Organic, V-Scrog, Holy Grail OG, OG101, Kali Kandi, XJ-13, 2.5x5x7' tent, 1000w dual


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone...Got grow number 2 underway and so far I am at day 40 veg from clone.

Feel free to ask any question's and I will be happy to try to answer them...

Here are the details...

2x Holy Grail OG.... can't find details on the genetics but grows like a bubba, very short and bushy so this will be perfect for the middle of my scrog...

2x Socaldam OG... I tried this strain dried when I received my 1st round of clones and holy shizzz, it kicked my ass and tasted unbelievable...I knew from that point on that I would be doing this one next. Supposedly the closest you can get to the original OG kush genetics, without the original cutting...grows very lanky and tall just like my University Hill's OG I just finished, so this will be on 1 side of the tent..

1x XJ-13... this is a cross of Jack Herrer and g13...supposed to be a very uplifting high, piney taste and smooth smoke... this one grow large..very large so I am hoping that during the stretch I wont have to cut the roof out my

1x Kali Kandi (OG x Chocolope (canolope haze x chocolate thai)) This one just sounds delicous...saw a video of the same genetic line and this one grows very large nugs, very low leaf to bud ratio and just overall sounds damn good...I tasted chocolope once and loved it, so I hope this has many of the flavor charactoristics...

Equipment used...

2.5'x5'x7' hydrohut grow tent..
400w Ushio MH conversion bulb ballast and cool tube
600w Ushio HPS with lumatek digital dial a watt ballast, sunsystem air cooled hood.
3 gallon smart pots....were almost the same size as my previous 5 gallon plastics..
2 carbon scrubbers, one inline with lighting set to turn on only with lights with 4" inline can fan, Other carbon scrubber set with 6" 430cfm hydrofarm fan with adjustable fan speed controller.
two stage tempature guage with humidity reading
small "hurricane" circulation fan


EarthJuice: Grow, Bloom, Micro, MetaK, Catalyst
General Organics: BioWeed (cold pressed seaweed), BioRoot, Cal/Mag
Advanced Nutrients H2 (used when europonics is gone)
Advanced Nutrients liquid carbo load
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin
Advanced Nutrients F1 Fulvic acic
unsulphered molassus

added to feedings: coconut water, naked "green machine" and "blue Machine" fruit smoothies...yes

Soil Mix...

30% happy frog potting soil
30% foxfarm ocean forest
10% worm casings
20% perlite
5% Peruvian Seabird guano + Jamaican Bat Guano + Indonesian bat guano + mexican bat guano

added about a tablespoon of myco powder...(not sure what brand, was given to me at hydro store and unlabeled)

Added 2 scoops per pot of Humboldt Nutrients Myco Maximum

crushed up 2 mosquito dunks and mixed into soil (preventive for pesties) harmless to plants and people (bti bacteria)

I do not test my ppm and do not test my PH and all nutrient's are given with only distilled water....

Here are photo's for day 40 veg

Lights are running at 18/6 but set to replicate the color shift of the sun...
my 400w MH fires at 7am...then on comes the 600wHPS at MH goes off at 12am and the HPS shuts off at 1am...

This is done to replicate the color shift of the sun from blue to full to red throughout the day... I will be running both full in flower but for now I will keep it as is..



Well-Known Member
Thanks...strain's were planned out ahead of time due to there growth fitting them should be no problem. Last grow I did the same setup which achieved unbelievable results...thanks for the support!!!


Active Member
:dunce: Duh, I just found your thread, read it, and you've answered all my questions....ahhh well I got a few new one's but clarity has left the room and I'll get back withcha when she shows up again, haha!:bigjoint:
Hey Icemud,
Nice strains you have going there. We must have the same connection for clones. I have grown out University Hills Og, Og 101, and Holy Grail and they all kick ass. You should try his Chocolope cut as well. It's fire! Good luck on your grow brother. RZ


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for tuning in to my 2nd grow...this one should be even better than the 1st if everything goes as planned!!

Raider...I get my clones from Socaldam Genetics and so far have been happy both times....The University Hill's OG kicked ass and the Chem band was even better...less in the flavor department, but way more in the get you Fubar I would definitly recommend the Chemband... Can't wait to see how these holy grail's turn out.... the Kali Kandi I am growing is a OG x Chocolope cross so I'm excited to see how it turns far seems to have more of a OG smell with a minor undertone of chocolate....hope I get more chocolope traits come flower!!

Thanks mike for stopping thru!!


