Organic pH down dressing


Active Member
Hello all! So I hope that everyone is having a great outdoor season so far. This is my first time growing and I've been absolutely loving it. It's a bit stressful at times since I'm doing a guerrilla grow, but its been very rewarding to watch my plants develop into what they are now. Iv'e been feeding my plants some organic compost tea that is apparently high in pH (alkaline) and my pH is reading 7.0. I suppose this is fine but I would like to see my pH a little lower like around 6.6-6.8. Does anyone have any recipes for an organic pH down dressing i can throw on top of my soil? I was thinking lemon peels and coffee grounds mixed with some worm castings and mushroom compost.


Active Member
I bought a natural citric acid pH lowering powder. My soil is between 7.5 and 8 and my plants stopped growing when I transplanted them from obvious nute lock. I sprinkled a good handful around each plant and they are all doing amazing! I also added some elemental sulfur to the base and that is a good natural pH lowering addition too. The sulfur takes a few weeks for it to break down in the soil and become an acidifier though, so if you need the pH lower now, I would add something like the citric acid.

I also found out this year that if you compost a bunch of organic material in water and let it sit for a week or two, that you get a really acidic solution with lots of nutrients and enzymes. I would just take all the weeds that havent produced seeds and leaves from bushes and let it sit in a big bucket. After about 10 days the acidity was 4.3 and the PPM went from 225 to 960!

Hope this helps!