Organic Indoor AK-48 under T5 (Veg & Bloom) with BMO Nutrients


Well-Known Member
This is my first time using BMO and I've yet to get to the flowering stage yet. But I will be using that in combination with their Super Plant Tonic, and the Foliar Harmony for foliar feeding.


Well-Known Member
It's been 7 days since the taproot came out of the Blackberry seed and was placed into soil; and now it has two true sets of leaves. Temperatures seem to have leveled off to high 70's at night (with circulation and exhaust fan on 24/7) and low to mid-80's with lights on.

Blackberry - 3 days ago
View attachment 1191240
Blackberry today - At 7 days from seed
View attachment 1191238
And the lavender with BMO nutes is doing well. Seriously, this thing is frosty.
View attachment 1191239

Any suggestions, tips, hints, are criticisms welcome. beans from the mailman. Maybe tomorrow...

That lavender.. ehhh is it just me... or does that thing just not look right???


Well-Known Member
That lavender.. ehhh is it just me... or does that thing just not look right???
It's still a seedling, but this is the first time I've ever grown it from seed, so I'm not sure how it is "supposed" to look. But this is another one I found online that looks somewhat similar, although they could be different species of lavender and have different growing patterns:

And it is ACTUAL lavender, not the strain. If that needs to even be acknowledged.


Well-Known Member
I noticed the Perlite turning a brownish color so I cut a hole in a square of poly-film and put it around the stem. Is this algae growth?


Well-Known Member
Quick update:

2010-10-05 15.56.51.jpg
2010-10-05 15.56.36.jpg
Everything is looking good to me so far.

Also, went to the Depot today and grabbed some new things:
Espoma Organic Traditions - Garden Lime
Miracle Grow Organic Choice - Blood Meal
Mosser Lee Sphagnum Moss
Miracle Grow Perlite
Total Damage: $25
Putting my overall grow cost at: $393

But I am sure I will need some things here and there in the future.

Now onto my question, whose got a good blend for these soil components? Preferably only from things I have (Again, Perlite, Blood Meal, Garden Lime, Sphagnum Moss)


Well-Known Member
Finally got an update on my HelpDesk topic from Nirvana:

Considering the amount of time that has passed, it's likely that the parcel has been lost or confiscated somewhere along the way.
As stated in our Terms and Conditions (which you agreed to when you ordered), we cannot be held responsible if packages get lost or confiscated.
Just this once, though, I will resend your order to you as a goodwill gesture. Fingers crossed that it will arrive safely this time!

I guess my AK-48 will be delayed yet another week. Sigh. Looks like I may have to try the good people at Attitude soon. I've got a couple more hours until lights on, then I'll give it another update.


Well-Known Member
Agh, that really sucks!
dam i was just about to ask you if u ever got them beans
I know, this totally throws off my (hopeful) harvest time. What's weird though is I never got the "dreaded letter" from customs. Now I'm hoping the first package comes in the mail, so I get 20 seeds. But let me ask you who have ordered from Nirvana before: when they get to the US, are they delivered via USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL? I assume it would just be USPS, but I dunno. Either way, an update will probably be in the next day or two as they look pretty much the same now, but they do have 6 new leaves starting.


Well-Known Member
Word. I wonder if I'll get the dreaded letter.

Gave the baby a feeding of Super Plant Tonic tonight. Let's how to get those beneficial bacteria kicking and make this plant a SUPER PLANT. I also cut a bit of mylar to line the soil of the pot, as the perlite was starting to turn brown (Not sure if I mentioned this in a past update, I'm pretty toasty after some Bubba Kush x Holland's Hope). Pictures tomorrow after I see some real growth kick in...Well, hell... maybe I can get up off my ass and snap a couple shots real quick...

One minute please.


Well-Known Member
A good buddy of mine stopped by tonight and dropped off 25 beans for "my friend who was considering growing." So I dropped three in a wet paper towel, put them in a ziplock, blew some air in, then sealed it and put it atop my wireless router. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some roots to plant. Also, I will be rooting these into Sphagnum Moss, Perlite, with some lime and blood meal.
2010-10-07 22.24.35.jpg

And here's my one beaut:
2010-10-07 22.31.12.jpg

Is this minor nutrient burn? Heat stress (doubtful)? pH issues?
2010-10-07 22.31.47.jpg


Well-Known Member
Finally got an update on my HelpDesk topic from Nirvana:

Considering the amount of time that has passed, it's likely that the parcel has been lost or confiscated somewhere along the way.
As stated in our Terms and Conditions (which you agreed to when you ordered), we cannot be held responsible if packages get lost or confiscated.
Just this once, though, I will resend your order to you as a goodwill gesture. Fingers crossed that it will arrive safely this time!

I guess my AK-48 will be delayed yet another week. Sigh. Looks like I may have to try the good people at Attitude soon. I've got a couple more hours until lights on, then I'll give it another update.
Same thing that happened to me... The good news is you should get the package your second time around, good luck!

Is this minor nutrient burn? Heat stress (doubtful)? pH issues?
View attachment 1199673
I would say most likely ph issues. Catch it early if you can and you shouldn't have a problem..


Well-Known Member
Fuck. I am without a job for at least another week, strapped for cash. No pH equipment. The one thing I kept hearing over and over about organic growing is, "I never worried about pH issues. Never had any." Now what do you know. Oh well, I'll toss a bit of dolomite lime on the soil if it gets worse, and hope it clears it up. I seriously need a job to fund this hobby any further. I've been applying at all the head shops in town. Hopefully one comes through.

Also, thanks for sub'ing my journal, doesn't seem like we've got too many along for the ride. I'm keeping up on your grow as well, looking fantastic.