Well-Known Member
Today is Day 42 of veg and things are really going well...Besides keeping this small fungus gnat infestation at bay with BTi and a neem/peppermint/habenero spray, and yellow sticky cards I feel that I am winning the The screen is just starting to fill up so I imagine that within the next 2 weeks or so I should be going to 12/12, but really all depends on how fast the screen fills up. I checked the moisture today of the soil and it is still pretty damp, so it will be at least another 2 days until I give them there next feeding, maybe more. I really want to force minor stress with underwatering so the roots can really sprall as well as the fungus gnat infestation will die off...

Here are today's photo's



Well-Known Member
Nice;) have you considered a circular cut out over each pot for a few weeks it will kill them fast... I use felt for my smart pots and water below it !


Active Member
Now that I'm below grade I got bugs too! And since its getting cold they are moving in. Got to go get some strips, spray, neem oil spray or somthing. Shit is workin my nerves.


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone, Happy Halloween!!!

It's been a few days since I last posted but things are getting pretty full on my screen. Should be less than 3 weeks before 12/12 but really depends on how fast my sides fill up...

I fed my ladies about 4 day's ago and gave them a full nutrient regiment, minus the BioRoot and BioWeed by general organics. I also ran out of Earth Juice Bloom so there was none added in the last feeding... Fungus gnats are pretty much under control with the mix of my natural spray (neem oil, peppermint tea, habenero sauce, 2 ciggerettes) as well as my use of yellow sticky card's for the adults and mosquito dunks *(BTi) for the larvae.... I also used my clothes steamer to cover the top 2" of soil and roast any pestiez that were hiding in there....Since then (about 3 day's ago) I have not seen one adult or any larvae...

Will be mixing up a batch of feeding soon, probably in the next day or 2...soil seems to be fairly moist still so I am going to wait before feeding again until it is almost completely dry...And should be a full feeding again...

Other than that, daily I have been training the ladies, as soon as 3" grows up over the screen, their tucked back under and with this practice, many new shoot's have been forming under the main tops...!!! My OG101's have finally reached thru the screen and I am only waiting on my XJ-13 to stretch up as well so I can begin her training.

Here are the photo's for today, Day 47...Oct 31st...Happy Halloween!!!DSC02980.jpgDSC02974.jpgDSC02979.jpgDSC02978.jpgDSC02977.jpgDSC02981.jpgDSC02975.jpgDSC02976.jpg
Nice update. The screen/canopy is filling out well and the plants look very happy. Yep - I get my clones from Socaldam as well. J hooks me up with the dank clones! Thanks for that tip. Next time I call Socaldam I'm getting the XJ13 and ChemBand. Very nice setup - do you have any target harvest goal in mind as far as weight?


Well-Known Member
Nice update. The screen/canopy is filling out well and the plants look very happy. Yep - I get my clones from Socaldam as well. J hooks me up with the dank clones! Thanks for that tip. Next time I call Socaldam I'm getting the XJ13 and ChemBand. Very nice setup - do you have any target harvest goal in mind as far as weight?
Yeah so far I'm real happy with there clones, this is my 2nd run...1st run 3 strains...University Hills OG, Chem Band, Blue Dragon brought in a little over 1 1/4 lbs dried and cured...out of the same setup.... I was using 2 gallon plastics transplanted to 5 gallon ones last time, this time im using smartpots with added Myco Maximum and 100% organic...last time I was killing off a good percentage of my microbes with my botanicare cal I expect somewhere around the same, hopefully more this round... :)

There university Hills og also was really dank...tastiest og ive had in a while!!


Well-Known Member
Day 49 Veg..... Yesterday mixed up a nutrient batch and fed the girls...

Mixed 4 gallons of distilled water with:
100ml EJ grow
40ml EJ micro
20ml EJ meta K
30ml of EJ catalyst

Advanced Nutr:
Rhino Skin 10ml
H2 humic acid 40ml
F1 fulvic acid 30ml
Liquid carbo load 10ml

General Organics:
Bio Weed 5ml
Bio Root 40ml
Cal/Mag 40ml

1TBSP unsulfured organic molassus

Today after a good feeding the ladies have perked up quite a bit and grew well over 1" overnight. MY Scrog screen is really filling out and should be less than 2 weeks away from 12/12...

Enjoy the pics...



Well-Known Member
Day 50 veg.....

