Organic Indoor AK-48 under T5 (Veg & Bloom) with BMO Nutrients


Well-Known Member
What if there were pH buffered nutrients, as well as non-buffered nutrients, used? Would the buffering from the one product be able to overcome the separate pH's of other nutrients/water/supplements added?


Well-Known Member
What if there were pH buffered nutrients, as well as non-buffered nutrients, used? Would the buffering from the one product be able to overcome the separate pH's of other nutrients/water/supplements added?
Thats a damn good question and thats why its handy to have a meter lol..

my nutes have ph buffers as well and the way that works is you set it once and forget about it... the bufferes will take it from there... many people have problems with buffers in the begining cause if you check it with your meter it will read high, so naturally you want to add ph down... this is all bad you will hurt your plants if you do this..

so the best thing to do if your nutes have buffers is like i said set it once "befor" you add nutes then loose your ph meter untill next water change..

also i know i said this many times but ph doesnt really mater much in soil cause it naturally buffers your ph...
i never ph my water in my soil grows... yes i think it is a sham!!!
When you get nute lockout it becomes a problem, I found this out the hardway and really fast! It does depend on a lot of factors I'm sure but all I can say is from my experience the ph has been a very important factor in soil period!! And from the way auzies plants are looking I feel that he would benefit from at least getting an idea of his ph so I really don't understand why people insist its not important...

My buddie uses pure blend pro and there is no need for adjusting the ph, even with our 8.0 tap water but how would you know that unless you check lol.. I'm sure there's ways around it but I'd rather be for sure.


Well-Known Member
my ph is 8 from the tap and around 6.8 from the RO.. but my dirt plants never get the good Ro water unless they get sick then i will flush with it.. but i never feed my dirt plants, and i think thats why i dont have problems.. most nutes have to have a ph of 6.5 or lower to break down..

good post smelly ph "can" cause lockout if to high..


Well-Known Member
my ph is 8 from the tap and around 6.8 from the RO.. but my dirt plants never get the good Ro water unless they get sick then i will flush with it.. but i never feed my dirt plants, and i think thats why i dont have problems.. most nutes have to have a ph of 6.5 or lower to break down..

good post smelly ph "can" cause lockout if to high..
Thanks RR, I guess I was one of the unlucky ones who had to find out the hard way lol..


Well-Known Member
Last night I decided to experiment with my bulbs and take out 2 of the red bulbs and replace them with 2 blue bulbs. This put my light at 5 blues and one red. I wanted to see if I could notice any differences in growth between using full-spectrum and not. Right now my Blackberry gal is still hurting pretty bad from the salt build-up/magnesium deficiency. I need to go grab some Epsom salts still, but I did flush her well and have been letting her dry up a bit. I started four more, and three of which have all popped. They all seemed to have stretched much more than the Blackberry did. Also, my buddy who gave me the beans last time, showed up and threw me some more from a buddy of his. Apparently, these beans came from an experienced grower that had a plant hermie on him. So I now gained about 20 more PPP x Haze (apparently) beans. I threw two of them into a wet paper towel tonight to germinate. And now for the pictures:
This is the lower growth of the Blackberry. As you can see, it still has some burnt tips, and growth has been very slow down there.
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This is the top of the Blackberry. The leaves are still bowing, but for the most part have been regaining their green color.
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This is Bagseed #1 that I started about 2 weeks after the Blackberry plant. She was the first to show the magnesium deficiency. Which now that I think of it, makes total sense. I should've seen the problems coming when I noticed there was issues with this one. Nice broad leaves on this one though.
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Here are the new ones:
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And here is the tallest one, and the fastest growing.
2010-11-07 00.12.29.jpg


Well-Known Member
sweet, so auzzie if you flushed real good then just be patient now i guess.. im sure she'll bounce back quickly..
your seedlings look real nice..


Well-Known Member
sweet, so auzzie if you flushed real good then just be patient now i guess.. im sure she'll bounce back quickly..
your seedlings look real nice..
I'm going to do some experiments with them. I love experimenting. I'm thinking with one of them I'm going to use a feeder pack that goes in the soil (guy at the hydro store gave me one for free). Then possibly one with using pure myco mixed in the medium. Then I'll need a control too...


Well-Known Member
i totally like expierimenting.. within the last 5 years i have tried well over 20 different systems and variations.. and now that i just cropped im about to start yet a new...

perpetual this time and once that is started i will have more space for more tricks.. wooohooo!!!

and looks like your about to have a birthday soon, woohoo to that Mr Ganja


Well-Known Member
I know, my 1000th post is creeping up on me. Have you tried multiple different hydro systems? Have any you prefer?


Well-Known Member
the one thats the easiest are the flood and drain tables.. but i have tried them all with the exception of the fogger.. all DIY as well

but my best producer was my 6" pvc aeroponic system.. that thing was trick, but i went to the tables so i can try SOG with more plants...
dwc in buckets or aeroponic in rubbermaid tubs might work well for you if your only growing few at a time..


Well-Known Member
the one thats the easiest are the flood and drain tables.. but i have tried them all with the exception of the fogger.. all DIY as well

but my best producer was my 6" pvc aeroponic system.. that thing was trick, but i went to the tables so i can try SOG with more plants...
dwc in buckets or aeroponic in rubbermaid tubs might work well for you if your only growing few at a time..
I'm going to be starting a flood a drain pretty soon, might have some questions for you in the future :)


Well-Known Member
I guess I could go buy a new lid for my 5-gallon bucket and turn it into a one-site WaterFarm type system. I wonder if I have enough of the other parts around here for a hydro system of any sort because I definitely don't have the money to go buy the stuff for it.