Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

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But back to organic vs chem will always be a debate and eventually through studies proven to be not anything better or better for your health
Differences in bacterial contamination organic vs chem are similar. There were no differences seen in E. coli contamination. There was a 33% greater chance of isolated a multi-antibiotic resistance bacteria on conventional produce, but no evidence this translates into a health risk. Again – even if we assume a difference in health risk (something not demonstrated by the data) this can be remedied by thorough washing.
also something to consider is
The alleged superiority of organically grown produce is a separate question. In a 2003 survey 68.9% of people who purchase organic food said they did so because they believed it to be healthier (more than any other reason given). However, fifty years of research has so far not produced convincing evidence that there is any health benefit to consuming organic food. Likewise, systematic reviews of nutritional quality of organic produce also reveals no difference from conventional produce.

The recent review is therefore in agreement with previous reviews – organic produce is not more nutritious or healthful, but it is more expensive.

Some studies that find small differences in the content of specific nutrients may be due to confounding factors. For example, organic produce is generally smaller than conventional produce, so if nutrient content is measured by mass (as opposed to the total for an individual vegetable or piece of fruit) organic produce may have a slightly higher concentration. This does not necessarily translate to more overall nutrients for the consumer. Further, many studies measure multiple endpoints (nutrients) and find some differences, but may not be properly accounting for multiple analyses. The researchers in the recent study found that results were “heterogeneous” – meaning that there were significant differences in outcome among the studies. This could indicate a lack of replicability of specific outcomes, indicating that differences were more artifacts of method rather than genuine.


The recent review of organic vs conventional produce agrees with previous systematic reviews that there is insufficient evidence to conclude that organic produce is healthier or more nutritious that conventional produce. Despite the scientific evidence, the alleged health benefits of organic produce is the number one reason given by consumers for buying organic. This likely represents the triumph of marketing over scientific reality.
I call bullshit on your studies, and even if right, why not talk about the increase rate of obesity, cancer and other diseases that are being linked to our food and water and chemical agriculture. Why not link the dissappearing of bees to agriculture pesticides? You don't becquse you fail to make the connection between indoor synthetics and outdoor synthetics.
Fuck your bs Monsanto sponsored sources.

And yes, I do acknowledge lack of support towards organics and synthetic debate, but hey, that's my opinion and thousands of others that know their shit.
That's why I mentioned I never had a good hydro, you can trick any other stoner, but not me, not hyroot, and numerous other heads I know that can tell the difference. You say bad harvest or drying? You say no difference between organic food and synthetic gmo food? You even go all out and diss a community of Led growers that are much much smarter then you will ever be.

ahahhahaha ok, go eat a McDonald's burger and call it gourmet
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The spread is not enough, this pic is about 3 weeks old, they are getting almost to big lol.
They are a mixture of critcal kush. Durango og, and king Louie og. 40
Got the fountain from a old neighbor of mine
Soil was made by myself, probley about year ago, just re-amend with neem, kelp, fish, crab and oyster
exactly my mix for flowering! just missing the dolomite. fucking works great lol
I call bullshit on your studies, and even if right, why not talk about the increase rate of obesity, cancer and other diseases that are being linked to our food and water and chemical agriculture. Why not link the dissappearing of bees to agriculture pesticides? You don't becquse you fail to make the connection between indoor synthetics and outdoor synthetics.
Fuck your bs Monsanto sponsored sources.

