Organic experts, how do I learn what you know?

Matt Rize

P.S: Fuck Synthetic. ORGANIC BUDS THE SIZE OF YOUR ARMS!! just had to say it for good measure.... hopefully some stupid synth users will see it, and yes your ethier lazy or stupid if you use synth....
you forgot greedy. most folks i know using synth are commercial growers.


Well-Known Member
to TRULY Know organics you have to read these books:
Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry
Introduction to Botany:

and to get a BETTER Idea at what Woodsmaneh is Talking about read This :$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex789

AFTER you have read ALL of that Material and tested yourself on the properties (IE, What is the purpose of Boron? what is the purpose of Silica? What is the purpose of Chlorine?) then you will start to have a good understanding of Organics.

after you KNOW all of that By heart, and have YEARS Of experiance then you will TRULY Know Organics.

those are POTTING SOIL. did you miss the part where he said 20 GALLONS Potting soil?!? Perlite adds air space, the OPPOSITE Of making it compact.....

P.S: Fuck Synthetic. ORGANIC BUDS THE SIZE OF YOUR ARMS!! just had to say it for good measure.... hopefully some stupid synth users will see it, and yes your ethier lazy or stupid if you use synth....
Do I did not miss it potting soil is not promix or sunshine!!! There is no soil in Pro-Mix!


shame on you Matt you know better!


PRO-MIX HP MYCORRHIZAE™ is a high porosity peat-based growing medium ideal for water sensitive crops, rooting cutting and/or low-light growing conditions that contains a beneficial mycorrhizal inoculum (Glomus intraradices).

PRO-MIX BX MYCORRHIZAE™ is a general purpose peat based professional growing media designed for a wide range of greenhouse and transplanting applications that contains a mycorrhizal inoculum (Glomus intraradices).

Have a look at the chart it list everything in it.


Well-Known Member
hey Woosmaneh. you cant controll whats in BS soils like Fox Farm or other Shit.

P.S: Learn Something. learn the diffrerance betwen POTTING SOIL and TOP SOIL. your talking about TOP SOIL.

IF it was a SOILLESS MIX which is what your saying it is it wouldn't have the Nutrients, fungi and bacteria added. SERIOUSLY fucking hate the STUPID SHIT people say without thinking.

go into the woods. get peat moss. put it in a bag with bacteria. come back a year later and GUESS WHAT WE HAVE?!?! DIRT. PEAT MOSS IS DEGRADED BEFORE ITS SOLD.

just to make sure you actualy read this woosmaneh SOILLESS MIXES have NO NUTRIENTS. so then why does PRO-MIX Have added Nutes, Fungi, and Bacteria?!? that chart obviously doesn't tell us anything because it doesn't include the fungal and bacterial additives, so we know from that that its inaccurate.

P.S: I;ve been using peat for the last 10 years. the only thing better than Peat is COCO.

a soilless mix is also sometimes referred to as a sterile mix because it doesn't contain soil, which can contain bacteria and fungi that is harmful to seedlings and indoor plants.
Soil. A natural, three-dimensional body at the earth’s surface. It is capable of
supporting plants and has properties resulting from the integrated effect of


Well-Known Member
If it was soil it would say so on the bag, your not reading I am not talking about Fox Farm where the fuck did that come from?? I am not going to repeat what I have stated.


I never said promix of sunshine had any nutrients in it WTF are you talking about, back off on the pipe bro.

P.S: Learn Something. learn the diffrerance betwen POTTING SOIL and TOP SOIL. your talking about TOP SOIL.

WTF who said anything about top soil?

You sure have your threads and head mixed up here, I have no idea where your going now?



Well-Known Member
lmfao Woodsmaneh.

keep showing us how Ignorant you are. heres a Google Search for: definition: soil
Noun: The upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles.

MAYBE if your going to call yourself an Organic Grower, you shouldn't be a Hypocrite and Actually learn something.

it DOSE NOT have to say soil IF YOU ARE MAKING YOUR OWN. moron.

WTF who said anything about top soil?
YOU Did. your Talking about TOP SOIL. theres a BIG Differance between TOP SOIL and GROWING MEDIUM.


