Organic medium


Active Member
does anyone have a good recipe for an organic medium that works for the " just water" concept this would be great i am helping a friends mother start producing her own medicine. and the just water deal would be perfect for her!
thanks in advance!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
does anyone have a good recipe for an organic medium that works for the " just water" concept this would be great i am helping a friends mother start producing her own medicine. and the just water deal would be perfect for her!
thanks in advance!:leaf:

Blazeoneups soil recipe for a 3 gallon pot

16 cups soil foxfarm Ocean forest potting soil

32 cups Premier peat moss

2 tablespoon MG bone meal

2 tablespoon MG Blood Meal

14 cups perlite

2 tablespoon dolomite lime or 1 tablespoon if you are using promix/sunshine mix #4


Active Member
that happens to be a great coincidence considering were useing 3g growbags( i assume the container itself doesnt make a diffrence)
thanks alot


Active Member
the more the marrier i decided if i can get a couple diffrent recipies i can test them against eachother for efficiency to my situation.
does anyone have a good recipe for an organic medium that works for the " just water" concept this would be great i am helping a friends mother start producing her own medicine. and the just water deal would be perfect for her!
thanks in advance!:leaf:
ok now i believe a seed already has all it needs to become a seedling with a full set of first leaves after the basil leaves after the seedling leaves,so 2nd node,cept for water and warmth.with that said i use disstilled water for the first week with great results.then i'll use like 1/4 stength seedling ferts for a week after that i transplant to their first pots,24oz. cups for one more week.then it's to 8'' pots with good potting soil,2 tbls worm shit,1 tbl high phosphorous bat bat guano and 1 tbl perlite with g.h. micro at a 1/4 stength with like 1/8 stength grow.week two nothing but water.week 3 i transplant to 8'' pots with1/4 stength grow and by week 4 they are rootbound and i got to get some mushroom compost and more soil and dolomite lime to transplant to deep 10 gallon pots to finnish i'm gonna just use some g.h.bloom and clean water until i flush with disstilled water and pure cane sugar[sucanat]sugar cane natural.for at least 2 it doesn't get any simpler that we'll just have to far so goog.i got me one for sure female of 8 down from 22. i did some cullin.well good luck i hope this works out for the best.please grow on:bigjoint:oh i'm gonna fill a 10'x10' flat white room no sweat i'm thinkin 7lbs.when they finnish in a long 12/12 flower period.i'm feel good bout 5-6 months altogether ending under at least 2800 watts of hid.ok get to growin
i won't use 24 oz. cups no more.that's a waste of time.from the biodome to 10 or 12'' pots just to top and train.3 to 4 weeks.then it's to monster 25 gallon pots for me.subcool super soil as close as i can get alot less watering and if i get busted them sherif deputys gonna grunt haulin these mothers outta here with wight widow dank resin getting stuck all over'em.i can see it now.cops blinded by oozing plants and the epa cleanup after such a's funny unless it happens.if i got a hot air balloon and blasted off when they showed up,would they open fire and shoot me down?damb right they would!!! cause their backwards close minded inbred baby raping assholes that look after themselves. makes me reconcider ak-47. rant over.sorry i guess relocation is in order.


Active Member
gotta do what ya gotta do
i like skipping afew sizes of cups, i find if you only transplant 2-3 time the plants just boost the fuck up each time.
used this for couple years outside in 5 gallon buckettes 1 cup green sand 1 cup kelp meal 1 cup blood meal 2 cups bone meal dolomite lime for ph about 4 half gallons of peat moss perlite cost about $100 for 6 buckettes


Active Member
used this for couple years outside in 5 gallon buckettes 1 cup green sand 1 cup kelp meal 1 cup blood meal 2 cups bone meal dolomite lime for ph about 4 half gallons of peat moss perlite cost about $100 for 6 buckettes
sounds reasonably priced and all those thing i can get easily exept ill have to order greensand.
i imagine this helped make some verylarge plants
btw thanks


Well-Known Member
Rep dont mean anything man... its supposed to be a way to show who is helpful and who isnt, but its hardly used for that purpose so IMO rep is pointless here.


Active Member
Rep dont mean anything man... its supposed to be a way to show who is helpful and who isnt, but its hardly used for that purpose so IMO rep is pointless here.
good to know, thanks
i never wanted to rep in the first place becouse i thought they would be limited,
well..... a rep to all and to all a good night
that felt good