Organic hydroponics?


Active Member
I forget where I was reading about it but there was a write up on how organic hydroponics can not be done. I say bullpucky what do you guys think.

I think it can be done so you get the fast groth of hydroponics but the benefits of the organic nutes.
I think there's some merit here.

I know a lot of my organic suppliers are making their products in water-soluble form for this very reason..

For example, AMF or myco, BSF frass, kelp, and so on and so forth..
Bacterial water and sterile water would be the difference.. 2 different things happening. If we are talking water vs mediumless. My definition of hydroponic is sterile stomach, zero digestion. Direct , IV bag and vitamins. Literally the soil is your stomach contents and the root is an inside-out intestine.

Anyone growing with fish poop should totally ditch the hydro label . leave it with the plastic growers. Its just a water based medium,totally different from chemical bud so why call it hydro