Organic vs Chemical Nutes

j johnson

New Member
As I have been planning my guerilla grow in a outdoor forest, I am debating if I should use organic or chemical Nutes. Since it is in the wild/canopy I am worried that a nutrient line like bio biz or dr Earth would attract a ton of bugs/insects.

The first grow I ever did I put some babies in a cup outdoors in Fox farms ocean forest and it was swamped by ants/critters in a few days. Which is why I am always weary of growing in heavy fish/bone/blood meals ect out in the wild.

I have prepared a simple soiless mix with peat, perlite, verm and lime for a buffer, nice and simple as I have had success with it indoors. But I am new to GG. Due to security reasons I can only visit my plot so often and I am using water crystals. I am afraid that if I use the GH line of chemical nutes that I have from my indoor grows that the crystals will suck up all the salt/ chemicals and store them long term creating a terrible taste or other problems.

Anybody have a suggestion?


Well-Known Member
Chemical nutrients change the soil structure over time making less spongy so it will hold less water, and therefor need water lugged out to it more often. Soil full of organic matter will retain its moisture better and produce plants better able to withstand pests. You are right to avoid things like molasses and bone meal for a gorilla grow. Bat guano, alfalfa, and kelp are reliable gorilla grow nutrients the NPK and trace nutrients pretty thoroughly.


Well-Known Member
As I have been planning my guerilla grow in a outdoor forest, I am debating if I should use organic or chemical Nutes. Since it is in the wild/canopy I am worried that a nutrient line like bio biz or dr Earth would attract a ton of bugs/insects.

The first grow I ever did I put some babies in a cup outdoors in Fox farms ocean forest and it was swamped by ants/critters in a few days. Which is why I am always weary of growing in heavy fish/bone/blood meals ect out in the wild.

I have prepared a simple soiless mix with peat, perlite, verm and lime for a buffer, nice and simple as I have had success with it indoors. But I am new to GG. Due to security reasons I can only visit my plot so often and I am using water crystals. I am afraid that if I use the GH line of chemical nutes that I have from my indoor grows that the crystals will suck up all the salt/ chemicals and store them long term creating a terrible taste or other problems.

Anybody have a suggestion?

Are you growing in fabric pots?

The other part of your concern really depends on what you need your end product to be. If you or your patients want an organic end product, then an organic regimen is for you.

If you're going the chemical route, keep your EC on the lower range (1.6 to 1.7) during flower and feed every time. The last week or 2 (depending on how many weeks you flower) you will want to 70% reduction in EC (.4-.5 EC) for a solid finish.

Do this and you'll be happy with the results.

Good luck!