At this time there is not much to report...Still see a few fungus gnat's flying around but the soil is virtually free of larvae, so the BTi must be working well. I steamed the top 2" of soil on all 6 plants to help kill any larvae/eggs that may still be in the soil, as well as pulled any dead leaves from below the canopy. I also re-trained a lot of the branches to increase the amount of tops I will have before flowering...

Things are really looking good though and shouldn't be long before I switch to 12/12....I am thinking at the rate they are going, most likely about a week away, but still waiting on the slow developing XJ-13, which is a sativa.

Other than a little clean up/pruing and preventive measures for pests, not much was done today. I also stopped by the hydro store and picked up some more Earthjuice Bloom which I have been out of the past 2 feedings so now I am ready for flowering...

I can't believe how many tops this time around...way more than last time around at this same amount of time in far doing better than lasast time, hopefully in the end it will be at least the same and hopefully better!! DSC03009.jpgDSC03004.jpgDSC03010.jpgDSC03002.jpgDSC03011.jpgDSC03005.jpgDSC03007.jpgDSC03003.jpgDSC03006.jpgDSC03012.jpgDSC03008.jpg


Active Member
When are you going to thin out the under foilage or do you?

I Love smart posts also but isnt a lot of what you added to your soil already in the Happy Frog and the Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil mixes? Have you done this before successfully and if you have how many parts of each did you mix in and how do you keep from burning your plants when you add nutes to the water. Matter fact do you add any nutes at all since your putting all that into the soil?
  1. I love the simulating actual sunlight as it changes during the course of the day. But where did you get the info from about blue in the morning etc. etc.? Also, that really ties in with being as organic as possible. Gonna do some digging on this but isnt that why one would have a ballast thats hmmm, dimmable?
  2. I see your using a lot of organic materials. Seriously and i know this may sound odd but its a problem for me. But serious does it stink? I want to go organic but if it stinks up the house anymore than I am already my old ladies gonna lock me in the grow room with all my shit and never let me out! Fuck it I fig after 31 years and now this she aint gonna get rid my old azz, LoL. But she will make a brotha miserable if the house starts smelling like weed and shit! :lol:
  3. I know I done ask a lot of questions but hey I read this before I got high right after I ate dinner so lets just say I've had a moment of clarity.
  4. Lastly, lets get fucked up and figure this shit out! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
When are you going to thin out the under foilage or do you?
Hey Bigbudz..thanks for stopping thru...I was debating that myself...(lollypopping) and I think I am going to give the ladies another week to veg and sometime within this next week I will be taking clones from the lower branches/ as well as lollypopping the remaining undercover. I generally do not like to defoliate more than 3x within the total lifecycle so I most likely will do one within the next week...A heavy defoliation around week 3-4 flower, and then another one around day 40 flower.

As far as your other questions I thought I answered them but looking back I must not have...sorry bro...

1... Great question and I wish I had the link's for where I read this.... My other computer that crashed had all of my grow link's saved so I would have to search for the answers about the daily sun color shift.... I believe I found it when researching the benefits of UV-B lighting on trichome formation. I will look and try to find the link for you. I have been debating this method though after further reading into light coloration and photosynthesis boosting. It seems that red light will start the process of photosynthesis much quicker than blue light...(by about 2 hours) and that IR light actually acts as a (boost) for chlorophyll production.... So I have been debating to change over to a RED---DUAL LIGHTING--RED day instead but still have more research to do in this area..

2... The smell...well yeah the Earthjuice Grow/Catalyst/Bloom all smell like "shiz" out of the bottle, but when mixed into my 5 gallon bucket with other nutrients and airated for a half hour or so the smell isn't really that I also am only mixing about 5 gallons of nutrients per feeding (not a large scale grow op) so I could imagine that with a larger nutrient mix the smell could get pretty bad...but so far, its really not that noticable and I use my nutrient mixes within the hour of mixing them up....
I also use ONA gel jars around my grow room and picked up some cheap air fresheners at the dollar store and placed them around the the smell is masked prettty well...

Sorry for not getting back to you right away.....thought I did but now that I look back I probably was high and :)


Well-Known Member
Today is Day 53 of Veg....Man am I tempted to flip to 12/12 but I still think I should wait another few days to make sure all the ladies are at least 24" tall and have at least reached the screen in multiple spots. My XJ-13 is the one that is taking the longest to grow, even though it looks super healthy, It seems that this mostly sativa strain is much slower than its indica cousins...

Today I checked the soil with my moisture probe and the ladies were ready to feed the holy grail og's seem to be sucking up a ton of water...about every 3-4 days they are in need of water....

