hey, wat up gto? fellow montucky here. 34 years myself. wishing i would have found your thread earlier. i believe you are not giving ur plants enough water. i believe your soil has dry pockets. every pic i have seen, has dry soil. go to wally world and get their dual moisture, and ph meter. in outdoor seasonal section. i long broke and discarded mine, otherwise i'd hit you up wit a photo. they are less than $10. i want you to pour, i'm not kidding, more water than your pot capacity through your pots. place them out the door of the garage or catch with a trash can. ur using 5 gals, so pour 6 gals through each. this will completely soak the soil, and eliminate all dry pockets. you should always water til you have at least 10% run out the bottom. i just suck it up with a shop-vac. the point i want to stress, is that when plants are in a room @ 90 f, they dont go through respiration, they simply transpire. meaning instead of taking co and water and nutes, making sugars of these things, ur plant simply sweats. even if in these temps for only like an hour, the plant has to adjust. if ur gonna hit high temps, then plan ahead and over water. imo you can also get an a\c @ wally world why you are there(u will be there getting the dual meter). $129 model will cool ur garage off real nice.
absolutely kick-ass! hang in there brotha, i think ur grow will rock

bong rips for everyone