Organic Soil ph issues


Active Member
Oh ok I read the sheet. Very common problem. Plants use up all the N during stretch. A lot of everything in fact as you can see the red leaves.
Easy fix when growing organic. You feed all purpose food until week 3 of flower. Then mix 50/50 veg bloom the rest of the way. That bloom2 mix it with your veg food.
Making teas I find just drops ph
So add some veg food with some ewc water in and you should see improvement
Ah I see ,using the veg along with bloom two is somthing Iv pondered before and Iv seen it done a few times now . I think that would be a really good idea . And I also do believe teas may of caused some of my issues with ph aswel. I vowed to keep away from them on the next run. Iv noticed that plants love consistency and teas dont offer that if you are adding them here or there ,and spiking the plants with different levels of nutrients they aren’t going to get consistency . Thanks for this advice .


Well-Known Member
Ah I see ,using the veg along with bloom two is somthing Iv pondered before and Iv seen it done a few times now . I think that would be a really good idea . And I also do believe teas may of caused some of my issues with ph aswel. I vowed to keep away from them on the next run. Iv noticed that plants love consistency and teas dont offer that if you are adding them here or there ,and spiking the plants with different levels of nutrients they aren’t going to get consistency . Thanks for this advice .
I’m often feeding right on the edge of deficiency. Miss one feeding and yellow it goes. Keep up with the N before you flip and continue to feed during stretch. Plants look good just a little hungry.


Well-Known Member
I’m not saying put it all in that one pot. that’s just the ratio I would use to mix it up and like myke said I would definitely pick up some liquid fish fert to help break everything down and fix your yellowing problem. the lime and epsom salt will help stabilize the soil. but yes mix one cup dolomite lime to 5 cups soil and one or two tsps of epsom salt. And blend it in to your top inch of soil when mixing and watering it. I would mix it all up accordingly to how much you need to top dress all your plants. when I top dress I do each plant individually I grow ten plants at a time I know it takes some more time but I don’t like to mix it all up at once. I would use that much in a 30 gallon pot but not a 20 liter pot I think that’s what 5 gallons that’s also a problem if your using such a small container for a living soil you would have to feed it weekly
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Active Member
I’m not saying put it all in that one pot. that’s just the ratio I would use to mix it up and like myke said I would definitely pick up some liquid fish fert to help break everything down and fix your yellowing problem. the lime and epsom salt will help stabilize the soil. but yes mix one cup dolomite lime to 5 cups soil and one or two tsps of epsom salt. And blend it in to your top inch of soil when mixing and watering it. I would mix it all up accordingly to how much you need to top dress all your plants. when I top dress I do each plant individually I grow ten plants at a time I know it takes some more time but I don’t like to mix it all up at once. I would use that much in a 30 gallon pot but not a 20 liter pot I think that’s what 5 gallons that’s also a problem if your using such a small container for a living soil you would have to feed it weekly
I got you , I do have some bio bizz fish mix here I can use ,and some Epsom and the dolomite is arriving tomorrow so I will give that a try . With top dressing the lime ,is that the fastest way to change soil ph? Could I maybe drench the soil with water that has powdered lime in? And then also top dress a small amount on top with Epsom and fresh soil ?


While you head to the store for a bottle of fish hydrolysate read and learn about humus. Doesn’t have to be a fancy brand as long as it’s organic. Best of luck


Well-Known Member
I got you , I do have some bio bizz fish mix here I can use ,and some Epsom and the dolomite is arriving tomorrow so I will give that a try . With top dressing the lime ,is that the fastest way to change soil ph? Could I maybe drench the soil with water that has powdered lime in? And then also top dress a small amount on top with Epsom and fresh soil ?
The fish fert and epsom salt will help you immediately while the lime breaks down the fish fertilizer will also help break the lime down quicker when you water with it


Active Member
The fish fert and epsom salt will help you immediately while the lime breaks down the fish fertilizer will also help break the lime down quicker when you water with it
Iv made a mix of 1table spoon of instant action lime pellets that I pulverised in blender, some rock dust , worm castings , bloom 2 ,Epsom salt bit of barley and mixed it with fresh soil and scratched it into the surface . I’m gunna wash all that down with bio fish mix and instant microbe tea granules. If that doesn’t work then Iv got a over feeding type lockout and Iv made it worse aka FUCKED.


Well-Known Member
Iv made a mix of 1table spoon of instant action lime pellets that I pulverised in blender, some rock dust , worm castings , bloom 2 ,Epsom salt bit of barley and mixed it with fresh soil and scratched it into the surface . I’m gunna wash all that down with bio fish mix and instant microbe tea granules. If that doesn’t work then Iv got a over feeding type lockout and Iv made it worse aka FUCKED.
From your pictures I don’t think it’s a over feeding issue your mix sounds good man keep us posted