Mixed up 4 1/2 gallons of distilled water with:
(mixed at mostly bloom regiment/but bumped up the grow/nitrogen does too just to give it an extra boost this next week, as well as allowing plenty of N to work it's way into the soil.

Distilled water mixed with:

Grow 120ml
bloom 60ml
metak 20ml
micro 40ml
catalyst 40ml

Advanced Nutrients:
H2 humic acid 50ml
F1 fulvic acid 30ml
liquid carboload (none this feeding))
rhino skin (silican) 12ml

General Organics:
BioWeed (none)
BioRoot (none)
Cal/Mag: 50ml

1TBSP Organic Unsulfered Molassass

Can't wait to set these babies into flower..... I looked at my last journal and I am at the same point I was when I flipped 12/12 last time....

Some questions maybe you guys/girls could help me with...

Is it best to go 12/12 with the soil dry or freshly watered?

Is there really a noticable difference between giving 24-48 hours of dark before the 12/12 flip? Or is it OK just to flip the lights without a dark period??
(last grow I gave no dark period and had preflowers within 5 days..)

Is there any bloom additives/stimulators that are organic and make a significant difference...?

Do most of you feed with "cold pressed seaweed" just in veg or do you use all the way thru flower?

Would appreciate any input in these areas...



Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone!! Today is the Day were things will really start to get interesting... I decided that today, Nov 8th will be my first day of flower/last day of veg....

I switched my girls off at 12 hours today and have been running both lights at 400w's...and about a week ago I switched to running 2 HPS Ushio Optired bulbs. I wanted to swap out the MH for a few weeks to really encourage stretch in my tent with the additional red lighting. Since the feeding the other day the girls were already about 1/2 dry so I decided to mix up a light nutrient batch to give them a little boost into flowering.

I mixed up 3 gallons of distilled water with:

Grow 60ml
Bloom 45ml
Catalyst 30ml

Advanced Nutrients:
Liquid carboload 12ml
H2 humic acid 40ml
F1 fulvic acid 50ml
Rhino Skin 10ml

General Organics:
Cal/Mag 30ml
BioWeed 15ml

2TBSP molassas
about 30ml of Naked Fruit smoothy *blueberry one)

This was bubbled for about 15 minutes and then added to the plants...

So far the grow is looking great, I measured the soil ph today with my probe, pre watering, and the soil was sitting at around 6.5 to 6.7 in all pots and couldn't be happier for never PH adjusting or even checking for that matter

I love organics!!

My fungus gnats are completely gone the Mosquito Dunk's *BTi and HomeMade spray (hot peppers, cigarette, peppermint tea, neem) worked!! along with my Hot steamer method!!!

So far things are going well, looking back at my past grow the plant's are much healthier and larger than before so hopefully I will have even bettter results in the end!!

My lighting now will be on a 12/12 cycle and for the first 2 weeks I will be running my lights at one 400w Ushio HPS Optired, and one 600w Ushio HPS optired, (running at 400w). After 2 weeks or I see solid bud development on all plant's I will be flipping back and forth between my HPS 400w and my MH 400w Ushio opti well as bumping up my digital ballast to 600w's with the Ushio OptiRed..

Here are the photo's for last day of veg....*short 12 hour light day...DSC03037.jpgDSC03038.jpgDSC03035.jpgDSC03036.jpgDSC03039.jpgDSC03040.jpg


Well-Known Member
Today is Day 1 of Flowering, 11-9-11.... The ladies last night received a good 12 hours of dark to start there cycle for flowering. I did not give a 24 hour dark period because last round/grow I did not and things went well, So I decided to do the same this round and put them right into the flowering cycle.

Currently I am running a 400w Ushio HPS, with a 600w Ushio HPS (running at 400w) and will continue to use the dual HPS setup until the stretch is over and pre-flower's begin to form. I chose to do this because red light helps create more stretch than MH and I want these ladies to really stretch up as far as possible before I see preflowers,,,,,bigger base to grow on, bigger buds!!!

Upon seeing preflowers I will be switching my 400w HPS to 600W as well as exchanging out the 400w HPS with a 400w MH for increased UV-B production, which will aid in trichome formation.

Other than the above, not much is to be done today...

On to the photo's, seems as if the ladies have already responded to the 12/12 and have begun the stretch, growing a good 1-2 inches over night...

Holy Grail OG (middle), OG101 (front right and front left), XJ-13 (back left), Kali Kandi (back Right)DSC03044.jpgDSC03041.jpgDSC03042.jpgDSC03043.jpgDSC03045.jpg