Besides the hermi issue everything is going well. Been up to a few projects lately. First is the creation of a vermicomposting bin (two actually) to process all my food waste into amazing worm castings. I took a few rubbermaid tubs, drilled holes in the appropriate spots, filled them with old shredded newspaper, compost, manure, pumice, and rice hulls - and added a few thousand worms. After a few days I fed them some old kitchen scraps along with oyster shells, greensand, glacial rock dust, neem meal, etc. to get things going and improve the quality of my castings.
photos of my slimy new friends

My next project was to mix up a bunch of soils. I've been reading a lot about soil mixes and decided to run a side by side experiment. I am going to compare 4 mixes - Subs Supersoil,
Lumperdawgz's simple mix, An adjusted version of a mix
RRog suggested to me, and a mix of my own. The recipes are as follows:
Lumper's Simple Mix:
Base Soil: .5cuft peat, .25cuft EWC, .25cuft pumice/rice hulls
To each cuft of Base Soil add: 4 cups Glacial rock dust, 1/2 cup kelp meal, 1/2 cup crab meal, 1/2 cup neem meal
I decided to make 2 batches of this - one with rice hulls for aeration and the other with pumice. We will see how that goes. I hope the rice hulls work just as well as pumice because they are much cheaper...
Subs Supersoil:
I made a 3cuft batch of this - don't think I need to post the recipe because it is so easy to find, but I followed it 100%, the only addition was a cup of neem meal for PM and insect control (don't think this will detract from the experiment at all)
RRog's Mix:
5 cuft peat
5 cuft pumice/rice hulls
5 cuft humus (EWC/compost)
7.5 cups diatomaceous earth
7.5 cups Espoma starter 4-3-3
15 cups charcoal
7.5 cups epsom salts
60 cups rock dust
7.5 cups neem seed meal
15 cups crab shell
30 cups kelp meal
30 cups fish meal
30 cups fish bone meal
15 cups langbeinite (sul-po-mag)
7.5 cups alfalfa meal
I made a scaled version of this, minus a few ingredients I didn't have (fish meal, espoma starter, diatomaceous earth, charcoal). Hoping to add charcoal in a week or two when I go to remix...
My soil mix
This started as subs supersoil and then I just kept adding. Here is where it stands:
15 cuft Roots 707
50 lbs EWC
5 lbs blood meal 12-0-0
3.5 lbs guano 0-9-0
5 lbs fish bone meal 3-18-0
1.5lbs alfalfa meal
2.5lbs kelp meal
4 cups neem seed meal
3/4 cup langbeinite
4 cups glacial rock dust
1/2 cup azomite
1/2 cup roots elemental
1 cup dolomite lime
1/2 cup gypsum
3/4 cup epsom salt
4 cups diatomaceous earth
4 cups basmati rice
2 cups oyster shells
2 cups crab meal
3 TBS humic acid
To all these mixed I added mycorrhizae of course, and I will water them with an AACT in a few days. I am planning on letting some of the mixes "cook" in trashcans, while others "cook" in pots - this will be somewhat of an added element to the experiment - seeing the efficacy of "no-till" practices vs. mixing the soils immediately before planting. Excited for a month from now when I can start to see how these soils work! Excited to stop using my bottled nutes...
here are some pics from the process:

bought an extra air pump for my AACT setup - trying to get as much aeration in that bucket as possible! Does anyone else have a perpetual compost tea brewing? Might have to start a thread about the quality of tea produced by this method as I am unsure if it is up to par. Beats the hell out of cleaning all that equipment every few days though...

Here's a picture of the chlorosis I am having on the ladies.

Some of the leaves are nice and green but a good portion of them are yellowing (more than should be at day 40). I have been feeding Cal/Mg along with N, but they don't necessarily seem to be getting any better. The yellowing did slow down after a heavy feeding, and then after a feeding with just water and molasses they started to yellow again, so I think they are just HUNGRY. Fed with a thick tea/nutrient solution yesterday so I am hoping that helps things along.
Anyway, here are pictures from last week:

And check this out:
Gotta love TGA for some crazy mutant resinous ladies