And yes, I do acknowledge lack of support towards organics and synthetic debate, but hey, that's my opinion and thousands of others that know their shit.
That's why I mentioned I never had a good hydro, you can trick any other stoner, but not me, not hyroot, and numerous other heads I know that can tell the difference. You say bad harvest or drying? You say no difference between organic food and synthetic gmo food? You even go all out and diss a community of Led growers that are much much smarter then you will ever be.

ahahhahaha ok, go eat a McDonald's burger and call it gourmet
Dude!!! Your getting too worked up in here. Its ok to disagree with a study, thats why were all in here posting. But hurting feelings is badddd bro. Id be crying already if that was towards me. This is a good thread believe it or not, even with all the douche bag calling. Years down the road some one will read this thread and be able to make their own decision on gardening and a thread like this is helpful for that.
I call bullshit on your studies, and even if right, why not talk about the increase rate of obesity, cancer and other diseases that are being linked to our food and water and chemical agriculture. Why not link the dissappearing of bees to agriculture pesticides? You don't becquse you fail to make the connection between indoor synthetics and outdoor synthetics.
Fuck your bs Monsanto sponsored sources.

And yes, I do acknowledge lack of support towards organics and synthetic debate, but hey, that's my opinion and thousands of others that know their shit.
That's why I mentioned I never had a good hydro, you can trick any other stoner, but not me, not hyroot, and numerous other heads I know that can tell the difference. You say bad harvest or drying? You say no difference between organic food and synthetic gmo food? You even go all out and diss a community of Led growers that are much much smarter then you will ever be.

ahahhahaha ok, go eat a McDonald's burger and call it gourmet

Take the example of Rotenone. Rotenone was widely used in the US as an organic pesticide for decades 3. Because it is natural in origin, occurring in the roots and stems of a small number of subtropical plants, it was considered “safe” as well as “organic“. However, research has shown that rotenone is highly dangerous because it kills by attacking the mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of all living cells. Research found that exposure to rotenone caused Parkinson’s Disease-like symptoms in rats 4, and killed many species, including humans. Rotenone’s use as a pesticide has already been discontinued in the US as of 2005 due to health concerns, but shockingly, it’s still poured into our waters every year because it is approved for fisheries management use as a piscicide to remove unwanted fish species. The point I’m driving home here is that just because something is natural doesn’t make it non-toxic or safe. Many bacteria, fungi and plants produce poisons, toxins and chemicals that you wouldn’t want sprayed on your food.

Just this year, nearly half of the pesticides that are currently approved for use by organic farmers in Europe failed to pass the European Union’s safety evaluation that is required by law 5. Among the chemicals failing the test was rotenone, as it has yet to be banned in Europe. Furthermore, just over 1% of organic foods produced in 2007 that were tested by the European Food Safety Authority were found to contain pesticide levels above the legal maximum levels – and these are of pesticides that are not organic 6. Similarly, when Consumer Reports purchased a thousand pounds of tomatoes, peaches, green bell peppers, and apples in five cities and tested them for more than 300 synthetic pesticides, they found traces of them in 25% of the organically-labeled foods, but between all of the organic and non-organic foods tested, only one sample of each exceeded the federal limits 8. The scary truth is that you’re exposed to bad chemicals every day when you drink water out of a plastic bottle
But, there is another problem: even those organic farms which really do use less or no pesticides aren’t necessarily producing food that is free from harmful things. Between 1990 and 2001, over 10,000 people fell ill due to foods contaminated with pathogens like E. coli. One study found E. coli in produce from almost 10% of organic farms samples, but only 2% of conventional ones 9. The same study also found Salmonella only in samples from organic farms, though at a low prevalence rate. The reason for the higher pathogen prevalence is likely due to the use of manure instead of artificial fertilizers. Many pathogens are spread through fecal contamination. Conventional farms often use manure, too, but they use irradiation and a full array of anti-microbial agents, and without those, organic foods run a higher risk of containing something that will make a person sick.

In the end, it really depends on exactly what methods are used by crop producers.Both organic and conventional farms vary widely in this respect
Just recently, an independent research project in the UK systematically reviewed the 162 articles on organic versus non-organic crops published in peer-reviewed journals between 1958 and 2008 10. These contained a total of 3558 comparisons of content of nutrients and other substances in organically and conventionally produced foods. They found absolutely no evidence for any differences in content of over 15 different nutrients including vitamin C, β-carotene, and calcium. There were some differences, though; conventional crops had higher nitrogen levels, while organic ones had higher phosphorus and acidity – none of which factor in much to nutritional quality. Further analysis of similar studies on livestock products like meat, dairy, and eggs also found few differences in nutritional content. Organic foods did, however, have higher levels of overall fats, particularly trans fats. So if anything, the organic livestock products were found to be worse for us (though, to be fair, barely).

