Organic or Chemical??

Organic or Chemical?

  • Organic

    Votes: 16 76.2%
  • Chemical

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters


Just wondering what people prefer Organically grown weed or weed grown using Chemicals and Fertilisers?

Personally I can't taste the difference but I think its better to know you not smoking chemicals.


Well-Known Member
depends on your skills method of growing and over all what u want to do

soil it self always needs organics for the micrbos and fungi ..........u can use stackers to supply them just as u do hydro but if u start with a organic feed they are already in the soil and u been suppling them with food to build up

hydro self needs to be a mostly chemical based system so the goodies are in the water and aborbed by the roots easier ..........chemicals are easier to refine and get to correct controlled balance u are looking for ............organics can be used in hydro system but they are known to clog up pumps and settle in system since they can only be refined so much and still be organic


Well-Known Member
I prefer organics, more for personal convictions than based on science. I don't really think synthetics are "bad", per se, but they are unsustainable. I will be using synthetics for hydro, only because of the headaches organic hydro can have. I personally think organics taste better, but im thinking when i have control and can do a proper flush there might not be a difference,IDK.
Just think of all those synthetic nutrients and additives, hydro growers are dumping down their drains by the 1000's of gallons everyday.

Grow organic, it's what nature intended.

people that grow synthetically in soil, crack me up.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Just think of all those synthetic nutrients and additives, hydro growers are dumping down their drains by the 1000's of gallons everyday.

Grow organic, it's what nature intended.

people that grow synthetically in soil, crack me up.
I totally disagree with this. For many many reasons.


Well-Known Member
One being alot of hydro nutrients ARE organic lol...I grow soil organic btw and the nutes I use state they can be used in hydro systems

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The title should read "Fungus and Bacteria vs Sanitary and Clean". Someone mentioned flushing(in the conventional way). Can you imagine how many toilets with God knows what's being flushed right now in North America. Mj growers are piss ants compared to the entire picture.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I agree on the hydro thing Spacecoast. Many people don't realize the amount of unutilized nutrients going into our ecosystem, that are plaguing our lakes and waterways! Just look at the algae blooms on lake Erie that are killing off the living things in bloom area. This problem is, of course mainly due to chemical farming. We should be more aware of what we can do to help prevent that!

WeekFreak states that " I don't really think synthetics are "bad", per se, but they are unsustainable." I must agree with him here. Have you noticed that the price of Potassium has risen sharply! That is due to the fact that it is now understood that the world amount of available mined potassium looks to have only 30 years of supply left! (google that)

I, from time to time do run some DWC. BUT, I take my "waste", cut it down some, and put that on my veggie garden outside....I then use no synthetic on it and amend with AACT teas to help utilize the DWC "waste's".

I do use synthetics in soil (Hesi, it's the "purest") and alternate that with an AACT too, and I get fantastic results from this method that took a bit of time to perfect. I use less then half the nutrient I would other wise.....The "waste" soil is then turned into the gardens outside - No "waste".
If that "crack's you up". Glad you get a laugh.....BUT it WORKS.
The majority of my grows ARE organic and I find with care and some light manipulation I can have larger, stronger (more potent) yields....With care and attention I have a VERY hard time telling the difference in taste between my 2 preferred styles of growing.

People use synthetics in soil because it's "easy". Many perceive Organics as hard to understand and hard to do....there are just about as many ways to run organics as there are synthetic makers! The bottom line is it takes time to learn and many think it takes TOO much time. Maybe we should help them learn and not take stabs at them....

