Organic Tea Hydroponics?????


Active Member
is it possible to use worm casting tea and banana peel tea in a hydro system?

i love the idea of organic growing but also want the speed of hydro growing.


Well-Known Member
Advanced nutrients makes a product called Mother Earth super tea, not too bad on the price and can be ran in a hydroponic set up.


Well-Known Member
With pure organics. (no bottle nutes). Soil plants grow just as fast as hydro. Some strains soil is even faster. Mine are. 4-5 ft tall. 3 weeks into flower. 41 days veg.

Tea's in hydro will create a slime on the roots and suffocate them.

If you did coco and did a flood and drain. It could work. But strain tea before adding.


Active Member
thanks for the input hyroot. very interesting. if you dont mind me asking, what soil/mix do you use?

i was thinking if i went soil, i would do 40% soil, 30% worm castings, and 30% perlite for veg.

and for flower i would start using a homemade banana peel tea.

if i went with the worm casting soil mixture, can i still feed plants a worm casting tea? i read to only use it once a week. i dont want to over do it.


Well-Known Member
I use pro mix bx. By the bale. ,6.6 cu ft. Expanded. I add 1 cu ft of worm castings. 1/2 cu ft of vegan compost.

Then per cu ft.

1/2 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup crab meal
1/2 cup neem meal
4 cups rock.dust ( glacial or basalt).

Every other watering compost tea.

Enzyme teas the rest ( barley flour, coconut water).

I use 7 gals and water once every 5-7 days.

Foliar spray with kelp and aloe vera. And I add aloe to both teas too.