Organic flowering fertilizer

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I have high P guano for phosphorus, but need something for K, I have kelp meal mixed into the soil, but I want something else for more K in flowering.

Should I get another guano that is high in K, or a soluble kelp, I found a mixture of soluble kelp and soluble humic acid, would that be good? Better than just soluble kelp?


Well-Known Member
I went with the mixture when also looking for K....go with humic acid + kelp. I am doing organic soil growing and use a humic acid kelp meal mix. Actually use that in my "Super Soil"


Well-Known Member
Jersey greensand is slow release. Unless you are recycling the soil not a good choice of K. You can topdress with kelp meal or do a soil drench with soluble kelp.Another complete fertilizer would be rainbow bloom. keepem green dirrtyd


Active Member
Botanicare's Pure blend Pro Soil
I used this shit ONCE it tripled my yeaild over faded super soil, the buds got massive, It worked better than any other single bottled nute i have ever used..... ever, i dont know if it is completely organic??? it is already broke down to a form that the plants can use.


Active Member
Really, soil health is what dictates healthy plants, not the fertilizer.
Ive done soooo many test grows with different fertilizers, different grow methods, etc...
Truth be told, Subs supersoil kinda sucks, it has too much phosphorus and too little potassium, IMO.

Mushroom head, you dont need a ton of potassium, the best thing to do is to just top dress the soil with some kelp meal a few weeks into flower. OR if you buy the liquid stuff, add it to some tea and water with it during mid flowering or when your plant is showing a def.

If you ever grow with Subcools soil, cut the finished soil with some additional plain soil or promix and add some kelp meal. I did this and got better results, but thats my opinion...


Active Member
If you can find it in your area consider Gaia Green power bloom:

They are not widely distributed in the U.S. though.
I first tried Gaia Green with a lot of reservation but when I did, I had amazing results with this product line. When I worked at a nursery for a few seasons back in early the 2000's, I had alot of positive feedback from alot of people who tried their line. Not only in flower and fruit production but also in flavour and scent. A common description was how "clean" the taste was of whatever they were growing.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
You eat bananas? Cook the banana peels in the oven until they're crispy and just about to turn to ashes. You can broil them if you have a setting for that. Then cool them off and crush them and you can top dress them or use them in your mix.

They're 0-3-27. Lots of potassium. And some P too.


Active Member
Earth Juice has a product called "Meta K". I bought it for the same reason the OP is asking about. If I need a big shot or organic K, I could use this stuff. Have not had a chance to use it yet.


Active Member
Earth Juice has a product called "Meta K"​
I looked it up Meta-K is 0-0-10 from potash. I came to post and there it was already! Kelps are good too (techniflora offers a 1-1-16 soluble powder) but many are wary of using them in late bloom due to the many growth hormones possibly causing flower irregularities. Humic/fulvic will help absorption. K is VERY important make sure its in there somehow.


Well-Known Member
I can also vouch for the META K from Earth Juice. I use it if i can't find blackstrap molasses along with my subcool super soil