit then I wouldn't be growing. Just a thought.