Interested in learning organics?
Read this book to help you understand the concept and get started.
"Teaming with Microbes The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web"
Get it here -

Then read up in the organic section on this site!
One being alot of hydro nutrients ARE organic lol...I grow soil organic btw and the nutes I use state they can be used in hydro systems
if it comes in a bottle, it's most likely not very organic. Organic based nutes are not organic really at all. If I recall correctly, only 15% of it actually has to be from an "organic" source.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The deal with organics is you gotta start this year to get the soil prepared to grow next year. This is very tedius work and you'll find yourself asking a lot of questions and doing a lot of research to get things correct. I have found heat sterilized soil mediums with good drainage, using so called synthetic nutes(stuff that comes from the Earth) gives me the least hassle with bugs and other nasties. Growing in soil is far more expensive and time comsuming than using rock based hydro systems. A twenty four hour roots off flush in RO water is the last thing to clean your weed(hydro) before it's hung to dry.
I can't even imagine all the fresh water that is wasted every year on hydro grows, flushed down the drain, gone. If you've found a way to recycle it, and you do, awesome. Even so, just the amount of water you go through in a decent sized hydro grow is irresponsible and selfish. You guys know were running out of fresh water right? You know there's people on earth without any fresh water right? blah, blah, blah. etc etc. Not even mentioning the insoluable chemicals and salts washed along with it, down our creeks, into our oceans.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I can't even imagine all the fresh water that is wasted every year on hydro grows, flushed down the drain, gone. If you've found a way to recycle it, and you do, awesome. Even so, just the amount of water you go through in a decent sized hydro grow is irresponsible and selfish. You guys know were running out of fresh water right? You know there's people on earth without any fresh water right? blah, blah, blah. etc etc. Not even mentioning the insoluable chemicals and salts washed along with it, down our creeks, into our oceans.
Not to mention all the shampoo, laundry soap, etc. going down our drains using hermungus volumes of water. Just plain selfish.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The deal with organics is you gotta start this year to get the soil prepared to grow next year. This is very tedius work and you'll find yourself asking a lot of questions and doing a lot of research to get things correct. I have found heat sterilized soil mediums with good drainage, using so called synthetic nutes(stuff that comes from the Earth) gives me the least hassle with bugs and other nasties. Growing in soil is far more expensive and time comsuming than using rock based hydro systems. A twenty four hour roots off flush in RO water is the last thing to clean your weed(hydro) before it's hung to dry.
#1 SOIL: No you don't!!!!!!! I quit doing my own soil because of my age and ache's. There are PLENTY of FINE amended organic soils out there! Potter's Gold, Dr. Earth's POTting soil, and Black gold roll right off my mind to start with!
#2 "Comes from the earth" You are correct,,,to a POINT. All the better quality "synthetic" nutrients ARE chelated from things found in nature......BUT, using petrochems to "create" N IS pure synthetic and N chelated from UREA is very "SALTY". You should know more about the products you use to get the best from them.
AND ,, drum roll please!

#3 "Growing in soil is more expensive and time consuming" NOT!!!!! You must monitor YOUR pH every day, sometimes more then once! I do NOT! I can set up automatic watering equipment to allow me to have a vacation! You still have to monitor your pH! For what I spend on my dry nutrients for organic and how long they last me (2 years+ for the size pkg I buy), You have spent a small fortune! My biggest investment is the soil and I can fill a 5x10 area for a complete grow for <15.00.

#4 24 hr flush???? Really??? Kinda short ah? I days longer on my DWC's when I run them.....

Really, I'm not TRYING to piss you off. I just disagree.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Many say non-organic product taste better than chemical nutrients growing. One thing flush 2 weeks for non-organic and 4 weeks for chemical nutrients, *advanced, ect)_Never used non-organic but thinking of using Budswell and their super tea - go organic

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
They recommend flush 2 weeks for organic and 4 week for chemical nutrients(advanced, ect), forget where I read it but remember it made sense. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Hydro doesnt have to be wasteful, you can distill your water to recover it and reuseit. other than a couple barrels, a cooling coil, and a heater(fish tank heater could work), you could build a simple system. I dont do this but have considered it, haven't looked into the economics or feasibility.

"Not to mention all the shampoo, laundry soap, etc. going down our drains using hermungus volumes of water. Just plain selfish. "

I'm all for cleanliness, but i have known people that will shower 2, sometimes 3 times a day, or throw a pair of pants and a shirt into a washing machine only because they wanted to wear THAT outfit. Our society IS extremely wasteful in all things.