“This is great news for consumers. It proves that the 98% of food we consume, which is produced by technologically advanced agriculture, is equally nutritious to the less than 2% derived from what is commonly referred to as the ‘organic’ market,” said Fredhelm Schmider, the Director General of the European Crop Protection Association said in a press release about the findings11.

Simply put by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority, “there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that organic food in general is more or less safe or nutritious than conventionally produced foods” 12.

Furthermore, while up to 43% of organic consumers buy organic foods because they believe they “taste better” than conventionally produced crops, studies have found that people can’t tell the difference between the two in blind taste tests​
yet you don't undersrtand any of what you read. every thing you copy and paste darth supporst what I've been saying..

ecoli and samonilla has nothing to do with nutrients organic and inogranic. that has to do with cleanliness and poor farming.. every time that happened. those foods were recalled. and it went out all over the news. Apparently you are too young to remember those..

fyi using my comment as your sig makes you look smart. I know you are trying to be ironic. it back fired on you. so go ahead and use it. its all true and you'll help spread the word. so good job buddy.

just type health risks of consuming chemical grown foods .edu / oxford journals. and you will find hundreds of studies on the subject. or end with university of missourri or washington or boston U
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read the whole thing the stanford one said

"There were no long-term studies of health outcomes of people consuming organic versus conventionally produced food; the duration of the studies involving human subjects ranged from two days to two years."

There are long term studies of people getting metal poisoning , cancer, brain damage, als, etc... My dad died of als 10 years ago. We have been looking into this for a long time..

the 2nd article was sponsored. Steven Novella the author has no credibility in the medical community.

You need to research the background of articles too. bibliography so to speak.
read the whole thing the stanford one said

"There were no long-term studies of health outcomes of people consuming organic versus conventionally produced food; the duration of the studies involving human subjects ranged from two days to two years."

There are long term studies of people getting metal poisoning , cancer, brain damage, als, etc... My dad died of als 10 years ago. We have been looking into this for a long time..

the 2nd article was sponsored. Steven Novella the author has no credibility in the medical community.

You need to research the background of articles too. bibliography so to speak.
He has no credibility because YOU say so?
also, from the stanford study

What I learned is there’s a lot of variation between farming practices,” said Smith-Spangler. “It appears there are a lot of different factors that are important in predicting nutritional quality and harms.”
My personal belief is that organic weed produces a cleaner high than weed grown with synthetic (salt based) nutrients, all else equal. My belief is of course biased by my preference for organic growing techniques so I'm wondering what others think?

I'm defining a clean high as leaving you feeling good on all fronts while you are high and as you come down. No anxiety, no headaches, no undesired side effects. I'm not speaking to flavor or smoothness of smoke, just the high.
really depends of how u grow it and what aditives u use ;)
He has no credibility because YOU say so?
also, from the stanford study

What I learned is there’s a lot of variation between farming practices,” said Smith-Spangler. “It appears there are a lot of different factors that are important in predicting nutritional quality and harms.”

do a search on the author and you will see how he was shunned from the medical community.

are you really that insecure that you have to argue everything. Everytime you are wrong and clueless.

you argued about brix levels forever before. That's proven. Uts a major part of producing wine.

you call bullahit on everything and copy and paste memes or articles you never read

fyi those were articles not studies...
do a search on the author and you will see how he was shunned from the medical community.

are you really that insecure that you have to argue everything. Everytime you are wrong and clueless.

you argued about brix levels forever before. That's proven. Uts a major part of producing wine.

