Organic Plastic Cabinet Grow- Exodus Cheese


Active Member
So here's the deal...I'm a long-time lurker that's been growing for years and wanted to share. I do organic soil cabinet grows. Latest version is a plastic cabinet (18" deep x 26" wide x 68" tall)...Home Depot special at $79.99. I cut out all the shelves except the perimeter supports with a razor knife (it was a bitch- use gloves) and assembled cabinet per directions. Used spray on adhesive ($3.99) and space blankets (2 x $1.50 ea.) adhered to the interior for reflectivity. Used black duct tape on the exterior joints and foil tape on the interior to seal light leaks. Added weather stripping to seal the doors. Cut a 4" hole and suspended a 4" desk fan from bungee cords for ventilation at the top and cut 4- 2" x 3" tabs for incoming air in the bottom back side. Homemade CFL light array from a piece of 1"x8"x 22" long wrapped in cheap sheet metal duct foil with two power strips mounted with Y connectors for a total of 8 CFL's. This cab rocks!

Current grow is three Exodus Cheese (GHS) that are in week 8 of flower. Major LST action to limit height. Pic's are from week 4 of flower. Another 2-3 weeks and it chop time:hump:


I made a custom cover from black plastic contractor garbage bags taped together. The 4" duct exits the side of the cabinet and bag thru a 4" dryer vent hose. I have a home-made Ona bucket to cover smell, and it does it well:cool:

Seeing I'm getting close to chop time, I also have a soil mix cooking in a 32 gal. trash can (ProMix, EWC, Perlite, Neem Meal, Espoma Tomato-tone, Happy frog Fert, Kelp Meal, Myckos, and Bat Guano) for the new grow, which will be two White Widow feminized gals:clap: They are in the veg chamber now (home-made RubberMaid Tote with one CFL and computer fan ventilation). I have the space and am planning to let them get much taller than the Exodus Cheese plants.


My last grow was also Exodus Cheese...4 plants under CFL's that gave me a cool QP for my efforts:hump:

It can be done in a small space if you put your mind to it...peace :peace:
Looks great man I'm using a similar plastic cabinet but shorter I like the cover u made for it because mine isn't light proof I might steal that lol ....impressed with the qp under cfls gives me hope for my setup


Active Member
I had a hard time light proofing the cabinet, even after the spray on adhesive and space blankets and a ton of foil tape. I knew painting the inside black and then white wouldn't work great either from past experience. I used to have a wooden armoire that had similar issues, and I just threw black poly sheeting over it and viola! ...problem solved. So there is where the idea came from and the cover works great. I used 55 gal. black plastic trash bags and slit up one side with a razor knife and then placed it over the cabinet. One bag for each side. Tape together with black Gorilla Tape. I also turned mine inside out and used an ironing board as my assistant to tape the inside seams together as well for added strength. I have a 4" duct flange for exhaust sticking out the side of my cabinet. I just cut a hole the same size and reinforced with black Gorilla Tape Works like a charm. Now I can put the cover on the cabinet and attach my 4" duct tubing with a pressure ring...easy peasy! Peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
Nice grow. I'll be interested how it turns out, Exodus Cheese is on my "to try" list... so I'll want to see how yours turns out. Good luck with the grow!