Hey everyone...sorry I didn't find the time today to snap any photo's of the ladies but there looking really good. I took a trip to the hydro store today to pick up some things I was missing so I got a few familiar things as well as some new products...
Added to my regiment is Advanced Nutrients Organic B which upon much looking around I only found one other product that was thrive alive B green which was organic, so I decided to go with the AN brand because it is not just B1 but also the other important B vitamin's for MMJ.
I also picked up some more Advanced nutrients LiquidCarboload which seemed really to help aid in promising results last grow, havent done a A/B comparison, but it worked last time, so I'm sticking with it...I know that adding Molasses is virtually the same, however, I figured I would switch it up and try different combos of both to see what works best...
I also picked up another bottle of Hygrozyme because after reading much convincing evidence about the importance of amino's and enzymes in soil, and with nutrient uptake, I decided that accelerating this process and making more available for my plants to uptake, definitely cant hurt...again, another Organic product developed by fermentation...
Mixed up in 5 gallons of distilled water....starting ppm 4 7.6ph...
Added in:
Grow 90ml reduced from normal 150ml for 5 gallons, starting to slope down N
Bloom 60ml
Micro 25ml..
Catalyst 40ml
MetaK 15ml
Advanced Nutrients:
Liquid carboload 15ml
H2 Humic Acid 60ml
F1 fulvic acid 30ml
Organic B.. 50ml
1TBSP of organic molasses..
.ph was still very low but my girls were thirsty and really needed a feeding today, so decided to trust my organics and feed them with a low ph...
Added to my mix 60ml of General Organics Cal/mag
and 40ml of Hygrozyme and fed the girls...
Also trimmed off a majority of the yellowing nitrogen deprived leafs as well as any larger fan's covering bud sites...
Other than that not much was needed to be done today...
Here are the photo's..