Organics For Hydroponics..


Well-Known Member
What are some good Organic nutes that are for hydroponic systems and wont clog it or fuck it up in anyway. something that i can mix with the water and not have to flush it.. only want it for flowering, im not worried about getting a plant big, just pack on alot of hard crystally buds.


Well-Known Member
chemical and organic.

regardless, you still will want to flush....unless you want fertilizer filled buds. they will taste like it as well


Well-Known Member
chemical and organic.

regardless, you still will want to flush....unless you want fertilizer filled buds. they will taste like it as well
that brings my other question
How do you flush a hydroponic system???? i know you flush soil by letting water drain threw for a while but i cant find out how to with hydro


Well-Known Member
What are some good Organic nutes that are for hydroponic systems and wont clog it or fuck it up in anyway. something that i can mix with the water and not have to flush it.. only want it for flowering, im not worried about getting a plant big, just pack on alot of hard crystally buds.
that brings my other question
How do you flush a hydroponic system???? i know you flush soil by letting water drain threw for a while but i cant find out how to with hydro
first of all im using Organic Iguana Juice Grow and Bloom | Advanced Nutrients | Organic Fertilizer in my hydro but im following al bs setup so my last two weeks already flush but this nutrient does not clog hydro systems and is safe for them, you can also use H2o2(peroxide) in it for pathogen control, but as for flushinf you would have to empty your res 2 weeks before your harvest and just use ph adjusted water, the water clears the plant of leftover nutrients and gets nice and clean



Well-Known Member
cmak40, you do realize that your 'organic' benefit bacteria becomes dead once you add the h202.

basically negating what makes organics thrive


Well-Known Member
your probably right for most organics! according to Advanced Nutrients SUPPORT line tho, which i called first to make sure i could use it and they said it was formulated with h2o2 in mind and it does not kill benificial bacteria as long as yopu dont use some of there other products along with it. this nutrient was made for this type of situation(hydro) according to them. im no scientist and cant say for sure but thats what there scientists say. either way im using it but be about 2 months before i can see end product but ill do if it works fuckin A, if not another trial and error in marijuana growing(nothing new rite?) al b kept saying that so i took it upon myself to call a couple supposed ORGANIC nutrient suppliers. advanced nutes support was very thorough but like everyone says they could be saying what i want to hear. anyway ill start a journal in a couple weeks when im further along. good looking LB


Well-Known Member
cmak40, when the network gets fixed, i would like to add you to my network.

im impressed, doing your research and homework taking upon yourself is highly respectable, brings me try and experiment with other 'organic' nutes. Rep for you bro!

i like canna line of nutes. they also have a bio line, im sure you'd like.

keep me posted!

start a journal if you feel comfortable!


Active Member
first of all im using Organic Iguana Juice Grow and Bloom | Advanced Nutrients | Organic Fertilizer in my hydro but im following al bs setup so my last two weeks already flush but this nutrient does not clog hydro systems and is safe for them, you can also use H2o2(peroxide) in it for pathogen control, but as for flushinf you would have to empty your res 2 weeks before your harvest and just use ph adjusted water, the water clears the plant of leftover nutrients and gets nice and clean

!!!!!!!! or i could be wrong; maybe you work for big mike. no big deal


Well-Known Member
What kind of hydro r u using? i only ask bcause if u r using anykind of dwc or ebb&flo, biocanna (BIOCANNA :: The Bio Solution for growth and bloom ::) is the way to go for sure it is a super simple organic line. it consists of 3-4 parts veg-bloom-boost and the optional not part of the bio line but is now organic, rhizotonic. i love the results i been getting in soil.

canna says that the nutes will work in drip and areo but they need to be wider than normal and cleansed after a week or so.


Active Member
I was using Bio-Canna but got tired of PHing, SO....

I am now using Natures Nectar.
Welcome to!

same feeding schedule from seedling, yes seedling, thru flower.
no airstones. got it at the local dro shop.

i still use the cannazym tho.

take a gander.:joint:


Active Member
Can Bio-Canna be used in an ebb and flow hydro system? I would love to do a Veganic (Vegan + organic) hydro grow.


Well-Known Member
!!!!!!!! or i could be wrong; maybe you work for big mike. no big deal
lol that wuld be f-in sweet!
srsly how cool would that b AN kicks ass and 2 get paid 2 go round posting that on board and stuff wuld be cool as hell

get me that job lol

srsly tho, AN does make some cool ass organic stuff
Iguana juice is awesome and best of all imho it dont stink like organic
u cant beat that with a stick