Well-Known Member
Heres a Link to the 2010 Super Soil Recipe:

Notice ROOTS Organic?

A truly exceptional ready-to-use coco fiber-based potting soil. We begin with a base of the highest quality coco fiber/Coir on the plant which is repeatedly washed for an incredibly low EC, and composted for over twenty-four months, and is specially blended with extra long fibers.
COCO Is for Soilless Mixes, i wonder WHY ITS WHAT MAKES THEIR SOIL?!?!?!? Saying PEAT CAN'T Be used for soil is almost as retarded as Saying COCO Can't be used in soil.

This soil is amended with only the highest quality organic ingredients including bat guano, premium earth worm castings, fish bone meal, feather meal, green sand, mycorrihzae, glacial rock dust, soybean meal, humic acid, and many more
Well i Guess since we are adding most of those things i guess that constitutes the make up of SOIL.
Peat = A Base. without a Base all you have is a A Shitload of Nutrients. think about it before you open your mouth.

P.S: If i sound Angry, Its because i Hate Ignorance. Your Ignoring the fact that Peat Moss and Coco Fibers degrade into SOIL. just like manure degrades into SOIL.


Active Member
Congratulations on your wise decision. Organics is the only way to fly in my book!!!
A lot of really great info and finds here!!! Not a whole lot to add to any of this except that if you want to understand the actual composition of soil, and what makes a good soil, understand soil structure.

To ME, that recipe is pretty light on EWC, I use a lot more than that, but you can't argue success. Corbat knows his shit, no doubt.
I agree Corbat, lets see something like these from synthetics!!!
Is that an Ewok you are holding or a bud? Jee-zus!


Active Member
I don't like using Dolomite lime or Epsom salts unless you are going to age your soil, I don't use them at all. I would also swap out the perlite for something like Sunshine or ProMix this will give you less compaction when mixed with garden soil.
Why wouldn't you use Dolomite Lime and Epsom salts? They are really good sources of calcium and magnesium (and sulphur) for which cannabis requires quite a fair amount, no? Also the dolomite lime is helpful at buffering the ph which makes it even more attractive as an amendment.

I also don't understand why you would suggest that I swap my perlite for promix? The purpose of the perlite is to add porosity and good drainage, adding additional peat would just pack it down even more. Seems counterintuitive to me.


Well-Known Member
Heres a Link to the 2010 Super Soil Recipe:

Notice ROOTS Organic?

COCO Is for Soilless Mixes, i wonder WHY ITS WHAT MAKES THEIR SOIL?!?!?!? Saying PEAT CAN'T Be used for soil is almost as retarded as Saying COCO Can't be used in soil.

Well i Guess since we are adding most of those things i guess that constitutes the make up of SOIL.
Peat = A Base. without a Base all you have is a A Shitload of Nutrients. think about it before you open your mouth.

P.S: If i sound Angry, Its because i Hate Ignorance. Your Ignoring the fact that Peat Moss and Coco Fibers degrade into SOIL. just like manure degrades into SOIL.
Using that logic isn't virtually everything soil? lol! Let's keep it civil guys.


Well-Known Member
Using that logic isn't virtually everything soil? lol! Let's keep it civil guys.
No, only things which Degrade into a brown Nutritious medium Which has Nutrients Readily available for Uptake by plant roots. that IS what DEFINES Soil.

Its called Soil Micro-Biology, and i allready posted the link to a book that will explain it all, seeing as THAT is what this thread is SUPPOSED to be, but Woodsmaneh! Came along and started to accuse people of not knowing anything.... instead of contributing to the conversation......

P.S: It is civil, untill ignorant people come here and make assumptions. Then, like any other Thread. im going to show them how they are Wrong.

if your right, your right. if your Wrong and Act like your Right, then your an idiot. -Anonymous.


Active Member
I've got to agree with Corbat here.

Too often I've been led astray by someone spouting bullshit just to make themselves seem like an all-knowledgeable ganja god.

