Organic grow


Well-Known Member
Please check out my new album =) Poor man's, to the fullest. Any comments, questions, tips, criticisms (constructive please) are greatly accepted and appreciated!

-Indoor (closet flower nightly)/outdoor (natural sun daily). Havent had any trouble with heat so far, on account of extreme effort to avoid it. Because I am in the south, and I started late spring/early summer, I was able to give her around 13-15 hours of sunlight every day before I switched to 12/12.

-Had springtails which had no negative effects as of yet (And they seem hard to avoid with a good organic soil mix). Had a VERY brief bug situation (thips or mites) but either way, I have an organic bug spray which is AWESOME and after one treatment I haven't seen ANY... I highly recommend the spray if you have any bug trouble...hit me up and I will give you the recipe/instructions. Also, I check my plants VIGOROUSLY so I noticed the first few bugs immediately which helps a ton. I use it on my vegetable garden as well.

-The soil mix held water too well, didn't have enough perlite but, she is gulping water now that she's in flower so over water isn't an as much of an issue as it was earlier. Next time will, I add more perlite. Had a tiny bit of nute burn (time release, I know, I know..but theyre timed to run out perfectly so the last two weeks of flower will be clean) on account of watering every week or so for a while but, literally a few tips on a few older leaves which has not spread at all since I've been able to water every 3-5 days.

-Incase it was a PH or deficiency, added organic coffee grounds (PH is a steady 6.5 at the moment) and now while in flower an organic eggshell fertilizer for Cal/Mag. Havent seen any new hot tips or spread from old ones.

All in all shes done very well. I mentioned all the negatives to see if anyone has any tips on anything i may have missed, but for the most part she is very green, growing fast/well, and staying right on schedule. The problems have made up a small percentage of the grow, found early and fixed. I have experience growing gardens...just never cannabis. Most of what I know has translated nicely. The album has pics!

She's def a sativa dominant strain...pretty sure it was a kush. The latest pics are from 2 weeks into flower. Startin to look sexy. About 5 weeks or so left to flower! Wish me luck!

Edit: Here's the album link


Well-Known Member
Based upon the leaves, I don't think you're dealing with a Sativa dominant plant. Perhaps a 50/50 hybrid. If you prefer more of a heavy "stoned" feeling, let it flower a touch longer until your trichomes are all milky with some turning amber. If you want more of an upbeat high, chop it when you have *some* cloudy/milky trichome heads, with some still being clear.

Everything is looking good, though. Nicely done!


Well-Known Member
Thank you! sweet...cause some of the trichs are milky now..I wouldnt say 50/50 yet..just patches of milky spots. I was planning on taking her till she had some amber/cloudy, or till her leaves yellow a bit...still really green. not to mention she still seems to be packin on weight, lol. I'll see how she does this next week.


Well-Known Member
and ur right, bout 50/50 on the leaves that fattened up. She looks like a lot of kush pic/vids I've seen...Very dank/lemon smell. So stinky.


Well-Known Member
yeah, she was bout 14 inches when she started flower...she's almost 3 feet now. The low yield could just be my noobness in some capacity. What should my goal for yield be?


Well-Known Member
yeah, she was bout 14 inches when she started flower...she's almost 3 feet now. The low yield could just be my noobness in some capacity. What should my goal for yield be?

That depends. A sufficient source of light, genetics, and container size are your 3 main limiting factors. If you're on a budget the cheapest way to bump the yield is to use a larger container and maybe veg for a bit longer. Roots=fruits. Obviously you could try growing something that is supposed to yield heavy as well.

Some people claim to get over a gram per watt. I've never come close to that. I'm more concerned with the quality of the bud than I am with how much of it I end up with. I wouldn't get too hung up on that.


Well-Known Member
cool... lights good, genetics I cant help, and she is only in a 3 gallon...Besides the above mentioned...the only similar pheno's I've seen tend to pack on the weight later..some are even 10 week flowers. I was pretty much just looking for a successful grow so, I'm happy XD


Well-Known Member
Wk 7!82912updatewk7 024.jpg She's gettin close =)wk7update83013 001.jpgwk7update83013 008.jpgwk7update83013 016.jpgwk7update83013 019.jpgBout 60/40 orange/white pistils. Some amber trichomes, mostly on bud leaves, few on buds. I'd say 80-90% cloudy, 5-10% clear, 5-10% amber. She's probably coming down on, or very close to, day 56. Mostly judging pace of maturation..partly cause I just want to harvest soooo bad, lol. I've decided to try and get her as close to 75-80% orange pistils, 25-30% amber, 70-75% cloudy, and 5 % clear trichomes as I possibly can. Getting exciting, now!


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Looks to have alot of fight left, ive had plenty of strains go past 8 weeks, if the plants ready it will tell you.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Looks to have alot of fight left, ive had plenty of strains go past 8 weeks, if the plants ready it will tell you.
Thanks. Yeah she's refusing to stop growing, lol. I'm okay with that, though =) Even though I really, really want to harvest, I'll stay patient. Looks like 9-10 weeks will be the right time.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I'm proud of the girl =). Looking forward to learning more and improving on the next one. As far as a first run goes, I think it went well.


Well-Known Member
kush2.jpgkushie.jpgNot done curing but... Here it is in all it's glory. Harvested day 66 and 70. The smell is awesome...really came out the last week. 32 g dry. Sucks, but gonna up everything for next grow ie. pot size, watts. Gonna LST and get more colas. Anyhow, been so fun and I'm happy to say I got to the end. Been checking for mold and such but seems fine. Thank you again RIU!! :weed: