Organics ARE chemicals

chemical yes, but not synthetic chemicals. take a course in chemistry mr. know it all, organic compounds vary from their synthetic counter parts significantly even if the elements involved are the same. synthetic chemicals may also contain toxic byproducts (no matter how trace they are) and other undesirable molecules that don't exist [in that concentration] in nature. whether or not these chemical differences manifest in marijuana is yet to be determined on many levels.

plenty of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have been banned over the years because of their affect on humans and the environment. i had an old grower (guy thats been doing it since the 80s at least) preach to me for months about how i gotta use nothing but malathion to get rid of bugs because it works great and isn't harmful. it's a banned chemical and has been linked to certain disorders like ADHD.

i'm no snob when it comes to organics vs chemicals, i've seen good and bad examples of both, organic gardeners typically are more careful with their gardens then your average chemical grower so I feel like the quality shows that in many ways. also, it's not just the look/smell/taste of the finished product, especially when you're talking about sick patients, it's also the trace elements and compounds that are being added that may have a negative affect.
chemical yes, but not synthetic chemicals. take a course in chemistry mr. know it all, organic compounds vary from their synthetic counter parts significantly even if the elements involved are the same. synthetic chemicals may also contain toxic byproducts (no matter how trace they are) and other undesirable molecules that don't exist [in that concentration] in nature. whether or not these chemical differences manifest in marijuana is yet to be determined on many levels.

plenty of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have been banned over the years because of their affect on humans and the environment. i had an old grower (guy thats been doing it since the 80s at least) preach to me for months about how i gotta use nothing but malathion to get rid of bugs because it works great and isn't harmful. it's a banned chemical and has been linked to certain disorders like ADHD.

i'm no snob when it comes to organics vs chemicals, i've seen good and bad examples of both, organic gardeners typically are more careful with their gardens then your average chemical grower so I feel like the quality shows that in many ways. also, it's not just the look/smell/taste of the finished product, especially when you're talking about sick patients, it's also the trace elements and compounds that are being added that may have a negative affect.

that said, growing in plastic containers probably defeats the purpose of doing organics
chemical yes, but not synthetic chemicals. take a course in chemistry mr. know it all, organic compounds vary from their synthetic counter parts significantly even if the elements involved are the same. synthetic chemicals may also contain toxic byproducts (no matter how trace they are) and other undesirable molecules that don't exist [in that concentration] in nature. whether or not these chemical differences manifest in marijuana is yet to be determined on many levels.

plenty of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have been banned over the years because of their affect on humans and the environment. i had an old grower (guy thats been doing it since the 80s at least) preach to me for months about how i gotta use nothing but malathion to get rid of bugs because it works great and isn't harmful. it's a banned chemical and has been linked to certain disorders like ADHD.

i'm no snob when it comes to organics vs chemicals, i've seen good and bad examples of both, organic gardeners typically are more careful with their gardens then your average chemical grower so I feel like the quality shows that in many ways. also, it's not just the look/smell/taste of the finished product, especially when you're talking about sick patients, it's also the trace elements and compounds that are being added that may have a negative affect.
ok "mr. knowitall.":roll:
that said, growing in plastic containers probably defeats the purpose of doing organics

Thats why we use ROOT POTS :-o

Cant we all just get a long and say that we are all too high and nobody in a labcoat has figured out if chems are bad.

So until then lets just say that its a possible risk, but produces similar results, just with a different taste and burn and slight chelation, but flush it well and its all good weed :weed:

Ive done just as good with both, but MEDICALLY speaking, for immune suppressed people- stay on the safe side-stay organic :)

Until we get some adequate proof, lets not say 1 is better or safer than the other, just different. I prefer some strains Hydro and some in Dirt-diff taste with same nutes...
Thats why we use ROOT POTS :-o

Cant we all just get a long and say that we are all too high and nobody in a labcoat has figured out if chems are bad.

