Organic Indoor AK-48 under T5 (Veg & Bloom) with BMO Nutrients


Active Member
I finally got some pics uploaded, i couldn't upload anything the other day because my internet browsers a piece of shit lookin nice auzzie


Well-Known Member
Thanks swisher. Glad to see someone stopping by my lonely old thread...

And on a ridiculous sidenote:

Over four months later, I finally receive my AK47 beans from Nirvana. I had heard that customs was a bit tighter due to the holiday season, but come on, four months?! Either way, at least I got what I paid for, I'm now a more-happy Nirvana customer. Even though, I will still be placing my next order through Attitude for the freebies if nothing else.

EDIT: A+ on shipping discretion, btw.


Well-Known Member
Harvested the oldest girl after a week-ish of flushing, and called her, "Old Girl." I got 115g off her (wet), so I am expecting 23-29g (dry). Right now I have them strung up in a cardboard box, where they will sit for around 4-7 days. I'll be waiting for a crispy outside with a moist inside, at that time they will begin jar curing. Pictures to come once they are dry.

The main cola is really nice, probably 9g dry. Just gotta get the fresh cut lawn smell off them, then a smoke report to follow.


Well-Known Member
I will throw up pictures after the dry. Some popcorn nugs are already crispy and in jars after just 2 days in the box.


Well-Known Member
hows it going auzzie? just stoppn by to say whats up.. hopefully i will be posting my weekly update shots tonight.. all is good with you i hope..


Active Member
thats just crazy you finally got them ak 47 beans hey at least you got em. Ya next time i order beans im not going through nirvana either, I'm gonna give sannies shop a try. thinking on getting extrema and killing fields congrats on your harvest man. my auora indicas are almost to week 4 flowering and look amazing. I'll post a pic in here if you don't mind auzzie


Active Member
CIMG1117.jpgCIMG1162.jpgCIMG1116 - Copy.jpg aurora indica the pics are actually from week 3 so they look a bit different now. using fox farm open sesame beastie bloomz and cha ching, along with worm casting and bat quano tea, and molasses yes lol i know they look a lot more sativa than indica


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Another 4 weeks and they will not even resemble those pictures, but will be a big fat cola. Keep me posted.

I'll post some harvest pictures tonight.


Well-Known Member
The last girl I still have going (Sorry for not rotating)...
2011-01-27 21.44.38.jpg

Another of the top cola...
2011-02-01 17.11.04.jpg
Harvest of the oldest girl I had, hence called 'Old Girl' came in at ~30g.
2011-01-24 17.56.47.jpg

2nd harvest of the clone's main cola...
2011-02-01 17.08.11.jpg
Main cola from 'Old Girl'...
2011-01-24 17.56.11.jpg
Clone 2 days before harvest. A lot of deficiency by this point, as you can see...
2011-01-27 21.47.10.jpg
Another shot of clone harvest in total. Totaling ~12g (didn't weigh it, didn't care)...
2011-02-03 22.05.53.jpg

So there is my harvest.

The last girl in there is so fruity and frosty. Can't wait to see her plump up, as well as see what LST can do for her. After I harvest her, I will do a complete recap on what I've learned, where I went wrong, what I'll do differently, what I thought of my gear, nutrient review, so on and so forth.


Active Member
hell ya looks good auzzie hey do you know if heat stress can turn a budding female hermie? I was looking at my plants and I have one plant that was burned by my 400 hps and the whole plant is a gree/gold color. I found what looked like a male pollen sack growing and picked it off, but after looking at it, it looks more like a seed than a pollen sack. Im really thinking about choppin the plant down so I don't have to worry about it. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Looks so frosty auzzie, congrats homie!!

hell ya looks good auzzie hey do you know if heat stress can turn a budding female hermie? I was looking at my plants and I have one plant that was burned by my 400 hps and the whole plant is a gree/gold color. I found what looked like a male pollen sack growing and picked it off, but after looking at it, it looks more like a seed than a pollen sack. Im really thinking about choppin the plant down so I don't have to worry about it. What do you think?
I would give it a few more days and maybe put up a few pics if your unsure... It takes time for the pollen sacs to actually open so you can give it a few days to make sure.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, You used only T5 lighting? I just switched to HID. Buds look nice
Thanks, Doc. T5 all the way: seed to harvest.

hell ya looks good auzzie hey do you know if heat stress can turn a budding female hermie? I was looking at my plants and I have one plant that was burned by my 400 hps and the whole plant is a gree/gold color. I found what looked like a male pollen sack growing and picked it off, but after looking at it, it looks more like a seed than a pollen sack. Im really thinking about choppin the plant down so I don't have to worry about it. What do you think?
Yes, heat stress can make your plant hermie. As far as if what you just described is a herm'd female from heat stress... I'm not sure. I would need to see pictures. If it's a couple seeds, no need to worry; if it's pollen sacs; chop it.

And thanks for the compliments. It definitely tastes better when you grew it.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any issues with those, man. Looking good.

On another note, just picked off a nanner from my sativa. I don't like the looks of where this is going...