The problem is most folks are simply re-posting what they read from someone elses post, who read that from someone elses post, who heard that from a dude who owns a grow shop, who only wants to sell more products.

Too often things are taken as fact, when they have little basis in true botany.

I'm here to learn to be a better grower, so I can create better medicine for myself. If I listened to some of the bad advice that gets tossed around here, I could ruin my crop, and then I wouldn't have my medicine. This is a serious concern for me.

I want to learn as much as I can, from those who are most knowledgeable on the subject due to real-world experience, and scholarly sources (NOTE: High Times, while a magazine that I do enjoy - does NOT count as a scholarly reference).

At some point all this misinformation needs to stop, and if it takes people getting called out for their bullshit, then I'm all for it.

Ideas like "take out the perlite and replace with peat for better porosity in the soil" (I'm paraphrasing) makes no sense, and is exactly the type of thing that could really send someone less knowledgeable far astray, and seriously compromise their garden. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but for guys like myself who need their meds, this isn't acceptable.

I do appreciate people contributing their opinions, but please be sure to qualify them as such. If you're only taking a guess at something, then say it, don't simply state it as fact.


Well-Known Member
I've got to agree with Corbat here.

Too often I've been led astray by someone spouting bullshit just to make themselves seem like an all-knowledgeable ganja god.

The problem is most folks are simply re-posting what they read from someone elses post, who read that from someone elses post, who heard that from a dude who owns a grow shop, who only wants to sell more products.

Too often things are taken as fact, when they have little basis in true botany.

I'm here to learn to be a better grower, so I can create better medicine for myself. If I listened to some of the bad advice that gets tossed around here, I could ruin my crop, and then I wouldn't have my medicine. This is a serious concern for me.

I want to learn as much as I can, from those who are most knowledgeable on the subject due to real-world experience, and scholarly sources (NOTE: High Times, while a magazine that I do enjoy - does NOT count as a scholarly reference).

At some point all this misinformation needs to stop, and if it takes people getting called out for their bullshit, then I'm all for it.

Ideas like "take out the perlite and replace with peat for better porosity in the soil" (I'm paraphrasing) makes no sense, and is exactly the type of thing that could really send someone less knowledgeable far astray, and seriously compromise their garden. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but for guys like myself who need their meds, this isn't acceptable.

I do appreciate people contributing their opinions, but please be sure to qualify them as such. If you're only taking a guess at something, then say it, don't simply state it as fact.
As hard as we try we will never get rid of the know-it-alls. People have differing opinions and sometimes both can be right. Just because one person hasn't grown a certain way doesn't mean that way doesn't work. This plant is really adaptable and amazingly strong! People are encouraged to voice their opinions, but in a respectful way. No need for name calling and insults.;-)


Well-Known Member
Marijuana Botany:

This FREE Text will explain MANY of the basic principles of marijuana cultivation, from life cycle, feeding methods, wavelengths of light which effect the plant and even some Historical Knowledge of marijuana.

the Breeding and Genetics portion of this paper is PURE GOLD. you will have trouble finding a more comprehensive guide to breeding cannabis, even in the breeders bible.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Yeah, that is a must read. A bit too in depth for most, tho. Clarke is the recognized authority in most circles.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana Botany:

This FREE Text will explain MANY of the basic principles of marijuana cultivation, from life cycle, feeding methods, wavelengths of light which effect the plant and even some Historical Knowledge of marijuana.

the Breeding and Genetics portion of this paper is PURE GOLD. you will have trouble finding a more comprehensive guide to breeding cannabis, even in the breeders bible.
I've read it a few times and it is indeed and EXCELLENT book! I've been trying to get my hands on a hard copy for years now and I've only been able to find used ones on Amazon for over $100! Sorry, but I'm not going to pay that.:shock:

Well-Known Member
Nice frosty bud there Samwell. Looks delicious!


Here's an updated pic of my outdoor OG Kush, using General Organics 'GO Box'. About 4 weeks into flower.



Active Member
Ok quick question about the soil after the grow. Say you use organics throughout the entire grow and when it's done just throw the soil back into your already going compost. How long untill the soil is usable again or is it already?