Organic Indoor AK-48 under T5 (Veg & Bloom) with BMO Nutrients


Well-Known Member
Excellent. Do you have a grow journal?

Also, I've had to rid out another hermie. I'm now down to four nice female plants. Setting my sights now, and hoping for 2 oz. dry. But on the big girl, I can't imagine getting less than a half off of her.


Active Member
Naw no grow journal. Started it before i found this site. Plant to on my next grow which will be dual 600watters. I think youll easily be able to get 2 oz. If you vegged to 18"+ seems like you should be able to get that from 4 plants. Good luck hope you hit your goal


I have gone back and read your whole journal and decided to sub. Very nice journal, good grow, friendly and helpful people. I plan on following until you finish.


Well-Known Member
hey auzzie i just wanted to stop by and say hi! its been a good long while since i been on, hope all is well with you and your green thumb?


Well-Known Member
hey auzzie i just wanted to stop by and say hi! its been a good long while since i been on, hope all is well with you and your green thumb?
You're back! Now I have someone to report back to. I feel like everyone dropped off my thread. This calls for a celebration. I'm going to go snag some pictures....


Well-Known Member
woohoo pics.. im so honored! sorry bout dropping off man had a dark cloud lingering over me for a while, but i beat that fucker.. so glad to be back man


Well-Known Member

So it's been quite awhile since I've updated with photos and a long response, so I figure it's overdue, and here it is.

One minute while I pack one up...

Much better, so...

Since I've last updated a lot of stuff has happened. I lost one of my girls to some balls, so I chopped it up. This puts me down to four girls right now:

1.) Old, tall, lanky. Appears to be a sativa heavy plant. At five weeks flowering she has barely any buds that have formed, but many bud sites. The 'experiments' performed with her would be defoliation along with LST. (Not pictured, but can be seen in the back of other pictures)

2.) This second girl is about medium-tall height. She has been LST'd and when you look at her, you will notice that all bud sites are completely un-blocked. I tied hemp strings to the branches and managed to open up light to every bud site, but with this being said, it is still a slow-bloomer. Assuming it to be a sativa dominant.

2011-01-09 00.58.32.jpg2011-01-09 00.58.10.jpg

3.) The oldest girl I have. She suffered through a calcium lockout due to overabundance of magnesium, but pulled through. At two weeks into flowering, she had nice mature calyxes, and now they are swelling nicely. I've been waiting for the day the top cola fills in completely, that is the goal of mine. Lots of orange hairs, and fairly frosty. No experiments on this one that I can recall right now. She seems to be maturing at a much quicker rate than that of the clone (see below) that I took of her. Any ideas?
2011-01-09 00.57.10.jpg2011-01-09 00.57.39.jpg
4.) Clone of the 'Oldest Girl' (seen above). Shot out a bunch of goofy looking leaves after 2 weeks in veg, and then threw her into flower. While the leaves that were shot out do look goofy, they're also quite frosty. This clone was an experiment in itself, but one of statistics. I took this clone to see how much one singular plant done in a SOG setup could yield. To recreate that type of setup, I did the clone in veg for 2 weeks, and then am going to flower her in this small pot seen throughout all of flower because if I were to do a SOG grow one day, I would probably do them in 2L bottles or square pots with small circumferences. If I can get a good pull off the clone, my mind might be switched to a SOG setup in narrow, long containers.
2011-01-09 00.55.40.jpg2011-01-09 00.56.05.jpg

I have been feeding at around 500 PPM or so:
1.5 to 2.0 TBSP - BMO Flower Power
1.0 to 1.5 TBSP - AN Nirvana

I have fed Silica Blast to each of the plants twice throughout their life, and won't need to do it again. Twice seems to be sufficient. Also, I should probably snag a scope soon, as I think the Oldest Girl is going to be a 7-8 week strain, then probably more around 11-12 weeks on the other two sativas, and then 9-10 weeks on the clone (rough estimates). I probably forgot something, but I will be back.

Questions, comments, concerns...?



Well-Known Member
wow man looks like you been buzy while i was away... looking good bro!
haha thats funny about the one you lost to balls i think that was right around the time i went MIA.. im gonnatry to get my pics up tonight them dogs are barking for some attention..


Well-Known Member
wow man looks like you been buzy while i was away... looking good bro!
haha thats funny about the one you lost to balls i think that was right around the time i went MIA.. im gonnatry to get my pics up tonight them dogs are barking for some attention..
Been learning something everyday, trying new things, figuring out what works and what doesn't...really dialing it all in. I'm pretty impressed with T5's as well. To all you naysayers who think it produces airy buds, this top cola is a rock (and still has about 2-3 weeks left to chunk up). Defuckinglicious.


Active Member
please anybody how do I upload pictures? All i could manage to do is change my avatar pic, i can't even figure out how to get pics into a photo album on here. The pics are already on my computer, I just can't figure out where to go on here to upload them. thanks


Well-Known Member
When you reply to a thread, the icon third from the right which has a small picture of a tree in it. Click that then you can locate and select the files to upload.


Active Member
It just says please enter the url of your image. How do i upload my pics to the internet so they'll have a url? sorry for the noob questions


Well-Known Member
Tried a sample bud from the lower branches tonight. Pretty good flavor, but it wasn't quite full enough. I've still got about a week left I would say.