thanks chronikool
An update here...
It's been 30 days since I switched the lights to 12/12.
They look great overall and still seem to be growing daily. The girl scouts and purple arrow dried out and needed watering today. I fed them a dose of the General Organics nutes with added molasses.
One very upsetting
thing I found was some white fuzz on the fabric pots I'm using. I believe it may be mold so I'm extremely worried.
I wiped it down and away with my hands wherever I saw it. I added four 6 inch circulation fans beneath the canopy to increase air circulation since there was virtually none below before. I have excellent circulation above the canopy with several fans, but there is just so much damn foliage in the tent that the wind wouldn't travel beneath the canopy where the fabric pots are located.
My humidity at the canopy is around 50%. Beneath I just discovered that it's in the mid 60% range. This is worrisome...
My other though is that this could be Mycorrhizae since I added a good helping between transplants. Something inside tells me it's not, but I guess there is a chance?
I would love to get a de-humidifer but there is no room in the tent for one. I'm so lost at what to do.. I'm hoping the increased air circulation beneath the canopy will help but I will continue to closely monitor it.
I was thinking about using a damp rag of hydrogen peroxide to wipe everything including the outside of the fabric pots in an effort to eliminate any mold particles. Would you guys advise against this?
But the big question... is it mold? Am i fucked?!?!?!
I need some advice for the pros. But I know in the future I'm never going to cram eight 5 gallon pots in a 4x4 space. ugh!
OH... and I wish I lollipopped more! Is it not advisable to lollipop this far into flowering? I could use the added circulation.....