Organic Nutrient Burn/K lockout


Hello. I have been flowering my ladies for about 18 days now and they are starting to show some serious signs of nutrient burn and leave curling. I will post pics shortly but it is far enough along to pretty much affected all older fan leaves and burn most tips of any growth:-( I am using Subcool's awesome Supersoil recipe and have been adding plain water. I have added Humbolt Co Own Snow Storm in the last watering of 3/13 ladies. But the nut burn masks any other disorders pretty well.

I am pretty sure I added too much SS in the pots and not enough base soil. also, because I am using small pots (2 gall maybe) i though it would be genius to add some extra SS to the top layer of the pot which is basically the equivalent of adding fuel to the fire I think

My question is what do I do now? I am sure I stunted some growth but I think re-potting would be more detrimental than flushing, maybe? Could use some knowledge.




I decided after much thought it would be best to remove the top layer of Super soil i just recently added and replace it with just a base soil that I mix it with. That should help at least any new burns I hope cause they were fine; but any suggestions would be appreciated..


How did it turn out? I'm pretty well along a very bad nutrient burn. She's definatly on her last legs and i'm just hoping she bounces back


Well-Known Member
I think you used the snowstorm too soon. A flush or two of water should do the trick. After that your normal feeding schedule should do fine. Granted you will only have 1 or 2 feeds left. These plants really dont need all this mega stuff we overpay for. Let nature do it's course and everything will be a-o-k.