you call bullahit on everything and copy and paste memes or articles you never read

fyi those were articles not studies...
you just can't stand when someone questions your high horse views. Sorry if I rub you wrong, but I don't just buy BS because Hyroot posted a "study". I can post studies that say otherwise all day long. So, it is YOU that thinks he is never wrong, I'm just the guy that always points it out and that makes you angry

and it even says STUDY in the freakin title

Little evidence of health benefits from organic foods, study finds
you just can't stand when someone questions your high horse views. Sorry if I rub you wrong, but I don't just buy BS because Hyroot posted a "study". I can post studies that say otherwise all day long. So, it is YOU that thinks he is never wrong, I'm just the guy that always points it out and that makes you angry

and it even says STUDY in the freakin title

Little evidence of health benefits from organic foods, study finds

so you base your findings on a title without reading it or doing any background research. That explains your idiocracy

the thing is you are probably in your earl 20's. . I'm in my 30's. I'm well educated. I've been growing since 1996. I have a lot of experience.

instead of having a civil discussion. You start with name calling and saying bullshit with out backing anything up. I have had these same discussion / arguments so many times even with the same people. And show them proof of what I learned.. I already went through the same thing with hydrom and he's back at it again. I'm done proving myself. If you want to see proof dig for it yourself. Otherwise shut the fuck up and stop your half assert bullshit

I've experiments probably more than any grower on riu and read thousands of pages on university studies and abstracts. Published and unpublished. So much trail and error. Yet you the internet troll has zero anything to contribute. Sad really.
the thing is you are probably in your earl 20's. . I'm in my 30's. I'm well educated. I've been growing since 1996. I have a lot of experience.

instead of having a civil discussion. You start with name calling and saying bullshit with out backing anything up. I have had these same discussion / arguments so many times even with the same people. And show them proof of what I learned..

I've experiments probably more than any grower on riu and read thousands of pages on university studies and abstracts. Published and unpublished. So much trail and error. Yet you the internet troll has zero anything to contribute. Sad really.

so you base your findings on a title without reading it or doing any background research. That explains tour idiocracy

the thing is you are probably in your earl 20's. . I'm in my 30's. I'm well educated. I've been growing since 1996. I have a lot of experience.

instead of having a civil discussion. You start with name calling and saying bullshit with out backing anything up. I have had these same discussion / arguments so many times even with the same people. And show them proof of what I learned.. I already went through the same thing with hydrom and he's back at it again. I'm done proving myself. If you want to see proof dig for it yourself. Otherwise shut the fuck up and stop your half assert bullshit

I've experiments probably more than any grower on riu and read thousands of pages on university studies and abstracts. Published and unpublished. So much trail and error. Yet you the internet troll has zero anything to contribute. Sad really.
People like this are never wrong and know everything. They know more then anyone. Sad really.
so you base your findings on a title without reading it or doing any background research. That explains your idiocracy

the thing is you are probably in your earl 20's. . I'm in my 30's. I'm well educated. I've been growing since 1996. I have a lot of experience.

instead of having a civil discussion. You start with name calling and saying bullshit with out backing anything up. I have had these same discussion / arguments so many times even with the same people. And show them proof of what I learned.. I already went through the same thing with hydrom and he's back at it again. I'm done proving myself. If you want to see proof dig for it yourself. Otherwise shut the fuck up and stop your half assert bullshit

I've experiments probably more than any grower on riu and read thousands of pages on university studies and abstracts. Published and unpublished. So much trail and error. Yet you the internet troll has zero anything to contribute. Sad really.
just turned 48 junior, and Like I said, I can post conflicting studies to yours all day, doesn't make you right all the time.
hey sunny please lock this thread. I'm done with these trolls. They have nothing positive to contribute. They just instigate b.s.
just turned 48 junior, and Like I said, I can post conflicting studies to yours all day, doesn't make you right all the time.

do you have down syndrome or some sort of mental illness. I've never met someone of that age that conducts himself like a little kid such as you do.
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