organic compost tea question ?

ok so i have a couple questions i wana go all organic but i also want huge yields and fat nice nugs plus,, veg state i got it all packed down still have a long way just working on making my flowering tea with i am going to be using no nitrogen bat guano every kind of fruit also molases im going to be using a 50 gallon for this let it decompose for about 1 week and a half so i found out big bud is not organic and i kno that stuff really works you think it will b ok too toss in my mix or might cause a nute burn or toxic any ideas or suggestions ?

also also i do have my girls in ground 3x3x3 foot deep an width how much gallons you think this is and how much i should water , and is it ok if i give teas everytime ?
they are about 4 foot by now imagine harvest yea buddy...
ok thanks what if i start big bud first 3 weeks and the rest organic cause ive learned lemons in compost tea is a bud tightner ?


Well-Known Member
I'm shooting for the same as you. I'm using fish emulsion as the main veg fertilizer and then I'm tryin out botanicare pure blend pro and general hydroponics GO line for flower.

And if buds aren't as nice as I want them to be by like week 4 of flower i might just drop the organic and feed em some tiger bloom.

I really hope I don't sacrifice yield by going organic.

Last year I used fox farms tiger bloom and ended up with some fire bud. Maybe I should just do what I did last year?
yea thats wat im saying look if i go organic i can turn the buds purple doesnt matter wat strain ...
but if i use chemicals i will have a shit load of yield you get me im prettyy much like wth lol pureblend pro is good but horse manure seems too work great for veg aswel .. good luck to your garden catmando