So until then lets just say that its a possible risk, but produces similar results, just with a different taste and burn and slight chelation, but flush it well and its all good weed :weed:

Ive done just as good with both, but MEDICALLY speaking, for immune suppressed people- stay on the safe side-stay organic :)

Until we get some adequate proof, lets not say 1 is better or safer than the other, just different. I prefer some strains Hydro and some in Dirt-diff taste with same nutes...
Apparently not.:sad: It would seem that a lot of people can't state their views without an insult or two thrown in...........and some get downright schizo when told their information is incorrect. :shock:
Hey this guy is troling has got so many people to post, so fuck it, chemicals and organics. BESIDES TASTE AND AROMA AND LOOK!!! The chemical nute is well chemical and when being a patient with kids safety is #1 not product. Chemicals when gardening with my family is dangerous. If some nasty as pesticide or nute is swolled or in the eyes that will effect the children. I use organics because i dont have to worry about that at all. BESIDE TASTE AND AROMA. Because he know his synthetic lovin ass can win the debate with out seting guide lines. You can plant a plant in un tuched land meaning nothing not one himan has dug there. That soil is considerd composted top soil wich will feed any plant. No need for chemicals we have mother nature we should have taken advantage of her a long time ago. Why waste it now.
what guy are you referring to

Hey this guy is troling has got so many people to post, so fuck it, chemicals and organics. BESIDES TASTE AND AROMA AND LOOK!!! The chemical nute is well chemical and when being a patient with kids safety is #1 not product. Chemicals when gardening with my family is dangerous. If some nasty as pesticide or nute is swolled or in the eyes that will effect the children. I use organics because i dont have to worry about that at all. BESIDE TASTE AND AROMA. Because he know his synthetic lovin ass can win the debate with out seting guide lines. You can plant a plant in un tuched land meaning nothing not one himan has dug there. That soil is considerd composted top soil wich will feed any plant. No need for chemicals we have mother nature we should have taken advantage of her a long time ago. Why waste it now.
i grow mmj and in the spirit of it being medicine why not grow it the safest way and the way its been growing for 1000's of years. When it comes down to it all the bickering between hydro and organic is a bit uncalled for, we all grow and love the same plant.
i grow mmj and in the spirit of it being medicine why not grow it the safest way and the way its been growing for 1000's of years. When it comes down to it all the bickering between hydro and organic is a bit uncalled for, we all grow and love the same plant.

if we all just stop commenting this thread will fade into obscurity where it belongs. Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.
I didnt think the first post was trollish at all.......what better place to talk about organic then the "organics" thread lol...... I work at a club and i dont taste a difference between orgainc and non organic grown cannibas....I can only tell between outdoor and indoor grown not weather it was chemical nutes or organic nutes... you guys can tell that?? really?
if we all just stop commenting this thread will fade into obscurity where it belongs. Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.Thread over.

*i recommend some people take chemistry 101 over again before posting in this thread... sheesh...

--i 2nd Rize notion ;)
i hate how there is like this line drawn in the sand thats say's your either chemical or organic i like to use both and a lot of are fertlizer companys are starting to catch on to this idea to now and days you see bio stems like seaweed and fulvic acid being add to alot of hydro lines ...i mean chemicaly its all the same but both have there little perks about how bio avable they are ...when i can though i toss in some bat gano or sea weed to my line and my plants love it organics are hard to over apply so on top of my base line there helpfull ..and they give deffernt bactira and fungi stuff to break down and promotes more biological growth in my mediums ...while i still have the safty net of eazy to absorb hydo fertlizer being present
*organics are chems.. true.. since you like pointing out the obvious :) but its also "alive"--"millions of microbes doing specialized things"...shit like that, o yea.. its still "chems" in baseline form....


--yes.. this whole organic hype is here to stay.. :) keep your profits, mother nature can shit on that.. get it? haha

(heres a free pdf if you like reading and stuff..
(Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web)
By Jeff Lowenfels, Wayne Lewis, Elaine Ingham

Whatever....but I don't see how it's supposed to be a money making scam...
I pay way less to mix organic nutes than I do on synthetic nutes. If anything, it's the chemical nutrient market that's trying to capitalize on the sipmplicity of organics. They don't want you to know that you can get the same results or better by paying 1/4 of the price.