Organic Help.


Well-Known Member
Ok I know there are the manufactured orgainc nute ....well thats not me lol I make my nute ..compost tea my plants in soil love it.. but i have really been lookin at hydro and i dont know whats driveing me to it but theres something....I want a systeam thats not passive hydro (like the wick, hempy bucket,etc) I heard compost tea clogs values and what not soo a lil help please.....:?:


Well-Known Member
If you want to use tea in a DWC or a tube feeding system you will have to strain it well first. Put pantyhose over a bucket and pour the tea through it. You may need to do it a couple times to get it a good consistancy. A buddy of mine does this with his hydro set up. You'll just have to clean the hoses more often, because tea is potent stuff (espically FRESH tea), and the bactria will get them grungy.

Personally, it seems like a lot of work to me. And, is it just me, or does hydro-organic seem like an oxymoron? :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i know you dont like the pre made nute mix but. i used old age products in my hydro and it worked great. just a thought. peace